The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2756 Is Ye Chen dead?

"I'm fine. By the way, this is Brother Chen Shishi, the owner of the outdoor goods store next door. If he hadn't helped me this time, I guess it would have been a disaster."

"Ah, Mr. Chen, thank you very much for your bravery. We will definitely award you a medal for your bravery and apply for a bonus by the way."

"That's too polite. I'm just trying my best. I can't say I'm brave enough to do justice."

Chen Shiyi said hurriedly.

The two chatted politely for a while, Wang Yumin led people to seal off the scene, and surveyed the situation in the store, and found the two people who were pressed against the door and Fatty Chuan who had not been taken away, and got the information from Ye Chen's mouth. Know what happened before.

"In other words, the whole thing was caused by the grudge between the Qimen Group and the people behind Dong Yi?"

Wang Yumin raised three high stools from the ground. After the three of them sat down, Wang Yumin asked.

"Based on their conversation at the time, this should be the case. Is there any cigarette?"

Wang Yumin took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, gave one to Ye Chen and Chen Yi, then lit one himself, took a puff, and exhaled a puff of white mist.

"Qi Men Group, haha, Qi Men Dunjia?"

Wang Yumin murmured.

"Brother, the target of the Qimen Group this time is Dong Yi and the others. They should be leaving in a few days. How about we let them go?"

Wang Yumin narrowed his eyes and glanced at Ye Chen. Ye Chen couldn't see Wang Yumin's face clearly because of the smoke.

"Is there a girl in the Qimen group?"


Ye Chen was stunned.

"Yeah, how do you know, it's amazing."

Chen Shiyi said in surprise.

Hearing Chen Shishi's praise, Wang Yumin was really flattered, and then he slapped Ye Chen on the back of the head.

"This guy can plead for mercy without a woman?"

"Fucking uncle, am I that unbearable in your eyes?"

Ye Chen asked aggrievedly, covering his head.

"No, you are much worse than this."

Wang Yumin said.

"No, there are indeed women among them, but I can feel that they are not bad people, and besides, they indirectly saved my life, so we can't repay my kindness, right?"

Ye Chen accompanied him with a smile.

"Come on, they saved you, not me. If you want to repay your favor, you should do it yourself, and I will handle it fairly."

Wang Yumin glanced sideways at Ye Chen.

"Then there's no way, I'll let Yuhan beg you, I heard that she knows something, oh, I remembered, Yuhan told me about you, brother-in-law"

Before Ye Chen finished speaking, Wang Yumin covered his mouth.

Although he didn't know what Wang Yuhan said to Ye Chen, it was definitely not a good thing. This is really a man who forgot his brother.

"Okay, okay, let me show you face, three days, I won't check them within three days, if they still stay in Southeast City after three days, then"

"Don't worry, maybe they will leave today."

Ye Chen said firmly.


Wang Yumin snorted unhappily, and Ye Chen was smiling, looking at Chen Shiyi a little confused.

Who is the older of these two?

Since the monitoring equipment at the scene was destroyed by Dong Yi and others, only Dong Yi and others could be seen, and there was no clue about the others.

And when they left, I don't know how Gan and others did it. They didn't pass by any monitoring equipment. If Wang Yumin and Ye Chen were not too familiar, they would have wondered if Ye Chen fabricated such an organization .

But this is also in line with Ye Chen's wishes, saving himself from making another move.

But it seems that Fatty Chuan was arrested. He should know some things about the Qimen Group, but those things are beyond his control.

Anyway, he has already helped buy three days, as long as they can leave Southeast City within three days, nothing will happen.

When this happened, Ye Chen's plan was also put on hold. After bidding farewell to Chen Shiyi, Ye Chen got into Wang Yumin's car and returned to Huang Lao's place.

At the same time, Cheng Junlong was sitting in his office, staring at the monitor on the table, and the image on the monitor showed Shen Canghai and Zhao Dezhu, and the place where the two were located was Shen Canghai's office of Donghai Group!

Zhao Dezhu was the only person who could install a monitor in Shen Canghai's office. Shen Canghai didn't know anything about it, and even regarded Zhao Dezhu as his confidant, which is really sad.

On the monitor, Shen Canghai was in high spirits, looking as if he was ten years younger.

"Ade, I can finally stand up this time hahahahaha~"

While smiling, Shen Canghai walked to the wine cabinet next to him, took out two bottles of red wine, handed one to Zhao Dezhu, opened it, and directly poured a few mouthfuls into the mouth of the bottle.

"Ah~ It feels so good!"

Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, Shen Canghai grinned, looking a little different from usual.

Zhao Dezhu looked at the top leader of the Donghai Group in front of him. Even with his intelligence, he could not figure out the current situation.

Cheng Junlong also felt a little baffled.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

Zhao Dezhu asked hesitantly.

Shen Canghai heard Zhao Dezhu's voice and turned around to look at him.

"I met a person today who said he could help me deal with Ye Chen."

"You don't believe him, boss, can you confirm the other party's identity?"

Zhao Dezhu was a little surprised when he heard that, and hurriedly asked.

"Don't worry, this guy is definitely not with Ye Chen, I'm sure."

Shen Canghai smiled, seeing that Zhao Dezhu was still a little worried, Shen Canghai took out a recording pen.

"Listen to what this is."

With that said, he pressed the play button.

With a crisp "click", there was a rustling sound from the recorder, followed by a man's voice.

"Wang Tianjun asked me to help you."

"Who are you talking about?"

It was Shen Canghai's voice, and he seemed a little surprised.

"Wang Tianjun."

"Go on."

It was Shen Canghai's voice again, but this time the voice was not surprised, but trembling.

But what happened next surprised Zhao Dezhu and Cheng Junlong.

"Well, now Ye Chen is dead!"

Zhao Dezhu sat on the sofa, seeming to be digesting this shocking news.

If this is the case, then the southeast city will change. Ye Chen is not dead. Compared with this matter, it can even be said to be a little insignificant.

"Ma De, Shen Canghai, an idiot, what the hell is he thinking? By doing this, he is simply burying companies in the entire Southeast City with him!"

Cheng Junlong's face was ashen, and the veins on his forehead were bulging, looking extremely angry.

This guy Shen Canghai was definitely plotted against, and the person who plotted against him was obviously that Wang Tianjun.

As for Wang Tianjun's identity, Cheng Junlong still knew about it. The general manager of Shike Group can be said to be a top figure in Tianqing Province. He didn't expect Shen Canghai's backstage to be interested in him.

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