After hearing this, Sister Mei and Leng Feifei smiled mysteriously at the same time, and replied together, "I won't tell you."

"Fuck you... Sister Mei, policewoman, when did you hide something from brother?" Ye Long pouted after hearing this.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just a meeting gift." Sister Mei replied.

"What gift? Tell us?" Ye Long asked curiously.

"You will know in the future, it is not convenient to tell you for the time being." Sister Mei said.

"Fuck...not reliable." Ye Long shrugged and said.

"Okay, if you know it in the future, you might be happier than knowing it now." Seeing this, Sister Mei smiled and comforted her.

"But brother's curiosity has been seduced." Ye Long spread his hands and replied.

"Then you have to endure it." Sister Mei said.

"Forget it, if you don't say it, don't say it, but I also have a gift for you." Ye Long said to Sister Mei and Leng Feifei.

"What gift?" Sister Mei and Leng Feifei asked curiously after hearing this.

"Guess, but it's hard for you to guess." Ye Long said.

After hearing this, Sister Mei and Leng Feifei found it really hard to guess.

Since Ye Long gave a gift, it must not be the usual stuff like gold and silver jewelry.

"Can't think of it, tell me." Sister Mei replied.

"Hey, look at it." Ye Long was in high spirits, and then took out the tiger leather vest he brought back from the capital, and said, "Sister Mei, policewoman, what is this?"

Sister Mei and Leng Feifei saw the tiger-skin vest that Ye Long took out, with a unified expression, frowning, black lines on their hair.

Apparently, Sister Mei and Leng Feifei were not very interested in the tiger leather vest that Ye Long brought out, because there were many of them in the imitation fur shop of Ten Yuan Supermarket.

Of course, the main reason is that Sister Mei and Leng Feifei would not have thought that Ye Long could get a real tiger skin.

After all, tigers are animals to protect.

Moreover, when Ye Long goes out to do errands, he won't just mess around with tiger skins when he's idle.

"Saobao, are you ashamed to say this is a gift?" Leng Feifei looked at Ye Long and said.

"Of course it's a gift, and it's a big gift. It's hard for someone else to have this kind of thing." Ye Long said proudly.

When it comes to killing Wannianhu, Ye Long is also very proud.

After all, it is not something that ordinary people can do to kill the Wannianhu. Let alone do it, it is estimated that few people know that there is such a thing as the Wannianhu.

"Little villain, do you think that Feifei and I are ignorant? Make such a simulated tiger skin vest to fool us." Sister Mei followed Ye Long with white eyes and replied.

"Uh..." Ye Long was taken aback when he heard sister Mei's words, and then he became depressed.

Sister Mei and Leng Feifei think their precious ten thousand year tiger skin is fake?

Rub it...

Are you that boring?

"Uh, what, uh, it's heartless to fool us with this kind of thing, hum." Sister Mei replied with a soft snort.

"Sister Mei, to be serious, this is made of real tiger skin, and it's ten thousand years old tiger skin." Ye Long explained to Sister Mei.

"Tiger skin? Or ten-thousand-year tiger skin? What do you mean?" Sister Mei couldn't understand Ye Long's words.

Of course, to be precise, Sister Mei couldn't think of a tiger that lived for ten thousand years. She just thought that ten thousand years of tiger was just a name.

"That's right, the ten-thousand-year tiger skin is the skin of a tiger that lived for ten thousand years and was slaughtered." Ye Long nodded and explained to Sister Mei.

But Sister Mei and Leng Feifei became a little angry when they heard Ye Long's words.

Because what Ye Long said just now, in the ears of Sister Mei and Leng Feifei, it was an insult to their IQ.

The Thousand Year Tiger?

It's not clear that this is nonsense.

You know, this is a tiger that has survived for ten thousand years, and it is bigger than China's five thousand years of history.

Therefore, regarding this kind of matter, he naturally did not believe what Ye Long said.

"Sao Bao, are you insulting our IQ?" Sister Mei asked, staring at Ye Long.

"No." Ye Long replied seriously.

"Did you insult our IQ? Then tell me, is there a tiger that has survived for thousands of years?" Sister Mei questioned Ye Long.

"Yes." Ye Long replied in a serious manner.

"Yes? Nonsense, you are fooling us like three-year-old children. It is still ten thousand years old. A hundred-year-old tiger is not bad. In order to please us, you gave us a fake tiger-skin vest. Even if you make up a story, you have to make it up for us." Believe it?" Sister Mei looked at Ye Long and said.

"That's right, it's obviously nonsense to be a thousand-year-old tiger." Leng Feifei echoed from the side.

Neither Sister Mei nor Leng Feifei didn't believe Ye Long's words at all.

If Ye Long changed his story, they might still believe it.

But for this matter, they would never believe it, because what Ye Long said was beyond reasonable scientific worries.

This has reached the point of nonsense.

"Fuck...why don't you believe me when I tell the truth." Ye Long said with a depressed face.

"Because you made up stories that are too unreasonable, and in the future make up stories that are more realistic." Sister Mei replied.

Ye Long spread his hands and said, "But brother is telling the truth, he didn't make up a story."

"Come on, tell me, how much did you pay for these two fake tiger leather vests, ten yuan, twenty yuan?" Sister Mei asked again.

"Uh..." Ye Long almost cried helplessly when he heard Sister Mei's words, and said, "Sister Mei, this is a priceless treasure, and it cannot be measured by money. I am afraid that even money can't buy it. It’s telling the truth.”

"Since you are telling the truth, how can you prove it?" Sister Mei asked.

"Look at this hair, does it look fake?" Ye Long asked again.

"Little villain, do you really think we haven't been to the zoo? It's because we saw this hair that we decided that this tiger skin is fake. Look, how rough it is." Meijie replied.

When Ye Long heard Sister Mei's words, his whole body collapsed, and then he replied, "Come on, I don't need to explain, during this time, you can just wear it under your clothes, which can resist knife wounds, and bullets are probably fine. Better than body armor."

Of course, Sister Mei and Leng Feifei didn't take it seriously, and immediately put it aside.

And Ye Long was also lazily explaining.

I'm afraid that this kind of thing has not been verified by the two of them personally, even if they explain it for one night, they will not believe it.

After all, I didn't believe there was such a thing as a ten thousand year tiger before, but you should know that this is a tiger that has lived for ten thousand years.

So, there are some things, it's not that they don't exist, it's just that they haven't been touched.

After Sister Mei and Leng Feifei accept it, they will truly believe it.

Leaving aside the topic of the ten-thousand-year tiger skin, Ye Long looked at Sister Mei and Leng Feifei, and then showed a coquettish smile.

"Ahem, Sister Mei, policewoman, it's getting late, go to bed." Ye Long smiled coquettishly, and greeted Sister Mei and Leng Feifei.

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