The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2805 That Ring

"Brother Tai, this jewelry industry is really making a lot of money, but there are also people who owe money to grandma's family. Most of the jewelry in our family buys wool and gambles on stones. If the bet is right, it will be paid out, but this There are also times when tens of millions are spent to produce millions of things, so as long as you have good materials, you are the winner."

Ye Chen was originally watching the excitement, but after hearing what Ma Banghua said, he remembered that he had won a sapphire today. On the night of gambling, Ma Banghua also saw it, and encouraged him to win the gem, so he walked out of the city.

"Brother Ma, what do you think of this gem?"

Ma Banghua deserves to be in this business, when he saw the gemstone in Ye Chen's hand, he took it and looked it up.

"This gem looks familiar."

Taige frowned.

"Yeah, that foreign girl put it up as a bet that night."

"Didn't you lose that night, why are you here?"

Tai Ge was puzzled.

So, Ye Chen told what happened this morning.

"So that's the case, that girl is going to cry hahahahaha."

Tago laughed.

"This gem looks familiar."

Ma Banghua next to him also said something at this time.

"Of course it looks familiar. This is the foreign girl who bet with Ye Chen last night."

"No, that's not what I said, I've seen this gem elsewhere."

Ma Banghua frowned.

Ye Chen's heart skipped a beat, Ma Ge met at that woman's place, right?

At this time, Ma Banghua slapped his thigh.

"I remembered, isn't this the gem on the sapphire necklace that our jewelry store sold a year ago?"

Damn, is that okay? Just kidding, this is too coincidental. ,

"Just brag, you are in the jewelry business, and all the jewelry has to be sold from you? Why don't you say that the jewel in the British crown belongs to your family?"

Tago pouted.

Upon hearing this, Ma Banghua was not happy.

He is in the jewelry business, which depends not only on luck, but also on eyesight. Brother Tai's words clearly show that he doesn't trust his ability. Let people know, how can he still be in this business in the future?

"Brother Tai, if you spread your words, you are smashing my brand. I'm not sure about other jewelry. I'll tell you just this sapphire. It's definitely from our store."

"Brother Ma, how do you know this?"

Ye Chen was also interested at this time, he was really curious, how did Ma Banghua judge that this gem belonged to him.

"Hey, it's nothing, because this gemstone was inlaid on a string of necklaces at the time. This is a complete set of jewelry, including 'blue ruby ​​necklace', 'golden cat's eye earrings', 'diamond bracelet' and emerald ring , This set was designed by the famous international jewelry designer Su Yufei at the XG headquarters, and it was later auctioned off at an auction for 20 million yuan."

"How much? Twenty million? These rich people are really prodigal."

Brother Tai was taken aback by this number, and said sourly.

"Brother Tai, do you know who Concubine Su Yu is? None of her works are worth less than 10 million yuan. As I said just now, 20 million yuan is considered Hu Ming's fortune, but that kid It really hurts my wife, you guys don’t know how ugly Su Yufei’s expression was when she saw the jewelry she designed was worn by Zhao Ting’s mother-in-law.”

"Wait, who are you talking about? That set of jewelry was taken by Zhao Ting?"

Ye Chen suddenly interrupted Ma Banghua and asked.

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

Ma Banghua was a little puzzled.

"Where is the Zhao Ting you mentioned?"

Ma Banghua frowned and thought for a moment, then clapped his hands suddenly.

"I remembered that Zhao Ting was from Southeast City, and her husband, Hu Ming, was a real estate agent in Southeast City. At that time, they seemed to be going to HK with a big shot. Hu Ming originally wanted to give the set of jewelry to that big shot. Here it is, but the man didn't want it, so he gave it to Zhao Ting."

"Big man?"

Ye Chen suddenly remembered the information he had seen when Wang Yumin investigated the history of the Hu family. Mr. Huang and himself guessed that there was someone else behind this guy.

It seems that this Hu family is really not that simple.

Looking at the sapphire in his hand, Ye Chen couldn't help being happy again.

This whole set of jewelry is missing one piece, which is a fatal blow to its overall value. Don’t look at yourself as only holding a small piece now, but without this piece of jewelry, it’s not bad if the rest can sell for tens of millions .

It's a pity that what was lost was only a sapphire. If it was a lost ring, it would be a...


A flash of lightning flashed across Ye Chen's mind.

"What kind of gemstone did you say the ring of that jewelry set was?"

Ma Banghua was a little surprised by Ye Chen's startled appearance, but he didn't think much about it.

"It's an emerald ring, why, you won't pick up the ring too?"

Ye Chen ignored him, but kept repeating a few words.

"Emerald ring, emerald ring?"

Suddenly, Ye Chen took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey Ye Chen, what's the matter?"

On the phone, Wang Yumin's slightly tired voice came over.

"Uncle, did you take any pictures of that ring at that time?"

Ye Chen asked anxiously.

Wang Yumin was startled, with joy in his eyes.

"There is no photo, but I have seen the ring and remembered some details. Do you have any clues?"

Hearing what Wang Yumin said, Ye Chen frowned slightly.

If there is a picture, Ma Banghua may be able to identify it, but it is a pity.

"Brother Ye Chen, I see that you seem to be very interested in that set of jewelry, can you tell me what's going on, maybe I can help?"

Ma Banghua asked.

"Who is speaking?"

Wang Yumin said anxiously.

"It was Ma Banghua, the owner of the 'Fulinmen' on the first floor of the Ginza Building, Ma Banghua. He said that their HK headquarters once sold a set of jewelry, and the ring inside was an emerald ring."


Wang Yumin on the other end of the phone slapped himself on the forehead suddenly.

Ma De, when they were asked to search in the southeast city, the case of Fulinmen Jewelry Store was still pending. It must be because of this reason that Ma Banghua was missed.

"Where are you, I'm going to find you now."

"We are in the Phoenix Bar now, but uncle, there are no photos"

Before Ye Chen finished speaking, Wang Yumin hung up the phone, grabbed the police ID card and walked out the door.

All the way through the police office area, Wang Yumin turned around and walked back.

"Just be on the alert, the boss gave me that little time, don't let me miss any clues, do you hear me!"


The police officers responded tremblingly.

Seeing Wang Yumin go out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Song, what kind of anger do you think the captain is throwing?"

A new police officer gently touched the colleague next to him and asked.

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