The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2784 Not Young

Wang Yumin didn't expect Zhou Xiaoya to ask this question, he was slightly taken aback, but still nodded.

"I trust you."

Two people, one didn't say a question, and the other didn't ask a question, but they seemed to have agreed a long time ago, full of tacit understanding.

Zhou Xiaoya stared into Wang Yumin's eyes, and nodded after a while.

"I really can't remember what happened that day, and I find that my impression of you is getting weaker and weaker. To be honest, I can't remember your name now."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yumin couldn't help being a little surprised.

"You mean, your memory continues to deteriorate?"

"That's almost what it means, but it doesn't seem to be the case. I can't explain it clearly. I just feel that you are gradually disappearing in my memory. It's just that you look familiar, but I can't remember who you are."

Zhou Xiaoya gently grasped the corner of her clothes with her hand on her lap, as if she was a little helpless.

Wang Yumin frowned. It didn't look like amnesia. He had never heard of a disease that could forget a person alone.

"Then how much more can you remember about me?"

"It's all gone. I asked Xiao Fei about you during my examination at the hospital today, so I decided to come to you. I think you are the only one who can help me."

Xiaofei is the policewoman who accompanied Zhou Xiaoya to the hospital today.

Zhou Xiaoya seemed a little excited. Although she lost her memory, she was not stupid. There was nothing abnormal about her body. Who would believe that she really lost her memory.

The biggest possibility is that they will wonder if they are with the gang of men in black.

Seeing that Zhou Xiaoya's condition seemed to be not very good, Wang Yumin hurriedly comforted her.

"Don't get excited, I will definitely find a way to help you, how about this, you go back and rest for a night, I will take you to meet someone tomorrow, the old man should have a way."

Hearing what Wang Yumin said, Zhou Xiaoya calmed down a bit.

"Then thank you very much, it's getting late, I'll go back first."

Saying that, Zhou Xiaoya stood up.

"I send you."

Wang Yumin also got up, Zhou Xiaoya hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

The two went downstairs side by side, and Wang Yumin drove Zhou Xiaoya home.

Zhou Xiaoya's home is not far from the bureau, only ten minutes away. This is a very old community, and the mottled exterior walls seem to tell its history to outsiders.

Wang Yumin stood at the gate of the community and looked in. It seemed that he had returned to a few years ago, and everything was so familiar. He was a frequent visitor here, and basically he loved to come here whenever he had nothing to do.

And it was Zhou Xiaoya who opened the door for him every time.

After that incident happened, when Wang Yumin came to the door again, he was still facing Zhou Xiaoya, but she never let herself in again.

"Xiaoya, I want to go up and have a look, is that okay?"

After hesitating for a long time, Wang Yumin still spoke.

"Okay, come with me."

Zhou Xiaoya did not refuse, and took the lead to enter the community.

Wang Yumin took a deep breath. He was actually ready to be rejected. Although Zhou Xiaoya said that she had almost no memory of his affairs, she must remember Zhou's father's death.

The reason why I said that just now is that I just blurted out when I lost control of my emotions.

But he didn't expect Zhou Xiaoya to actually agree, which was a surprise.

Following Zhou Xiaoya into the No. 2 building of the community, Wang Yumin discovered that the voice-activated lights in the corridor had been broken, and Zhou Xiaoya turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone to shine on his feet.

The two went up the narrow stairs and finally came to the fifth floor where Zhou Xiaoya lived.

Opening the door and entering the room, Zhou Xiaoya turned on the light switch, and the room suddenly lit up.

"Sit down for a while, I'll get you a glass of water."

Zhou Xiaoya pointed to the sofa, and then went into the kitchen.

Wang Yumin sat on the sofa and looked around. Everything was so familiar. This sofa was a temporary bed for him when he occasionally stayed overnight.

The TV on the opposite side of the sofa was bought by Team Zhou with a haircut bonus, and he carried it home with him.

There are also cabinets, tea tables, murals, etc., which are all too familiar to Wang Yumin.

At this time, Wang Yumin's eyes fell on a cabinet behind him, where there were all kinds of trophies and pennants hung on the wall.

On these trophies and pennants, there is a person's name - Zhou Weimin.

Wang Yumin's emotions were a little uncontrollable. He looked at these pennants. These were the honors that Zhou Weimin had obtained in the criminal police position for many years. It can be said that as long as Zhou Weimin thought about it, he would have been able to enter the provincial bureau.

But Zhou Weimin did not do this at that time, because he met Wang Yumin, and Zhou Weimin was extremely optimistic about Wang Yumin.

He is no longer young, even if he is transferred to the province, he still sits in an office, which is a waste of life for Zhou Weimin.

So he decided to stay and train Wang Yumin first.

"Team Zhou. Master"

Wang Yumin looked down at the trophy and murmured.

As Zhou Weimin's favorite person, Wang Yumin did not disappoint him.

"Come and sit here."

Zhou Xiaoya appeared behind Wang Yumin at some point, holding two glasses of water in her hands, and said in a calm voice.

The two sat down on the sofa, Zhou Xiaoya pushed a glass of water in front of Wang Yumin, then held the water glass in her hand, and silently stopped talking.

The room suddenly fell into silence.

"Xiaoya, do you really have no impression of me at all?"

In the end, Wang Yumin couldn't help but break the silence.

"No more, not only the memory of you, it seems that even the emotions for you are gone."

Zhou Xiaoya didn't raise her head.

"You mean I'm like a stranger to you now?"

Wang Yumin tentatively made a metaphor.

"Almost, it just feels like the two of us just met."

"Well, I probably know, it's getting late, go to bed early, and I'll pick you up tomorrow."

With that said, Wang Yumin stood up and was about to leave.

"I send you."

Zhou Xiaoya also stood up and wanted to see Wang Yumin off.

"No need to send it off, the corridor is too dark, I can just go back by myself, you should rest early, bye."

After speaking, Wang Yumin opened the door and walked out.

"Then you pay attention to safety."

Seeing that Wang Yumin was so persistent, Zhou Xiaoya had no choice but to give up.

After going downstairs, Wang Yumin turned to look at the fifth floor, and found Zhou Xiaoya standing in front of the window, looking at him.

Seeing herself looking back at her, Zhou Xiaoya hesitated for a moment, but raised her hand and waved.

"Be careful on the road."

"I see."

Wang Yumin also waved, then turned around and got into the car, leaving the community.

Seeing Wang Yumin driving away in the car, Zhou Xiaoya pursed her lips, turned and entered the house.

Nothing to say all night.

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