Huzi was shocked and wanted to break free from Irene's hand and rush over, while David Yamaguchi had a vicious smile on his face.

Brother, show off the strength of our Asuka Ryu, let these bumpkins who have never seen the world see what a real samurai is!


There was a muffled sound, and David Yamaguchi's expression changed, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Huzi, Zhang Gan and others who were about to rush up were also stunned.

I saw Dongwei Shankou bowed his waist at this moment, his face was flushed, like a cooked prawn, and the right hand that had attacked Du Jun was hanging limply on the ground.

At the lower part of his abdomen, a foot is imprinted there.

And the owner of this leg is Du Jun who is opposite to Dongwei in Shankou.

Just when Shankou Dongwei was about to slam his fist on Du Jun, Du Jun suddenly raised a leg, like a javelin, aimed at the abdomen of Shankou Dongwei who was rushing over.

Dongwei Yamaguchi may not know what it feels like when a speeding bicycle hits a tree, but now he really feels what it feels like to hit someone's foot.

And I don't know if this kick was intentional by Du Jun, and it happened to hit the bladder of Shankou Dongwei.

Shankou Dongwei had just exercised today and felt a little urgent to urinate before he had time to go to the toilet. Now that Du Jun kicked him down, he felt a stream of heat flow down the river and flow into his shoes.

A sharp-eyed student noticed that Yamaguchi's trousers were getting wet slowly, and his eyes widened.

"Look, that little RB peed his pants!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately looked at Dongwei Shankou's lower body.

"Hey, let me go, this little RB really peed his pants, isn't he too scared to pee?"

"What do you know? Don't you know that RB people like to wear loincloths? That's diapers. This kid must not be wearing loincloths, otherwise he must be fine."

"It seems that their ancestors had the foresight, hahahahaha~"

The students of the Taekwondo club present immediately started discussing with one another.

At this moment, ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past Shankou Dongwei's heart.

Du Jun had just lit a cigarette and took a good puff. Hearing the students' comments, he suddenly lost his composure. He glanced at Shankou Dongwei's crotch, then quickly withdrew his feet and took a few steps back.

"This is the ninjutsu of your Asuka style? Why do I feel a bit like a rabbit hitting a tree?"


As soon as Du Jun said this, everyone onlookers burst into laughter.

Thinking about it carefully, just now when Du Jun raised his leg, Shankou Dongwei rushed over, it really looked like this guy bumped into Du Jun's foot by himself.

Shankou Dongwei raised his flushed face and stared at Du Jun, his eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness.

He hates it!

He was far from displaying his true strength, but because of his disdain for Du Jun, he was so humiliated.

He is not reconciled!

But even if he was not reconciled to Shankou Dongwei, there was nothing he could do. The strength of that kick just now, coupled with his own forward strength, added up to two, and he was lucky to be able to stay awake now.

It is absolutely impossible to seek revenge.

At this time, a figure flashed, and David Yamaguchi appeared in front of Dongwei Shankou.

Seeing his younger brother looking at him unwillingly, David Yamaguchi shook his head slightly.

If they stay here now, it will only be a laughingstock. Leaving here is the best choice at present.

Helping up Shankou Dongwei, Shankou David glanced at everyone present, and finally at Du Jun who was beside him, and helped his younger brother to walk out the door.

They wanted to leave, but Zhang Qian and the others were not happy.

What's the matter, after the beating, the person wants to leave without even giving an explanation?

Don't think that you don't have to apologize to us if you suffer from others.

Thinking of this, Zhang Gan waved his hand, ready to lead someone to take the opportunity to teach the two brothers David Yamaguchi a lesson.

When David Yamaguchi saw his younger brother was injured, he was already angry in his heart, but now seeing Zhang Qian leading someone forward, he secretly sneered.

"What are you doing!"

Just when the two sides were at war, a shout of anger came from behind Zhang Gan and the others.

"Who the hell"

Hearing someone scolding them, Zhang Qian looked back cursingly, and then swallowed what he was about to say.

Behind them, a man with a slicked back and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses was standing there, staring at them. It was Jin Yicai, the dean of the department!

And behind Jin Yicai, there were several teachers and school security guards.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Jin Yi nodded in satisfaction, pushed down his glasses, and walked in along the separated crowd.

Jin Yicai is actually very upset now.

Before he lost the bet with Ye Chen and offended the principal, he knew that his life would not be easy in the future.

So for the past few days, Jin Yi locked himself in the office thinking about countermeasures when he had nothing to do.

Letting Ye Chen stay in the school now is a mess, and I still have to think about how to make up for my mistakes first.

This "early morning", Jin Yicai was thinking about countermeasures in the office as before, but he heard someone knocking on the door. When he opened the door, he saw that it was a student in the school and also his eyeliner.

As soon as the guy saw that he opened the door, he immediately told Jin Yicai about two people claiming to be Columbia University contestants who had injured someone in the Taekwon Club and left.

When Jin Yicai heard it, it was okay. Some students were injured in school, but he, the dean of the department, didn't know about it. This is not a good thing.

The principal is probably also thinking about how to find a reason to clean himself up. Isn't this hitting him with a gun.

Thinking of this, Jin slapped the student as soon as he went up, and asked him why he didn't call himself at that time.

The student originally wanted to ask for credit, but he didn't want to be beaten instead, so he said a word with a sad face.

"Director, your phone is turned off."

Of course, our department head will not affect his mood because of this small mistake. After dismissing the student, Jin Yicai called a few teachers and security guards to the Taekwon Club.

When they got to the place, they found that there was no one there. Fortunately, Jin Yi had a bit of a brain, and he learned the location of the Columbia University players' practice room from the previous student, so he followed the clues and found this place.

But he ran into another difficulty on the way. If he saw someone later, what should he do?

According to regulations, this kind of situation will disqualify the opponent from the competition, but this time Columbia University seems to attach great importance to this competition, and this competition is also related to whether the schools will reshuffle their cards.

Once this matter is publicized, no matter whether their school did something wrong or not, those people with ulterior motives will definitely not miss this opportunity to blackmail them.

That's why Jin Yi decided to let them go.

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