The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 241 Handsome guy, hello!

Sitting next to Ye Long, Sister Mei gently pushed back the hair on her cheek with her slender fingers, and then said, "Nonsense, sister is a beauty, she looks good no matter what!"

"Hey, that's the truth, of course it doesn't matter whose future wife you are!" Ye Long also said triumphantly.

Sister Mei glanced at Ye Long and said, "Who am I as a future wife?"

"Of course it's brother's future wife!" Ye Long patted his chest and said with a coquettish smile.

Sister Mei snorted softly and said, "Hmph, narcissistic guy, there is no way for me to be your future wife, so stop being narcissistic in the future!"

"Sister Mei, I must seriously emphasize again, this is not narcissism, but self-confidence!" Ye Long said, looking at Sister Mei seriously.

"Be virtuous, it's alright, I'll go back to my room to rest first, your room has quilts and everything, they are all clean, you should go to bed early too!" Sister Mei got up and said.

"Fuck, sister Mei, why don't you rest so early?" Ye Long said depressingly, he still wants sister Mei to chat with him for a while, men and women are in the same room, how can we do it without cultivating feelings?

"I'm going back to my room to surf the Internet. If you can't fall asleep, then do it yourself!" Sister Mei finished, then turned and entered the room.

"Fuck, I'm a guest after all, right? Is there anyone who treats guests like this?" Ye Long felt extremely depressed.

Ye Long lay on the sofa and watched TV for a while, it was really boring, the commercials were longer than TV dramas, Ye Long didn't know if he was watching commercials or watching TV dramas?

After watching TV for a while, Ye Long turned off the TV because there were really no good programs!

Ye Long got up, and then went to the bathroom for convenience!

As soon as he pushed open the door of the bathroom, Ye Long stared at him as if he had discovered a gem, "Wow, what a gem!"

There are a few beautiful clothes hanging on the drying rack in the bathroom, which are very conspicuous. After all, this is in Sister Mei's own home, and the lace is still empty. Seeing these clothes, Ye Long not only swallowed his saliva!

Ye Long had never seen the style of Meijie's clothes before. He didn't expect Meijie to be so sexy, even this style!

Now in Ye Long's mind, it immediately appeared that the charming sister, who is so beautiful, would fascinate all beings wearing these clothes!

"Would you like to keep one for yourself?" Ye Long leaned forward and smelled it lightly, the fragrance of Sister Mei was still on the clothes.

Ye Long originally wanted to collect one, but after thinking about it, Ye Long decided to forget it!

If Sister Mei finds out that one is missing, it will definitely be on her own fault. After all, she is probably the only man who comes to her house to spend the night!

And there are only three on it, and one missing is easy to be found, but it can’t be collected. It’s completely okay to touch it with your hands to try the feel. Anyway, no one can see it. If you don’t try the texture, I’m sorry that sister Mei’s clothes appear on me. before!

Ye Long took it in his hand and touched it lightly, then put the clothes back to their original place!

If Sister Mei saw her shameless behavior, it would be strange if she didn't beat herself to death!

Ye Long went to the bathroom for a while, and then walked out, this grandma, who went to the bathroom and found this, fortunately, he was calm enough!

After leaving the bathroom, Ye Long didn't feel sleepy at all, it's only what time, how can he fall asleep!

Immediately, Ye Long went to Sister Mei's room and knocked on the door, then opened the door and poked his head in, and said, "Hey, Sister Mei, can you go in?"

Sister Mei sat in front of the computer and turned her head to look at Ye Long, then asked, "Little villain, what's the matter?"

"Hey, it's really boring, let's chat with Sister Mei!" Ye Long said with a coquettish smile.

"De Xing, come in!" Sister Mei said.

"Okay!" Ye Long responded, then opened the door and walked in.

Coming to the side of Meijie, Meijie was playing a game of stealing vegetables in QQ space. Ye Long saw that not only the chrysanthemum tightened, but said, "I'm sorry, Meijie, how old are you, and you still play this kind of game?"

Sister Mei rolled her eyes at Ye Long, and said, "It's up to you, sister can play whatever game she wants!"

Ye Long pouted helplessly, and said, "Okay, sister Mei, you win!"

According to Ye Long's normal understanding, isn't the game of stealing vegetables in QQ zone something that primary school students should play?

It's not a game played by older people at all. Sure enough, men don't understand women's world!

At the very least, I can play a high-IQ game like Fighting the Landlords!

"By the way, sister Mei, what's your QQ number?" Ye Long asked coquettishly.

"Let's talk about yourself, sister will add you!" Sister Mei said.

"Okay, 274791382, add it!" Ye Long said, adding Sister Mei, in the future, I can chat with Sister Mei on QQ when I have nothing to do. This is indeed a good choice.

Sister Mei enters the QQ number that Ye Long said, and then chooses to add friends. Ye Long directly passes the verification with his mobile phone!

"Hey, sister Mei, why don't we change the online name of a couple?" Ye Long asked coquettishly to sister Mei.

"Change you big-headed ghost, don't change!" Sister Mei refused.

"Hey... Sister Mei, why don't you bring something like this, and you think brother's remark should be a big show bag?" Ye Long suddenly saw the remark changed by Sister Mei, and immediately asked depressedly.

Sister Mei snorted softly, smiled, and said, "Not bad, you deserve your name, you are a big show!"

"Fuck, sister Mei, I'm going to change your note to wife!" Ye Long said coquettishly.

"How dare you..." Sister Mei stared at Ye Long and said.

"Hey, this is my QQ anyway, so I can change whatever I want!" Ye Long said happily.

Now Ye Long is still thinking about it, it seems that in the future, we will also add the police flower girl, Zihan girl, and Xiaolan, Fang Qinghan, and Fang Qinger's QQ, and then create a wife group to group them all. Pull it into a group, and then line up who is the first wife, second wife, third wife...

"Hmph, big show bag!" Sister Mei snorted softly. Ye Long wanted to change the note, but he had nothing to do with him.

"Sister Mei, it's been a long time since I've been online, let me play for a while too!" Ye Long leaned forward and said flirtatiously.

"I still want to steal food, there is a notebook over the bed, you can use the notebook, there is a wireless network!" Sister Mei said.

"Okay, where is it?" Ye Long asked.

"It's right on the bedside!" Sister Mei focused on stealing vegetables in QQ zone, and didn't care about Ye Long at all.

Ye Long immediately walked to the bed, and then tossed the quilt for a while, "Fuck you want to tempt yourself like this?"

Under Meijie's quilt, there are a few pieces of pink clothes. I just saw Meijie's lower body clothes in the bathroom, and now I see the upper body clothes. This is clearly torture!

Ye Long glanced at the clothes on the bed, they must have just been changed by sister Mei, it's really f*cking tormenting!

Looking at the number, sister Mei’s seems to be quite small, it should be between CDs, grandma, it’s too tormenting, fortunately, brother has a calm heart!

"Saobao, did you find it!" Sister Mei asked wholeheartedly while stealing vegetables.

"Uh...ah, I found it!" Ye Long hurriedly closed the quilt, then picked up the notebook next to the bed and walked back.

Sister Mei's computer desk is big enough, Ye Long put the laptop on the other side, and then Ye Long sat on the edge of the bed and turned on the computer to connect to the Internet!

After Ye Longlian connected to the Internet, he immediately logged in to his QQ!

As soon as he logged in to QQ, Ye Long's QQ "cough cough" sounded. Ye Long saw that someone added him!

Ye Long took a look, she was still a girl, she should still be a beautiful woman by looking at her profile picture!

How could Ye Long refuse a beautiful woman who offered to add him, and immediately clicked to agree!

Plus, not long after, that beauty's profile photo flashed!

"Hello boy, hello!"

Ye Long turned on the computer, and a sentence from the opposite party popped up in the dialog box!

Looking at the dialog box, Ye Long's eyes lit up, "Oh shit, could it be that a beautiful woman added me as soon as I got on QQ?"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Long immediately posted a message on QQ, "Beauty, how are you too!"

"Excuse me, handsome guy, do you have a girlfriend?" The other person quickly replied.

"Not yet, if the beauty doesn't have a boyfriend, I don't mind being your boyfriend!" Ye Long quickly replied in a sultry way.

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