"If we win, you promise to fight Bilson with all your strength. If we lose, Will, give me that gem."

Eileen snapped her fingers, then extended her hand to Will.

Will hesitated, but took the gem from his pocket and handed it to Irene.

"Now, if we lose, this gem is yours, how?"

Ye Chen looked at the gem and didn't speak, but Ma Banghua, who was sitting and drinking beside him, came over

"Brother Ye Chen, let's make this bet."

Ye Chen looked back, and saw that Ma Banghua, who was already a little drunk, was full of energy at the moment, and his eyes were shining tightly on the sapphire in Irene's hand.

Ye Chen knew that Ma Banghua opened a jewelry business, and his knowledge of jewelry was much better than his own. If he could show this appearance, I am afraid that this gem is not ordinary.

"You really want to bet this with me? This gem is worth a lot, just to fight with me, isn't the price too high?"

Ye Chen didn't immediately agree.

"This is the decision of the three of us. You don't have to worry that I will renege on the debt. How about it, dare you?"

Erin laughed.

Seeing each other is not afraid, so Ye Chen himself is even less worried.

It's a big deal to fight with the opponent if you lose, but once you win.

Bar Street seems to need some funds for renovation.

"OK, that's it, let's start the game now?"

The smile on Erin's face grew wider.

"That's right, come with me to the bar now, and I'll make drinks for you."

Saying that, he got up and led Bilson and Will to the bar.

As soon as Ye Chen agreed, Huzi, Liu Ming, and Du Jun all came over.

"Ye Chen, you have to work hard, don't lose to a chick, it would be embarrassing."

This is a mockery from Du Jun.

And Huzi patted Ye Chen on the shoulder confidently.

"Are you kidding? Since I was a child, I, Brother Chen, have never lost a bet. I want to knock Brother Chen down after a few glasses of wine. Does she think it's a fine wine?"

Ye Chen couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Huzi's words, he had already failed, just yesterday, in the hands of a woman.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go, I'm really curious, what kind of wine is so powerful."

After all, Ye Chen also followed.

When everyone came to the bar and sat down, Irene skillfully took out a small wine glass from the cabinet and divided them into two groups, five in each group.

Then he took out the shaker and kept mixing wine in it. There were so many types that Ye Chen was really confused.

On the contrary, Will and Bilson were much calmer. I don't know if they had drunk this kind of wine before or they were very confident in themselves.

Brother Tai watched Irene's movement of mixing drinks, and couldn't help but nodded.

"This girl is very professional in bartending. If she is not an exchange student, I really want to hire her to work in the store, and the salary can be higher."

"That's not easy, brother Tai, if you let Huzi take that girl down, it's fine to work here for free~"

Liu Ming laughed.

Taige's eyes lit up.

"Good way, yes, Huzi, you have to take her down as soon as possible, the future business of my shop will depend on you~"

"If you want to chase yourselves, I won't go anyway."

Huzi was a little ashamed and angry when he was squeezed by two people.

"Hey, look at him getting angry from embarrassment."

While a few people were playing, Irene had already mixed the wine and poured it into ten glasses.

The wine in the shaker slowly flows into the glass along the wall of the wine, and it actually presents a well-defined state. Various colors are stacked together but there is no scene of mutual erosion. The bottom of the glass is a black hole, which is really amazing .

Putting down the shaker in her hand, Irene exhaled lightly.

"This wine is called Charming abyss, and it's called Charming Abyss in your Chinese language. Who are you planning to send?"

"Of course I will play in person."

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

"Then let's send Bilson on our side."

Erin said.

Bilson, who had known for a long time that he would be selected, had already stood up and faced Ye Chen face to face. He was the one who was going to challenge Ye Chen, so he did his part to drink.

"Okay, I'll count to three, two and one, and you guys will start. Do you understand?"



The two said.

"Three, two, one start!"

Following Irene's words, Ye Chen and Bilson raised their glasses at the same time and drank it down.

As soon as the wine was in his mouth, Ye Chen didn't feel any overly strong smell of wine, on the contrary, he tasted a faint fragrance of grapes.

Before he could recollect it, Bilson's second glass had already been raised, and Ye Chen didn't dare to neglect, so he also raised a glass of wine and drank it down.

Just like this, one glass after another, after a while, five glasses of wine were drunk, and the two of them still couldn't see anything unusual.

"Okay, both of you have finished drinking, now we'll see who can last till the end."

Erin leaned on the bar with her arms and smiled.

"Beauty Irene, your wine tastes a bit like fruit juice. Are you sure it has such a strong stamina? I've even drank a lot of high-strength liquor, and it's not a big problem. Could it be that you made a mistake? "

Ye Chen smacked his lips and said.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Erin smiled mysteriously.

"That classmate Irene, can you make a few more glasses, we want to try it too."

Brother Tai looked at the empty shaker and glasses, a little embarrassed and authentic.

"Okay no problem, just a moment."

Irene didn't refuse, and took out the wine and mixed another ten glasses.

"This drink has a lot of stamina, it's better not to imitate the two of them."

Brother Tai just picked up the wine glass, and he was a little unconvinced when he heard what Irene said. I have been drinking wine for so many years, am I still afraid of this small glass of wine?

After thinking about it, Brother Tai imitated Ye Chen and Bilson and drank the wine in one gulp.

Then the expression on his face became weird.

Ma Banghua wasn't considered to have a large amount in the first place, but at the moment he was hesitating while holding the cup, seeing Brother Tai's appearance, he was a little curious.

"Brother Tai, how do you like this wine?"

Huzi and the other three also looked over curiously.

Brother Tai shook his head. He finally understood why Ye Chen said that. Is this really wine? Why is there only the fragrance of fruit in his mouth?

"I think I could use a few more drinks."

Brother Tai smiled.

Seeing that Brother Tai was fine, Huzi and the others were relieved and drank all the wine in their hands. Only Ma Banghua was a little unsure, so he just took a sip gently, smacked his lips, and then put the remaining wine on the table. On the table.

"This wine is really fruity, Irene beauty, did you miss the grandfather's bartending steps by a few steps?"

Du Jun was also surprised.

Eileen just smiled and said nothing.

After about five minutes, Ye Chen felt something was wrong.

He felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, and his mind was a little dull, similar to the feeling when he was drunk.

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