The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2114 Okay, goodbye

Zhang Jun endured such high-frequency pain that it made his life worse than death!

"I said, I said!"

In the end, Zhang Jun shouted and begged for mercy.

Because this kind of pain is too unbearable, Zhang Jun knows very well that if he doesn't say it, this kind of pain will continue endlessly!

Moreover, this kind of pain is not fatal, so Ye Long will carry it out without any scruples!

It is simply unbearable for such a short time, let alone continue!

Hearing Zhang Jun begging for mercy, Ye Long took his arm, stopped, and then asked with a smile, "Now that I think about it, I have to be honest?"

"Think clearly!" Zhang Jun still nodded in silence in that pain and replied.

The feeling that life is worse than death made Zhang Jun unable to keep his mouth shut, and to put it bluntly, it was not worth it at all!

Because of this level of relationship, it is nothing more than a question of money!

Why suffer this for money?

What's more, if he was honest, Ye Long would give him one million!

I didn't say it before, Zhang Jun is only for the position!

But now I can't control so much, it's useless to have money but no life!

After Ye Long connected Zhang Jun's arm, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "I knew the result earlier, why bother to endure the pain before, but it's not too late, and begging for mercy later will make you Unforgettable forever!"

And Zhang Jun, panting heavily in ecstasy, calmed down for a while before he recovered!

Zhang Jun was completely convinced by Ye Long's method!

I had only heard about Ye Long's reputation and methods before, but I hadn't personally experienced it, but this time, Zhang Jun had a good experience of it himself!

"Tell me, who told you the news?" Ye Long looked at Zhang Jun and asked.

"A woman... a woman!" Zhang Jun looked at Ye Long and said.

After hearing this, Ye Long frowned, not only curious, "Woman?"

"Yes, it's a woman!" Zhang Jun nodded in response.

"What's your name?" Ye Long asked.

Zhang Jun shook his head and replied, "I don't know the name!"

"What does it look like?" Ye Long asked again.

"I don't know either!" Zhang Jun replied.

"Are you kidding me?" Seeing that Zhang Jun asked three questions, Ye Long was instantly annoyed.

Seeing this, Zhang Jun quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't dare, dare not, I really don't know the girl's name, and I have never seen her face!"

"Is there a phone anyway?" Ye Long asked again.

"No!" Zhang Jun shook his head again and replied.

After Ye Long heard this, he immediately became furious, and he was about to make a move again. It seems that if he doesn't continue to deal with Zhang Jun, this guy will only answer that he doesn't know!

Seeing this, Zhang Jun hurriedly said, "I, I really don't know, she told me about this in a meeting, and she also gave me 100,000 yuan, and promised that with this news, I can be promoted !"

"Continue to meet, do you know what that woman looks like?" Ye Long asked.

"I really don't know, because she was wearing a mask when she saw me, and she couldn't see what she looked like at all!" Zhang Jun replied.

"How do I know if what you said is true or not?" Ye Long asked with a sneer.

"Really, what I said is true, I swear!" Zhang Jun said seriously.

"Then tell me about the process at that time!" Ye Long said.

Zhang Jun nodded and replied, "When I got off work yesterday afternoon, I was stopped by her and called into the car as soon as I left the company gate. At that time, she was wearing a mask and told me that there would be big news at Longmei Bar tomorrow morning. If you want to be promoted, you must seize this opportunity, and it seems that he knows the editor-in-chief of our company, so I followed her advice!"

"Editor-in-Chief?" Ye Long asked after hearing this.

"That's right, because that woman had the mobile phone number of our editor-in-chief at that time, and she also called our editor-in-chief, what the woman meant was the editor-in-chief's meaning!" Zhang Jun replied.

"Then who is your editor-in-chief?" Ye Long asked.

"Zhu Zhen!" Zhang Jun replied.

"Does he work here?" Ye Long asked.

Zhang Jun shook his head and replied, "I have something to do today!"

"Call him now, find any reason, and ask him where he is!" Ye Long said to Zhang Jun.

Now this matter, if we want to investigate clearly, it is obvious that the so-called editor-in-chief Zhang Jun said is a key point!

Since that mysterious woman had Zhu Zhen's phone number, and used Zhu Zhen as a guide to let Zhang Jun do things, there must be a connection between them!

Therefore, Zhu Zhen now became Ye Long's biggest breakthrough in investigating this matter!

"I'll fight right now!"

Zhang Jun didn't dare not listen to Ye Long's words, nodded his head, then took out his mobile phone and called Zhu Zhen!

The call was quickly connected, and Zhang Jun just found a reason to ask where Zhu Zhen was!

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Jun looked at Ye Long and said, "I've made it clear. He's talking to clients in a leisure club!"

"Tell me the phone number of that leisure club!" Ye Long said.

Then Zhang Jun honestly told Ye Long the address!

After hearing this, Ye Long patted Zhang Jun on the shoulder and said, "To be honest in the future, I don't want to see any negative reports about Longmei Bar, and of course mine. If there are any, let me find out. Blame me for not reminding you!"

With any threat, Ye Long turned around and left Zhang Jun's office!

The person Ye Long is looking for now is Zhu Zhen, if he finds Zhu Zhen, everything will be settled!

Ye Long wants to see who is going to mess with him, and judging from the current news, it's still a woman!

Who is this woman?

Ye Long is looking forward to it and wants to know!

After leaving the building, Ye Long drove directly to the address Zhang Jun said!

In about twenty minutes, Ye Long stood the car in front of a relatively remote entertainment place in the outer suburbs!

To be able to open an entertainment place in this kind of place, it is obvious that the business is done by acquaintances, otherwise few people will come!

The location of the entertainment place is remote, but luxury cars are everywhere in front of the door, which is enough to see that this entertainment place is very unique!

Of course, these Ye Long don't care, but what Ye Long cares about is finding Zhu Zhen!

Ye Long stopped the car and went straight into the leisure club!

Moreover, Ye Long went directly to the box provided by Zhang Jun!

However, as soon as he walked to the door, Ye Long was taken down by two big men in black suits at the door!

"Is there a brand?" The big man looked at Ye Long and asked.

"What brand?" Ye Long asked suspiciously after hearing this.

"There must be a sign to enter the door. If there is no sign, no entry!" The big man said to Ye Long.

"What if there is no sign, but you have to go in?" Ye Long asked with a smile, looking at the tall man with high toes.

"It's very simple, throw you out!" The big man stared at Ye Long and replied.

After hearing this, Ye Long nodded in response, "Okay, goodbye!"

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