The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2738 attracted by women

In the school, on the stage where Hu Dong's mother made a big fuss about the flag-raising ceremony in the morning, the three Bilsons stood there.

It was class time now, and there were only three of them nearby.

"let's start."

Bilson looked at the environment and said to Will, who was standing opposite him.

Will nodded, adjusted his posture, raised his right arm and punched Bilson.

On the opposite side, Bilson made the same move. Their right arms collided together, just like the scene in the morning.


The two fists collided and separated instantly. Although the movements were the same, the results were obviously different.

After the blow, the two of them took a few steps back, and the blow was evenly divided.

"That's not right, Bilson. Why doesn't that guy named Ye Chen retreat? He doesn't look very strong. How could he do it?"

Erin frowned, she couldn't figure out what was going on. This time they represented their country, and they had to try their best to achieve good results.

Originally, after visiting Southeast University and Dongyan University, they had enough confidence in this competition, but the appearance of Ye Chen made their plan go wrong.

They thought about it carefully and felt that Ye Chen's previous punch should have used a certain technique to push the person out, so they came over to experiment. Unexpectedly, after several attempts, there was no significant effect.

"Is it possible that this guy really used pure strength to knock people away?"

Bilson frowned.

"Impossible, how can that kind of power be possessed by a college student? His body can't hold that kind of power at all."

Erin said decisively.

Will, on the other hand, looked nonchalant.

Seeing Bilson and Erin meditating there, Will felt a little bored and wandered around.

Just when he walked to the position where the microphone was placed, he accidentally saw a shiny thing on the ground.

"What's this?"

Will curiously picked up something on the ground. It was a blue crystal,

Will hurriedly picked it up and happily ran back to Bilson and Erin.

"Look what this is~"

Will raised the gem in his hand above his head and said excitedly.

Bilson and Irene looked up when they heard the sound, and found that Will actually held a crystal in his hand. Bilson's family was in the jewelry business, so they recognized it at a glance as a genuine sapphire.

"Show me quickly."

Bilson said anxiously.

Will nodded and handed over the sapphire in his hand.

Pilsen turned out to be a gem and looked at it carefully.

Sapphire is infiltrated with iron and titanium during the crystallization process of the mineral, so it appears blue. There are more sapphires and larger particles than rubies.

The color selection requires pure and bright colors. For example, cornflower blue sapphire is the best, and the best products are ink blue and swan blue, followed by gray blue, green blue, light blue, purple blue, etc.

However, the inside of the sapphire is relatively clean, and occasionally straight color bands can be seen. Turn the ring surface and observe different directions from the waistline, and you can see different blue and green colors.

The one in Bilson's hand is in quite good condition. The swan-blue gemstone is crystal clear and shines brightly in the sunlight.

"This one is a sapphire, and it's swan blue. It's very nice. Will, you are lucky this time. You must treat me to dinner at noon."

Bilson smiled and handed the gem back to Will.

"It's so precious. The person who lost it must be very anxious."

Will took the gem and was a little dazed.

"I know who it is. It's definitely not a student who can afford to wear such jewelry in the whole school. The hygiene here is cleaned every day. Except for the female student and the men who don't wear jewelry, the only ones on the stage today are That’s Bichi.”

Erin spread her hands.

"It's hers, forget it, I'll keep the money for myself."

After listening to Erin's words, Will curled his lips and threw the gem into his pocket.

The scene this morning made them a little unhappy, but on other people's territory, the owner didn't say anything, and it was hard for them to interfere.

But not intervening doesn't mean they don't care. In their country, they are also very tired of people whose children pick up trouble and get beaten up and their parents come to mess around.

You can be cowardly, and if you go to your parents to beat you, everyone will laugh at you at most, but if you start trouble first and get beaten up and then call your parents, that's embarrassing.

Even death is too much.

Eileen even had a hint of admiration for Ye Chen, who went on stage to fight.

If it weren't for her image, she would probably cheer for Ye Chen.

Of course, Will was not afraid of affecting his image, but when he wanted to cheer, the prescient Bilson covered his mouth in time.

The three of them stood on the stage for a while, then jumped off the stage, ready to get to know Ye Chen.

Of course, they were also curious as to how Ye Chen could hit a living person so far. As long as they got to know Ye Chen well, he should be able to reveal something.

But when they finally found out where Ye Chen was in the classroom, they found that Ye Chen had gone home, and only Liu Ming and Hu Zi were still in the classroom.

Hu Zi and Liu Ming originally wanted to go find Ye Chen after class, but Professor Zhang stopped them.

Professor Zhang had also heard about what happened in the past few days. To be honest, he didn't feel that bad about Ye Chen and the others.

Every child has a different nature and a different way of accepting knowledge. They do not necessarily have to study hard in school.

But now is an extraordinary period, and the principal is not here. , the head of the department is temporarily in charge of school affairs, if Huzi and Liu Ming leave the school and anger the head of the department, it will be very bad.

Huzi and Liu Ming knew that Ye Chen had a lot of things recently, and it was rare to be able to live a two-person world with Wang Yuhan, so they didn't plan to go back.

Seeing that the two had given up their plan to go back, Professor Zhang thought that his persuasion had succeeded, and he was secretly happy.

After class, the two of them were discussing where to eat later, when they saw three students in Southeast City school uniforms walking in.

The two of them didn't take it seriously. There are still a lot of students from various countries in Southeast University, so they are no strangers to it.

But Huzi couldn't help but look a few more times.

Not for anything else, the main reason is that the foreign girl among the three people is really "evil in the chest", making people unable to stop and watch.

And it was these few glances that made Hu Zi vigilant.

Because he found that these three people seemed to be targeting the two of them.

The visitor is not good!

Huzi looked at the three people who came over, and poked Liu Ming who was playing with his mobile phone with his arm.

"Why, didn't we talk about it when we got to the cafeteria."

Liu Ming raised his head and said casually while playing a game, but just halfway through speaking, he was attracted by the three people in front of him, no, it should be said that it was a woman.

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