The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2327 Are you dead?

And Bai Furong's behavior is enough to show her viciousness!

She actually tortured herself with poison, thanks to her being able to figure it out!

Undoubtedly, tormenting people with poison is definitely the most painful thing.

However, Ye Long was not afraid, his head fell off, and it was nothing more than a scar the size of a bowl!

After Ye Long was pushed into the room by Bai Furong, Bai Furong directly closed the door.

"Boy, you can enjoy it inside." Bai Furong sneered outside, and then left here.

Ye Long, on the other hand, stayed alone in the closed room.

There was a gloomy chill in the whole room.

Ye Long suffered internal injuries, and faced with these poisons, he had no power to resist at all.

Ye Long, who was in the room, had already heightened his vigilance.

At this moment, a huge cobra appeared in Ye Long's sight.

And on the roof, there is a giant spider, and at the same time, on the cabinet in the corner of the room, there is also a giant lizard, and there is a poisonous scorpion on the other side!

Cobras, giant spiders, giant lizards, and giant poisonous scorpions, these are the four major poisons raised by the white hibiscus!

Moreover, these poisons are much larger than ordinary spiders, evil spirits, and poisonous scorpions. Just looking at them makes people shudder.

And the visual impact on people is quite terrifying!

At this moment, the cobra seemed to have discovered its prey. The first half of the snake's head lifted up high, spitting silk at Ye Long!

Obviously, this is a warning to Ye Long that he is about to attack!

As for Ye Long, he also naturally raised his vigilance, not to mention the poison raised by Bai Furong, it was just an ordinary cobra, one bite would put his life in jeopardy.

At this time, the cobra went down the second floor, and the snake moved in an S shape to attack Ye Long.

When it was about to get close to Ye Long, the whole body of the cobra jumped up and bit Ye Long's throat directly!

Moreover, the speed of this bite is extremely fast, the speed is like lightning, it can be described as the blink of an eye!

When it's hot, Ye Long still has the basic reaction ability. When the cobra's fangs bite up, Ye Long grabs the cobra's three inches.

And Ye Long's reaction speed is also very fast, it is also the speed of the blink of an eye, and it is a matter of shooting in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Long grabbed the three-inch part of the cobra and flicked it.

However, with Ye Long's throw, an accident happened, and his own idea was to throw the cobra away.

But the moment Ye Long shook his hand, the cobra's tail was wrapped around Ye Long's wrist.

And the cobra's snake tail is very strong, and then stood up and bit Ye Long's arm!

The moment he took that bite, Ye Long felt like an electric shock, and felt a chill instantly.

After Ye Long was bitten, only five or six seconds later, he felt his heartbeat slowly slowed down, his blood flow slowed down, and his blood felt like it was about to freeze.

At the same time, Ye Long felt a little dizzy in his head.

At this time, Ye Long felt a sense of crisis.

After about half a minute, Ye Long began to feel a little unstable, and then fell to the ground while shaking.

Ye Long, who fell on the ground, felt soft and heavy all over. Slowly, Ye Long felt that his body could not move, and he only had a little consciousness.

It has to be said that the toxin of this cobra is too strong, within less than a minute, Ye Long's body couldn't hold it anymore.

Now, Ye Long's only sense is that he can see the blurred affairs around him, and he has no sense of anything else!

At this moment, Ye Long was lying on the ground with his head sideways, vaguely watching cobras, giant lizards, giant spiders, and giant poisonous scorpions slowly crawling towards him.

However, Ye Long saw these poisons approaching him, and he really didn't have the ability to resist at all, so he could only watch them crawling towards him helplessly.

When these poisons crawled over, Ye Long's vision was completely blurred, and he could only feel a slight itching that something crawled on him.

Then there was no more, Ye Long lost consciousness at all.

Ye Long didn't know how long he had been in a deep sleep, as if he had a dream, his eyes slowly opened.

When Ye Long opened his eyes, he looked at everything in front of him. It was still a room full of cold air, and there were still four poisonous substances in front of him!

But in Ye Long's consciousness, he only stayed at the poison coming towards him, and the consequences could be imagined, one bite of a cobra would kill him, let alone the other three poisons.

If this poison took a bite, even if he had nine lives, he would probably be doomed!

Ye Long stood up, looked at everything around him, and moved his body a bit.

And there is nothing serious about my body, nothing at all!

At this time, Ye Long frowned, not only secretly thought, "Could it be that I am already dead?"

But Ye Long looked at everything around him, and there was no change, it was still the room he was locked in.

Do people die, that's all?

Or, he didn't die at all?

But how could he not die? If he was bitten by these big poisons, let alone one life, even if he had nine lives, he would still be dead, and before he became unconscious, he would be dying.

Even if you wake up, you can't have nothing, right?

At this moment, Ye Long couldn't tell whether it was reality or death.

Therefore, Ye Long used the simplest method to verify whether he was dead or not.

As the saying goes, the dead are not afraid of pain, so Ye Long slapped his face hard.


At this time, there was a crisp slap in the entire quiet room.

Suddenly, Ye Long felt a pain in his cheek.

" hurts me to death." Ye Long took a deep breath, feeling depressed for a while, and if he had known earlier, he would have acted softly.

However, Ye Long was a little happy. If it hurts, then it proves that he is not dead and is living in the real world.

But Ye Long quickly became curious again, how could he not die?

Not only did he not die, but he was also fine, nothing happened, as if the internal injuries he suffered from fighting with Bai Furong before were all gone.

So amazing, what is going on?

Ye Long was a little curious, but thinking of this, he not only looked at the four poisons in the room.

These four poisonous substances met him at this time, and they didn't react at all. They didn't have the attitude of treating him as an enemy and attacking him when he entered the room.

But at this time, Ye Long took two steps forward, and just after taking two steps, the four poisonous creatures seemed to be afraid of him, and they retreated one after another, as if to stay away from Ye Long.

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