The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2566 Unexpected Encounter

When they arrived at their destination, Ye Chen walked in.

I found Mr. Huang sitting in the inner courtyard, drinking tea leisurely and reading the book in his hand, very comfortable.

"Old Huang, good morning~"

Ye Chen came over and said hello with a smile.

Huang Lao turned his head and saw that it was Ye Chen, he quickly got up and stretched out his hand with a smile.

Ye Chen saw that Mr. Huang hadn't seen him all day, do you miss me so much?

Immediately, he also stretched out his hand to shake it.

Unexpectedly, Huang Lao opened Ye Chen's hand and snatched the tea leaves from Ye Chen's hand.

Then he opened the package and took a look: "You son of a bitch, it's fine, it's a very good Dahongpao."

Ye Chen looked at Huang Lao and smiled helplessly: "Huang Lao, this is no ordinary Dahongpao, it's tea from the mother tree of Wuyi Mountain, which is very rare."

"Oh? Isn't the mother tree no longer selling tea?"

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head, his father, do you want to do something?

Huanglao washed the tea set, placed the tea, washed the tea, brewed it, and poured out the soup. He poured the brewed Dahongpao into cups, and then poured a cup for himself and Ye Chen.

"Hehe, yes, it really is the tea from the mother tree of Wuyi Mountain. I drank it once in the past, and the taste is still fresh in my memory."

Mr. Huang looked at the tea in front of him and smiled.

Immediately, Mr. Huang stood up and carefully placed the remaining tea leaves in the drawer in the room. He turned around and glanced at Ye Chen. After thinking for a moment, he added a lock to the drawer.

Ignoring Ye Chen's resentful gaze, Huang Lao turned around and walked back to the yard, then drank tea and looked at Ye Chen.

"Do you still remember what you did yesterday?"

Ye Chen didn't answer, but took out his mobile phone and showed Huang Lao the information Yuan Lin found.


Huang Lao opened his squinted eyes suddenly, and then watched the video carefully.

Then he looked at Ye Chen and sighed.

"Ye Chen, you should abstain from this competition."

Ye Chen's heart trembled. This time, he wanted to ask Mr. Huang to help and find a way, but now it seems that Mr. Huang is not optimistic about himself.

"Old Huang, do I really have no chance of winning?"

Ye Chen was a little unwilling.

Mr. Huang looked at Ye Chen and sighed.

"Ye Chen, I know you don't want to give up this competition, but judging from the video I just watched, this Chengyou's strength, speed, endurance and ability to resist blows are all superior to yours, and you have no advantage at all. "

"But Mr. Huang, these shouldn't pose much of a threat to the "Bone Removal Technique", right? I can use my cleverness to remove his arm, and he won't have to fight."

"Having said that, don't forget that he has also learned kung fu. Bajiquan is a short-fight boxing method. The movements are extremely fierce and can be fought hard. If you are equal in strength to him, it will certainly not be difficult to defeat him, but you It is already quite different from his own strength, and if he supplements it with Bajiquan, it will be even more difficult for you to perform it."

Ye Chen was in a daze after hearing what Mr. Huang said.

"So, Mr. Huang, no matter what, there is no way I can defeat him?"

"Alas, your overall strength is not as good as his. Even if you act recklessly, it will be in vain."

Huang Lao shook his head.

"What if it's a desperate fight?"

Ye Chen opened the mouth and said.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Mr. Huang showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"It's just a piece of territory, is it necessary?"

After listening to Mr. Huang's words, Ye Chen's mind kept flashing back to what he had heard people say in the bar.

The team leader, Wang Liang, worked with Sister Tian and the others before opening the bar. The Phoenix Bar was established by their concerted efforts.

There are no messy medicines, no escorts, no forced buying and selling. It is also a rare quiet place near the bar street.

Waiter Xiaofang had to drop out of school and find a job because her father had a car accident.

She applied for a job as a waiter at a bar. After learning about her, Sister Tian helped her go back to school and paid for Xiaofang's father's surgery.

After working in a bar for a period of time, Ye Chen discovered that everyone really regarded Phoenix Bar as their other home.

Last time Abao's people went to cause trouble, there were only a dozen or so people in the bar.

More than half of them are girls, but they still stand in front of everyone, for no other reason than to protect what they want to protect!

“This is more than just a piece of land.”

Ye Chen looked at Mr. Huang, and there seemed to be a huge power surging out of his eyes.

“This is the beginning of hope for me and all the members of the bar!”

Mr. Huang looked at Ye Chen and suddenly smiled, "Hehehe, it's interesting. I like your middle-class character."

"There are no ways, but I can't guarantee whether it will succeed."

After listening to Huang Lao's words, Ye Chen immediately threw away the hammer in his hand that was about to break the lock.

"Mr. Huang, I know you can do anything. Tell me what you can do~"

Huang Laojiang took out the book he had just read and turned to the last few pages. There were several big words written on it.

"Seven Dharmas of Self-Sacrifice."

Ye Chen looked at those words and read them out involuntarily.

Then he looked at Mr. Huang suspiciously.

"Don't look at me, read a book, look down."

Ye Chen nodded and looked down.

But the more he looked, the brighter his eyes became.

"Very good!"

Ye Chen jumped up suddenly: "With this, I am at least 50% sure of defeating Cheng You!"

"You boy, don't be complacent. To use this 'seven methods of sacrifice', you need to master the "Bone Removal Technique" first, and you have seen the results after using it. I am not sure that I can restore you, so I advise you. Think twice."

"By the way, Huang Lao, what happened to the predecessors who used this trick?"

"Well, it's nothing, I just walked forty or fifty years earlier than normal people."

. . . . . .

In this way, after another day of practice at Mr. Huang's house, Ye Chen bid farewell to Mr. Huang at night and came to the street.

"Hey, Mr. Huang has no place to live here, what are we going to do tonight?"

As Ye Chen was walking, he was thinking of where to make do for the night.

Yuan Lin would know about Yuan Lin moving into Huzi's room by being clever.

Going back now is undoubtedly looking for a dead end.

Before he knew it, Ye Chen had come to the bar street.

Looking up, Ye Chen smiled and shook his head, remembering the knife he gave Abao.

I was still too weak at that time, if I had my current skills at that time, A Bao and others would have made me cry and cry for my mother.

While thinking, Ye Chen was about to leave.

Just as Ye Chen was planning to go to a nearby hotel to make do for the night, when the door of the bar opened, a few people came out.

One of them hugged a scantily dressed woman, walking towards Ye Chen in a loud voice.

Ye Chen made way to the side, ready to wait for them to walk over, but who knew that someone among those few people suddenly shouted.

"Fuck, look, isn't this the kid who stabbed Brother Bao?"

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