The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2555 big boss wants to see you

"The appearance of Jiang Junwu disrupted our plan, just when I thought I was going to be taken away..." Zixia glanced at Ye Chen: "From the moment you stepped forward, I believed that you are not theirs." People."

After hearing this, Yuan Lin looked at Zixia and others with some dissatisfaction.

"Then since you already knew that Ye Chen was a good person, why did you let your people bully Ye Chen again, and you hit him so hard that he dislocated his arm."

Wang Sheng's face turned a little purple. Today, one person after another took the blame.

"Okay Yuan Lin, I'm fine. The dislocation was caused by my own accident."

Ye Chen raised his right hand, patted Yuan Lin's shoulder, and said softly.

Zixia apologized slightly, looked at Ye Chen's arm, and then said to Yuan Lin and Ye Chen, "I can't help it, my father said that the plan must be carried out, so I"

"I see."

Before Zixia could finish speaking, Ye Chen interrupted her.

Seeing what Ye Chen said, Wang Sheng quickly came out to smooth things over.

"Okay, okay, now that everything is clear, everyone is happy. Ye Chen, our boss said he wants to meet you."

Ye Chen shook his head: "I'm just a student party member. I work in a bar just to support my family, so I won't go see the boss."

Wang Sheng wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Zixia.

"Anyway, it's over and I can't watch the movie anymore, so I'm going back."

After finishing speaking, Ye Chen nodded to Zixia and Wang Sheng, and then said to Yuan Lin: "Don't work here, I think Jiang Junwu looks at you wrongly, if possible, change jobs, this is my mobile phone number , call me when you have time, and I will introduce you to the policeman~"

After saying that, Ye Chen picked up the coat that fell on the ground and limped toward the door.

Looking at Ye Chen's leaving back, Zixia's chest felt a little tight for some reason. Many words came to her mouth, but only that sentence came out.

"Feel sorry."

Ye Chen waved his right hand holding the coat: "It's okay, I saved you once by accident, but this kind of test is still rare in the future. I just got my arm a few days ago. I don’t want to do it again.”

After saying that, he opened the door and left.

"Miss this"

Wang Sheng looked at Zixia and said.

He also didn't know what to do. He liked Ye Chen very much.

However, if Ye Chen refuses the boss's invitation now, I wonder if the boss will be angry.

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me for Ye Chen, there will be no problem."

Zixia looked at the direction Ye Chen left and said lightly.

Wang Sheng sighed, looking at the eldest lady, she seemed to be interested in Ye Chen.

Zixia looked at Yuan Lin again: "Xiao Lin, do you want to come and help me work?"

Yuan Lin looked at Zixia and was about to refuse, but then she listened to Zixia's words.

"That way you can see Ye Chen all day long."

"I promise!"

Yuan Lin's eyes lit up.

Ye Chen walked out of the cinema and found a seat to take a taxi.

"Made, I'm really not reconciled to being tricked by a woman."

While waiting for the bus, Ye Chen said angrily.

But there's no other way, I've already done my best, and if I scold others, I'm too stingy, so I can just forget about it.

Maybe Ye Chen's morality is too miserable. After waiting for a long time, no taxi dared to come over.

Just as Ye Chen was about to call Wang Yumin to pick him up, a Land Rover stopped beside him.

The car window opened, and the delicate faces of Zixia and Yuan Lin gradually emerged.

"Ye Chen, we meet again so soon~"

Yuan Lin greeted Ye Chen in the car.

"Ha, yes, what a coincidence."

Ye Chen said hello.

Look at Zixia again, wearing sunglasses, facing herself, wondering what she is thinking.

Ye Chen's eyelids twitched, he didn't know what kind of plane Zixia was going to fly.

"Ye Chen, let's talk."

Just when Ye Chen was thinking about how to go home, Zixia spoke.

Ye Chen stood there thinking for a while, opened the back door and got in the car.

"Go to the snack street next to Wenyu Street first, let's talk about it there."

Zixia looked at Ye Chen's arm, a little worried: "Your arm."

"Don't worry, just take me to the snack street. One of my elders is there and can help me pick it up."

Ye Chen smiled, with a little tiredness in his expression.

"Okay, take a rest first, I'll call you when we arrive."

Zixia looked at Ye Chen's tired expression and said apologetically.

Ye Chen nodded, then leaned on the back seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Not long after, Ye Chen was woken up by Yuan Lin.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen~ We're here."

Ye Chen opened his eyes, took a look, and sure enough, he had arrived at the intersection of the snack street.

At this point, we were just about to have dinner, so there were quite a lot of people.

"Let's go, two beauties, let's take you to taste the special snacks of Southeast City~"

Ye Chen rested for a while, and he became more energetic, and the previous depression also dissipated a lot.

With this kind of virtue, Ye Chen is very difficult to be really angry with beautiful women, which is the same virtue as his father.

Originally, Zixia was still a little uneasy because of Ye Chen's unfamiliar attitude before, but after hearing what Ye Chen said, she felt a lot more comfortable inexplicably.

Nodding, Zixia and Yuan Yuanlin followed Ye Chen out of the car and walked into the snack street.

Ye Chen took the two beauties with him, and attracted countless male compatriots who looked at him with hatred along the way.

But Ye Chen didn't seem to see it, and directly ignored the gazes of those people.

On the contrary, Zixia and Yuan Lin were a little uncomfortable with the gazes cast on them by the crowd.

Take a few steps quickly, you are much closer to Ye Chen.

In this way, a group of three came to the door of a food stall.

Ye Chen walked into the store, walked to the back kitchen with ease, and saw Uncle Huang kneading noodles.

"Uncle Huang~"

Ye Chen smiled and walked in.

Uncle Huang looked back: "So it's you, why are you free to come here today?"

Then I looked out again.

"Don't look at Uncle Huang. Brother Wang didn't come. My friend and I are here today."

Ye Chen said.

Only then did Uncle Huang turn his attention to Ye Chen.

Then he said angrily: "He dared to come. Last time that brat brought more than 20 people to eat, he ran away after eating. If he dares to come to see me again, I won't beat him up."

Ye Chen was speechless, never expecting Wang Yumin to eat Bawang's meal.

And he is familiar with it, it seems that in the future, you must be more careful when eating with him.

"Huh? Xiaoye, did you dislocate your arm again?"

After Uncle Huang finished talking about Wang Yumin, he saw that Ye Chen's left arm was not in the right condition, so he asked.

Ye Chen was thinking about having dinner with Wang Yumin, why did this guy run away? Hearing what Uncle Huang said, he remembered that his arm was hanging there.

"Yes, Uncle Huang, I was beaten and dislocated my arm for my bravery today."

Ye Chen chuckled.

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