The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2721 information provided

"It is true that many mothers and daughters have been arrested together over the years, but I don't remember a girl named Yang Ling among them. Maybe the people who arrested them had other purposes or intentions."

"Yang Ling?"

Ye Chen didn't say anything. Yuan Lin spoke first, with a somewhat surprised expression.

"What's wrong, do you know anything?"

Seeing Yuan Lin's expression, Ye Chen thought she might know something and asked hurriedly.

But then I felt a little ridiculous. Yuan Lin had only been here for two years at most. How could she have met Yang Ling and her daughter? That incident happened five years ago.

Yuan Lin was stunned for a moment, then pointed at her sister, with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

"Oh, I thought you were talking about my sister, but my sister is coming to Southeast City for the first time. Maybe I made a mistake. No, I must have made a mistake!"

After saying the last sentence, Yuan Lin lowered her head and scratched her hair, seeming a little embarrassed.

Ye Chen knew that Yuan Lin would say this. If Yang Ling hadn't repeatedly affirmed that she didn't recognize him, Ye Chen would have thought that she was the same girl back then.

In this case, my clues have been cut off again.

Ye Chen felt a little uncomfortable, but now he had saved so many people, which was considered a big gain.

As for Yang Ling's mother and daughter

Ye Chen took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it.

We must find people, we must see them alive and we must see their corpses when they die!

I now have a place in Southeast City, and Yang Ling and her daughter also disappeared in Southeast City, so I will start here.

"What does that person named Yang Ling have to do with you?"

Ye Chen was just wondering where to start when he suddenly heard Yuan Lin ask.

"Oh, a friend of mine and her mother disappeared a few years ago. I want to see if I can find them."

Ye Chen answered absentmindedly while thinking about the question.

"Friends? You have a good relationship?"

"I told her, Yuan Lin, when did you become so nosy?"

Yuan Lin was not angry, but smiled at Ye Chen.

"We girls gossip like this all the time, it's not the first day you know~"

I really can't do anything about her.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, ignoring Yuan Lin, who was full of gossip, and turned to look at Ding Rui again.

"Sister Ding, thank you for the clues you provided. It seems that their disappearance should have nothing to do with this matter."

"You're welcome, I didn't help much, so don't be too discouraged, as long as you don't find anyone, there is still hope."

Ding Rui consoled.

"I know Sister Ding, by the way, what are you going to do in the future, go home?"

Hearing Ye Chen's question, Ding Rui seemed to be very depressed. He opened his mouth to say something, but it seemed difficult to say.

"Sister Ding, what's the matter with you? Is there any difficulty? Maybe we can help if you tell me."

"That Ye Chen, I want to discuss something with my sisters, I wonder if I can."

"Oh, it's simple, wait a minute, I'll go and talk to them right away."

Speaking of which, Ye Chen got up and went outside, asking Andre to "negotiate" with the dean, and finally brought everyone to the office where the hospital held a meeting.

And Ye Chen and the others didn't listen in either. After all, there are some things that people don't want me to wait for others to hear. It is respect for them to leave them a little private space.

And in this gap, Wang Yumin also drove to the hospital and saw Ye Chen intact, so he was relieved.

"You brat, you ran away without saying a word. Do you know that you haven't shown up these few days, Huzi and Liu Ming are about to tear down the school."

When Ye Chen heard what was going on, he clearly saw Liu Ming at the door of a ward when he came back, and they were not at school at all.

"Big uncle, did you make a mistake? Both Huzi and Liu Ming are here."

Ye Chen said, calling Huzi and Liu Ming over.

It's okay that Wang Yumin didn't see the two of them, but when he saw them, he immediately became angry.

"You two brats, I said I couldn't find you no matter how hard I searched, so you came here. Tell me, why are you fighting at school?"

"Brother Wang, you can't really blame us for this."

Huzi and Liu Ming didn't look remorseful, instead, they were somewhat righteous.

Ye Chen and Huzi have known each other for many years, and they still know him very well. As long as Ye Chen is not involved, Huzi will rarely make a big deal, and this is coupled with Liu Ming who is not strong enough. It seems that Huzi and the others shouldn't have picked it up first.

Therefore, Huzi and Liu Ming told the whole story.

It turned out that after Ye Chen left Southeast City that day, Huzi and Liu Ming returned to school to protect Wang Yuhan according to Ye Chen's instructions.

The destruction of the basement of the bar was ostensibly the work of the chief of the Southeast City Police Department, but everyone who knew about it knew that Wang Yumin was the first person in the police station to discover it.

And not only did he find out, he also led someone to arrest the people in the bar.

You know, someone who knows the basement of the bar street and can afford to pay, the financial resources and power in Southeast City and even other cities are not too ordinary.

Once they feel that Wang Yumin will interrogate something against them, then maybe they will attack Wang Yumin's relatives.

And Wang Yuhan, who is still in school, is undoubtedly the best target.

So Ye Chen arranged for Huzi and Liu Ming to secretly protect Wang Yuhan at school.

They had kept a low profile in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, but they didn't expect the trouble to come to them on the day they arrived at school.

They had just arrived in the classroom that day, before their buttocks were hot, they were called out by a teacher.

At first, the two of them thought that the teacher was unhappy that they hadn't come to class recently, but after going out, they found that things were not that simple.

The teacher took the two of them directly to the office, and the two of them were stunned when they entered.

I saw more than a dozen teachers sitting in the back and forth, most of them looked familiar to me, and if I looked closely, they seemed to be the teachers in my class.

And these teachers are all surrounded by a middle-aged man.

This man was thin and tall, with a side combed hair and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He didn't look ugly, but the expression on his face was always very indifferent.

It's a hot day now, and this guy is still in a suit, with a pen in his chest pocket, which looks like a lot of money.

Neither Huzi nor Liu Ming had ever seen this person before, and he was in a daze when he saw the teacher who brought him in before speak.

"This is the new head of the department. I've called you this time to inquire about the long-term absenteeism between you and Ye Chen and Liu Ming."

Hearing the teacher introduce himself, the new head of the department had some expression on his face.

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