At this time, Aunt Li raised her head and walked over.

"If I'm not mistaken, the thing on Ye Chen's chest is indeed Jingmai Powder. It seems that the person who shot the gun was trying to save people, not kill people. Jingxin moss is on the verge of extinction. It is extremely rare in auction houses. Even In the black market, everything has a price but no market, and the people who can own it are not simple people, so why would they help Ye Chen?"

Hearing what Aunt Li said, everyone's eyes fell on Andre.

"Don't look at me. I have never disclosed this matter to my superiors, and I have never received such information. Moreover, I don't know what nonsense it is."

Andre didn't know what novel he read last night, and he started to speak in a formal manner again.

Think about it, everyone. After all, even Xiao Xue, a native Miao girl, only learned about this herbal medicine by reading ancient books.

Although Andre's organization is very strong, it is foreign after all and is unlikely to know these things.

"Since you can't think of it, don't think about it. Since the other party uses this method to help Ye Chen, it is obvious that he does not want to reveal his identity, but he is definitely a friend rather than an enemy. In this case, why should we pursue it to the end, in case it arouses the other party's resentment? , it’s not good for us either.”

Li Xin opened his mouth to assist again.

"Brother Xin is right. It doesn't matter who did it. Anyway, it's to help Brother Chen. It doesn't matter whether it can be found out or not."

Liu Ming nodded, seeming to agree with Li Xin's words.

Huzi looked at Ye Chen, as if he had thought of something, and the corners of his mouth curved.

Others also thought that what Li Xin said was good.

But Xiao Xue is an exception.

She and Li Xin have been married for eight years. Her husband's mind is clear to her. Can she, a rusty-headed husband, think of a problem that so many of them can't figure out?

"Husband, you went out to find that man before. What did you say to him?"

Xiao Xue asked softly.

"Oh, what about me? I didn't find that person and let him run away."

Li Xin almost told the truth when Xiao Xue asked him unexpectedly, but he held back at the last moment.


Xiao Xue chuckled and said nothing, just glanced at Li Xin.

Li Xin's heart trembled. The two of them had been married for so many years, and some things could be expressed with just one look.

And Li Xin read two words in Xiao Xuegang's eyes: disbelief.

Li Xin knew that he would have no peace again tonight.


At this moment, Ye Chen, who was lying on the sofa, snorted and woke up.

"Ye Chen, how do you feel?"

Seeing that Ye Chen woke up, everyone focused their energy on him.

"Uh, my muscles hurt all over my body. What happened before?"

Ye Chen wanted to sit up, but he felt that the muscles all over his body were so sore, as if he had been soaked in water and couldn't use any strength.

Upon seeing this, Tian Yun hurriedly stepped forward to help Ye Chen up, but it was still difficult for her to lift an adult man up by herself.

Therefore, Yuan Lin also came to the other side of Ye Chen, and the two of them worked together to help Ye Chen up.

"Don't worry, this is the discomfort caused by Jingmai Powder washing your meridians. You will be fine after taking a rest."

Aunt Li said with a smile.

For some reason, Li Junyao was very fond of the young man in front of her, and she smiled rarely.

"Aunt Li, you are here, I"

"Okay, we are all outsiders, so there is no need to say those polite words. Senior brother, Ye Chen's body is clear now. Let's give him a medicinal bath first so that this precious medicinal powder will not be wasted."

"Well, I'm going to prepare now."

Huang Lao nodded, got up and walked out of the living room.

Ye Chen had just woken up, and his mind was a little confused, so he lay down and closed his eyes to rest without saying a few words, and the matter of taking over the bar street was temporarily shelved.

Ye Chen did not take over the bar street, and Shen Canghai did not send anyone to continue to manage it.

Because he is no longer in Southeast City.

Because of Abao's death, Shen Canghai felt that this matter would not end so easily.

Although the police identification result was revenge, and Jiang Junwu also told Shen Canghai about Abao abandoning Song Xuan and the others when they left the bar street, Shen Canghai still felt that the matter was not that simple.

So he went to the province overnight to find someone to discuss countermeasures.

Jiang Junwu also followed, not because Shen Canghai took him to ensure his safety, but because Jiang Junwu was afraid that if he stayed here, he would end up like Ah Bao.

The Donghai Group lost its backbone, so it no longer dared to make trouble with Ye Chen.

A Bao's people were all in chaos after learning about A Bao's death.

Because there was pressure from the Donghai Group above, nothing happened.

But there is no one to take the lead, it is always impossible.

Normally at times like this, Shen Canghai would designate someone to take over.

But Shen Canghai has more urgent things to do now and has no time to arrange these.

Therefore, they can only temporarily recommend someone to stabilize the situation.

And Zhao Dezhu, who had been following A Bao and making suggestions, was elected as the person to take over A Bao's position.

"Well, okay, everyone, don't worry, I won't let you down. I will definitely investigate Brother Bao's matter, and I will definitely shoulder the responsibility. Well, okay, goodbye."

In a private room at the Twin Star Hotel in Southeast City, Zhao Dezhu hung up the phone and took a long breath.

"Why, are you a little unsure about sitting in this seat?"

Opposite Zhao Dezhu, a man's majestic voice sounded.

"After all, Abao has just died, and the power is still there. There must be some people who will be dissatisfied with my succession, but Abao is cruel by nature, and he treats his own people the same, so most people are still very upset about his death. I'm happy, as long as I can win these people under my command, sooner or later those who are stubborn will obey me obediently."

"Well, very good, I put you in for nothing. Unexpectedly, in just one year, you replaced Ah Bao."

"It was all cultivated by the boss, otherwise I, Zhao Dezhu, would have died in that explosion along with my parents."

Zhao Dezhu laughed.

"Don't say that, I just gave you a chance to display your abilities. You can have everything you have today because of yourself. Don't worry, I will help you find out about your parents. If you want All you have to do is to climb up hard, and then join me to end Donghai Group, when the time comes, Boyu Group will reserve a board seat for you.”

Zhao Dezhu's hand holding the wine glass trembled.

"Thank you boss!"

"You deserve it all, come on, let's drink to your bright future."

Cheng Junlong smiled and raised his wine glass.

The wine glasses of the two touched each other, and the golden champagne reflected the faces of the two, which made people a little dazzled.

At Neverland Airport, Da Zhuang got off the plane in a hurry. When he looked up, he found that Ye Long was driving an airport electric car.

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