And behind him, there are several people dressed as chefs chasing.

Although Ye Chen's family is rich, he also likes to hang out in the market. He can get some interesting things from it that he has never heard of before.

Of course, this snack street is not the one where Huang Lao is.

It is a snack street located in a private middle school in the southeast.

Gradually, he also got to know the people in this snack street. Ye Chen knows who is good and who is bad, who eats a lot of food and who is short of two.

And when Ye Chen saw the people chasing the little beggar, he found that they were chefs of a fast food restaurant.

Due to the good business, the store is occasionally busy, so some children are often hired to help wash and pick vegetables, heat fires and fetch water.

The boss is nice, and the money he gives is fair. If a child works twelve hours a day, he gives him 60 yuan a day, which is five yuan an hour.

This is already very good for those children from poor families.

And this is only hired when you are busy, and you will only work for seven or eight days, and the account will be settled on the same day.

It is the so-called daily settlement and fast work, some children can earn pocket money or something.

But the accountant responsible for distributing the money is not doing well.

Relying on the fact that he is the boss' brother-in-law, this kid often deducts the wages of these children.

Thirty yuan will be deducted from a child, and forty yuan will be deducted if you are honest and easy to bully.

These two children don't have much money, but after a long time, this kid has made a lot of money.

The children also dare not speak out. After all, they are children, so how dare they challenge adults?

Fortunately, the boss is kind, he doesn't want to do anything to his brother-in-law, so he can only ask the child how much he paid after paying the bill every day, and then make up for the missing money.

But less than a year later, the boss was seriously ill, and the business in the store had to be taken care of by his wife, and now his brother-in-law was even more aggressive.

Sometimes even after hiring a child, they secretly break a plate by themselves, claiming that it was broken by someone else’s child.

How much is a plate, they just pay you.

But the boy insisted that the child was not serious about his work, or he would not pay him.

I don't know how many children have suffered in this store.

Until recently, the store has been unable to hire temporary workers, and even many waiters and chefs have left.

The kid and his sister were still a little bit worried, but it was a coincidence that one of them came and asked if they wanted a temporary worker.

This made the kid so happy that he promised on the spot that he would pay 80 yuan a day, and then he could start working.

At that time, it was past five o'clock in the morning, and it was time for breakfast. The child was immediately assigned to work, and he was exhausted until five o'clock in the afternoon. The day's work was considered over.

But when the child dragged his exhausted body to ask for wages, the boss' brother-in-law repeated his tricks and took out a broken plate, claiming that the child broke it.

In this way, fifty yuan was deducted from the child.

This is because the owner's brother-in-law wants to improve the reputation of his store, otherwise.

The child thought it would be fine if he could get thirty, since it was urgent after all, so he took the thirty and was about to leave, only to remember that he hadn't eaten before leaving.

There are still some unsold buns in this kitchen, one yuan for a bun, and thirty yuan in total for me.

After hesitating for a long time, I still took two buns and prepared to go to the front desk to pay.

Who knew that the boss would accuse him of stealing when he saw him, and demanded that he pay a hundred yuan.

Who can do this, cooperating with me to work hard all day and still have to pay you seventy yuan?

As soon as the child gritted his teeth, he dropped two yuan, and rushed out of the fast food restaurant with the buns.

This store is not far from the street, the child ran a few steps to get there, and happened to run into Ye Chen who was about to buy something to eat and go home.

Ye Chen has eaten every snack in the snack street, and knows the people there quite well.

When you see this scene, you know what's going on.

So Ye Chen grabbed the child behind him, took out his cell phone and pressed the alarm call.

The few chefs and the owner's brother-in-law who chased after him also knew Ye Chen. He knew that this kid was a monkey and a monkey. He often beat him to death when seniors tried to bully him.

And they also heard that this kid is very famous in the junior high school circle of Southeast City. Every child in his family goes to school.

So everyone sees that although Ye Chen is young, they dare not underestimate him.

Seeing Ye Chen blocking the kid behind him and taking out his cell phone, everyone thought that the kid wanted to call someone, but Ye Chen pointed the screen of the cell phone at them.

The boss' brother-in-law leaned forward and took a look, breaking out in a cold sweat.

I saw three correct numbers on Ye Chen's phone: 110.

Snack Street's evaluation of Ye Chen is really good, monkey spirit monkey essence.

Ye Chen was only fourteen years old back then, and that child looked similar to him.

In my country's Labor Law, child labor refers to minors who have reached the age of 16, and laborers' ability to work begins at the age of 16, not at the age of 18.

Employers who illegally recruit minors under the age of 16 shall be ordered by the labor department to make corrections and be fined. If the circumstances are serious, they may be closed and fined.

If this makes Ye Chen call the police, will his store still be unable to open?

So the boss's brother-in-law was scared at the time, and not only refunded the 50 yuan that had been withheld, but even gave him an extra 50 yuan as an apology fee.

Then he led the people back to the store in a desperate manner.

Ye Chen took the one hundred yuan and handed it to the child, but the child shook his head and only took fifty yuan, and the remaining fifty yuan, no matter what Ye Chen said, the child would not accept it.

In the end, there was nothing to do, Ye Chen put the money on the wall and left.

After walking for a while, Ye Chen felt that there was someone behind him, and when he looked back, it was the child from before.

Ye Chen was a little surprised, why is this kid following me?

So he stopped and waited for him, and when he got to him, the kid took out the fifty yuan that Ye Chen put there from his pocket.

This made Ye Chen dumbfounded. He gave the money to his child but didn't accept it, and he was not short of money. What should he do?

He glanced at the handful of change in his hand, and then at the two buns tightly clutched in his right hand.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen simply brought the child to a snack bar and ordered a table of dishes.

Since you don't want money, I'll treat you to a meal, that's fine.

At first, the child was a little embarrassed, but he looked really hungry. After a few struggles, he picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

During the breaks between meals, Ye Chen found out about the kid intermittently.

The child's name is Yang Ling, who is one year older than himself. He was originally from Tiandao City. His father has never seen his father since he can remember, and he has always lived with his mother.

Some time ago, my mother did not know where to find out the news, saying that Yang Ling's father was currently in Southeast City, so she came here with the child to look for it.

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