Andre also came over at this time, with a shy face, and began to read the lines from an unknown novel.

Before he could finish speaking, Li Xin, who came to look for Wang Yumin, covered his mouth and dragged him away.

Ye Chen looked at Andre who was being dragged away with a black line on his head, while Wang Yumin heaved a sigh of relief.

The spoiler left, Ye Chen took a deep breath and looked at the leading woman.

"Sister, can you tell us what you know?"

"Yes, I was imprisoned by them for a whole ten years, and no one here knows better than me."

The leading woman nodded, and began to tell the two of Ye Chen what she had seen and heard here.

The woman's name is Ding Rui, she is 31 years old and lives in Donghua City.

Donghua City and Southeast City seem to have similar names, but they are far apart, separated by two large cities.

This shows how long the hand of this underground magic cave stretches out.

Ten years ago, Ding Rui applied for the local normal university and planned to work in Donghua City after graduation.

Ding Rui chose to go to school because it was close to home.

Unexpectedly, on the way after school one day, I ran into a junior high school classmate of my own.

This classmate, Zhuang Xing, had mediocre grades in school, but he could speak well, so Ding Rui knew him well.

The two haven't seen each other since they graduated from junior high school, and they didn't expect to meet today.

When I went to university, everyone was in different places, and Ding Rui didn't expect to run into old classmates.

Zhuang Xing also seemed very happy, so the two decided to go to a nearby coffee shop and have a good chat.

The two were talking to each other about their experiences after graduating from junior high school in the coffee shop. Ding Rui also learned that Zhuang Xing had left Donghua City before graduating from high school, and now he is working as a manager of a bar in Southeast City.

This surprised Ding Rui a little.

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Xing became a manager at such a young age.

It seems that the way out for people is not only through reading.

As he talked, Zhuang Xing began to persuade Ding Rui not to go to school, but to work with himself. Within a year, he promised to make her a manager.

Although Ding Rui envied Zhuang Xing very much, her dream was to be a teacher, so she declined Zhuang Xing's suggestion.

Zhuang Xing didn't seem to care about Ding Rui's refusal. Instead, he sighed "Everyone has his own ambition" and stopped mentioning it. Instead, he talked about some other interesting things with Ding Rui.

Drinking and chatting like this, by the time Ding Rui and Zhuang Xing left the coffee shop, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

Seeing that it was getting so late, Zhuang Xing offered to take Ding Rui home.

Ding Rui refused at first, but couldn't help Zhuang Xing's repeated demands, and after chatting with Zhuang Xing for so long, he felt that this person was not bad, so he agreed.

Immediately, Zhuang Xing called his driver.

Within five minutes, a Mercedes-Benz business parked in front of the two of them.

Zhuang Xing stepped forward and opened the door of the back seat, and invited Ding Rui into the car very gentlemanly.

But when Ding Rui got into the car, he realized that he was on a thief ship.

As soon as she got in the car, someone covered Ding Rui's mouth with a towel from behind, and after a while, she felt blurred for a while.

When she woke up again, she found that she was locked in a room without a trace of her body.

Besides me, there were seven or eight other men in the room looking at me with smirks on their faces.

Among them, his classmate Zhuang Xing was actually included!

Now Ding Rui understood that he was deceived by Zhuang Xing.

Sure enough, Zhuang Xing explained the whole story to her with a wicked smile.

He is indeed the manager of a bar in Southeast City, but his manager is not the business manager of an ordinary bar.

It's a manager in charge of some businesses that don't see the light of day.

His job is to send people to other places to steal, rob, buy or abduct some girls, and bring them to the bar street to provide certain services.

Before attacking these girls, these will be observed in advance, don't want to be poor-looking, and it's okay to be younger if they are good-looking.

And after these girls were sent to the bar street, what awaited them was definitely a nightmare they could not have imagined.

Because their guests are all people with unique interests. They have high requirements for bed sports, and they are simply abnormal.

A normal lady can't bear this kind of guest at all, and if someone accidentally slips her mouth, it will be really bad.

But when the bar owner valued these customers very much, and even fawned on them, he didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, some bastard thought of such an idea, and sent people to other places to bring back some women and imprison them, so that these women could vent to those guests.

As soon as the boss heard that there was a door, he immediately found some people to do it.

And these people are also doing this kind of thing for the first time and have no experience.

But since the boss said it, what can we do, let's disperse and go to other places first, and then talk about it when we get there.

And the clerk who happened to be going to Donghua City had some friendship with Zhuang Xing, so he called him when he got there.

At that time, Zhuang Xing had just dropped out of school and had nothing to do all day long. He was either tired of work, or felt that the money was not enough. In short, he didn't want to do anything. The elders of the family often talked about him for this matter.

As for Zhuang Xing, every time his parents spoke, he would go out for a walk impatiently.

It was a boring day, and I suddenly received a call from a friend I hadn't seen for a long time, asking me to have dinner.

Zhuang Xing has never been ambiguous about eating and drinking for free.

Immediately, I went home, changed my clothes, and rushed to the hotel that my friend had made an appointment with.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and after drinking two or three glasses of white wine, it was natural that they would blow up all over the world, and they dared to say anything.

While drinking, the clerk mentioned to Zhuang Xing what the boss had told him.

The speaker had no intention of listening, but the clerk wanted to talk to someone, but Zhuang Xing remembered it.

The next afternoon, the clerk who was watching TV in the hotel received a call from Zhuang Xing, saying that there was something urgent and he wanted to meet up.

When the clerk came to the abandoned parking lot that Zhuang Xing had mentioned, he found that there were actually two unconscious girls with Zhuang Xing.

The clerk was a little surprised, but Zhuang Xing smiled and told about his desire to join the gang.

The clerk hesitated, but decided to take Zhuang Xing to meet his boss.

Originally, the boss didn't have much hope, but he didn't expect to get two after only one day.

I also heard that the clerk said that it was Zhuang Xing who did it, so I appreciated him a little bit.

So he arranged for Zhuang Xing to work in a bar, looking for girls and bringing them back.

After working like this for more than a year, Zhuang Xing brought back more and more women, and gradually rose to the position of manager.

This time I came to Donghua City to find some new targets, but I didn't expect to meet my old classmates.

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