The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2872 I apologize

"Principal Shen, it's not good if this matter gets bigger, look"

A principal who has a good relationship with Shen Wei whispered.

Shen Wei sighed, if he had known this before, why would he commit such a death, there is no way, the person who tied the bell needs to be untied.

Thinking of this, Shen Wei stood up, walked down from the rostrum, and came to the bottom of the ring to face the students.

"Everyone be quiet and listen to me."

Seeing that it was the principal, the students of Tiannan University immediately fell silent, and the students from other schools also followed suit, quietly looking at Principal Shen below.

"I know that everyone is full of doubts about the previous games, but I can tell you responsibly that all the games this time are fair and open, and there is no such thing as counterfeiting. As for the third game you mentioned The fact that our school team members voluntarily conceded defeat in the game was actually a decision made by our team leader and team members after discussion."

Seeing the puzzled eyes of everyone on the stage, Shen Wei paused, and then spoke again.

"We did a lot of analysis work for this game, and roughly estimated the strength of the Southeast University players. Finally, after analysis, the team leader decided to take the risk of giving up the third game to save time as much as possible and win the victory. Something went wrong with the analysis, which led to the pre-existing situation."

"Our Tiannan University team leader and team members are also very sad about this. They also want to win, but this time they are indeed inferior in skills, and they are convinced that they lost, so please don't make some random suspicions, and watch the game carefully. It's the right way."

After finishing speaking, Shen Wei returned to the rostrum and sat down, but his expression was a little unsightly.

This matter should have been explained by the team leader of Tiannan University, but at the moment the team leader is reprimanding Fan Jin, and he can't care about the situation outside, so he, the principal, is involved in the matter.

This team leader is too bad, I will fire him when I go back!

Principal Shen secretly said bitterly.

"What do you think?"

Dongfang Xian leaned on the back of the chair and asked Zhuang Zongshi with a smile, looking very leisurely.

Contrary to Dongfang Xian, Zhuang Zongshi was indeed serious.

"This Du Jun's strength is not as simple as what Ajie said. Although the punch just now looked very ordinary, I vaguely felt that there seemed to be a lone wolf hiding in this guy's body, which made people feel a bit cold."

"No way, President, is this Du Jun stronger than Ye Chen?"

Wang Peijie said in surprise.

"It's not necessarily true. What I just said was just his aura, but his strength is indeed not to be underestimated. I think it is necessary to change the plan."

Dongfang Xian also nodded.

"The analysis is pretty good, but you don't have to worry too much. Just leave the game to me."

Zhuang Zongshi did not refuse. To be honest, he couldn't sit still when he saw Du Jun make a move.

With his strength against Du Jun, it's really hard to say whether he will win or lose.

"Baga! It's really unreasonable. The people of Tiannan University are really rubbish, and they were defeated by that guy. If this was in our country, this guy would have to apologize!"

David Yamaguchi said angrily.

But he didn't notice that his younger brother Dongwei Shankou looked a little ugly.

Does my brother have a brain? Your brother and I were also solved by that guy. If you say that, don't you count me in?

The three of Irene looked at David Yamaguchi and their eyes full of contempt.

This time Southeast University won the competition unexpectedly, which made everyone a little bit embarrassed, but the players from Dongyan University and Columbia University seemed to be influenced by Du Jun, and they basically solved it with one move.

In this way, the semi-finals in the afternoon came to an end quickly, and everyone disbanded and went home to rest, preparing for tomorrow's semi-finals.

But when Ye Chen and others were about to return home, Ye Chen was stopped by Xiao Yin.

"Student Xiao Yin, is there something wrong?"

Looking at Xiao Yin who was blocking the door, Ye Chen felt a little strange.

"You, don't look at you indiscriminately. It's you. I have a few words that I want to talk to you alone."

Xiao Yin pointed at Ye Chen and said.


Hearing this, the expressions of Li Xin's men suddenly became subtle, with an inexplicable smile on their faces.

And Ye Chen felt a few eyes focused on him in an instant, making Ye Chen feel a little chilly.

"Let's talk alone, Ye Chen."

Li Xin smiled strangely.

Ye Chen glanced at Li Xin, then threw his mobile phone to Xiao Xue.

"Sister Xue, listen to the first recording inside, there is a surprise."

Xiao Xue picked up the phone suspiciously and rummaged through it. Li Xin was also a little puzzled. What is this kid doing? How could he involve his wife?

Can't help but get closer curiously.

"Just kick her on the ground and it's over. This woman just can't be used to it, whether it's her own or someone else's, otherwise it's easy to kick her nose and face."

Hearing this, Li Xin, who was originally puzzled, suddenly changed his face. He got up and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

"You guys chat first, I'll take Li Xin to pick up the car."

Xiao Xue smiled at Ye Chen and the others, grabbed Li Xin by the back collar, and dragged him to the parking lot.

Hearing Li Xin's miserable howl gradually fade away until it disappeared, Ye Chen turned around and looked at Xiao Yin again.

"Student Xiao Yin, if you have anything to say, just say it, there are no outsiders here."

Xiao Yin's face turned red.

"No, I can only talk to you alone."

"Then I won't listen, let's go, everyone."

Ye Chen spread his hands and was about to take everyone away.

Seeing this, Xiao Yin shook her silver teeth. Is this guy still a man? He doesn't know how to let him go. He's a girl.

Ye Chen and the others passed Xiao Yin and walked a few steps forward. Wang Yuhan looked back and found that Xiao Yin was still standing there, feeling a little sorry.

"How about Ye Chen, go talk to her first."

Ye Chen's nerves tensed, these words are a bit subtle, what do you mean by "how about I go talk to her"?

With the word "or else", the words are ambiguous.

Seeing that Ye Chen still didn't respond, Wang Yuhan grabbed his arm.

"Go, she seems to be in a hurry."

Ye Chen hesitated for a moment, then turned around and went back to the entrance of the gymnasium.

"Hey classmate Xiao Yin, don't you want to talk to me, you can do it now."

Xiao Yin turned her head, her eyes were slightly red, as if she was about to cry.

Seeing this, Ye Chen was also a little embarrassed, and he didn't do anything outrageous to him, so it seemed a bit inappropriate for him to treat him like this.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen took out a pack of tissues from his pocket and handed one out.

"I'm sorry, I had a bad attitude just now, and I apologize to you."

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