The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2039 Confrontation

Even if Ye Long joins the demon clan now, he seems to be a bad guy!

But Ye Long is not as vicious as Bodhidharma, who disowns all his relatives and will kill anyone who hinders his interests!

If he really wanted to kill the Demon Blade, Ye Long really couldn't do it!

Although the magic blade has not been following him for a long time!

However, Ye Long couldn't help but obey Bodhidharma's orders, so the current situation left Ye Long in a dilemma!

"Are you going to take action now?" Ye Long looked at Bei Sha and asked.

And Bei Sha's actions also exceeded Ye Long's expectations, he actually found Bei Sha ahead of time!

In itself, Ye Long's idea was to play a game of delaying the attack, using the excuse of the magic blade to leave, saying that he could not find the magic blade!

Naturally, I can’t blame myself!

But who would have thought that the magic blade would be found by Besha easily, and in such a short time, Ye Long was a little surprised!

"If you don't do it now, when will you wait?" Bei Sha asked Ye Long.

"Hey, you haven't eaten yet, have you? I don't want to eat, why don't we eat first before doing anything?" Ye Long smiled and said to Beisha.

"It's important to do serious things first, kill the magic blade, eat whatever you want!" Besha said.

As for Ye Long, looking at Bei Sha's posture, it seemed that there was no room for negotiation!

Although I am not a bird of Beisha now, this is also a scoring situation, because my strength is blocked by Dharma, and I am not Beisha's opponent for the time being!

"In this case, let's act. Where is the magic blade now?" Ye Long asked again.

But now Ye Long's plan is to ask about the location of the magic blade first, and then take the opportunity to arrange for someone to inform the magic blade to let him leave here!

Because facing the magic blade, Ye Long really didn't know what to do!

After all, the magic blade helped me once anyway, if there was no help from the magic blade at that time, maybe I would not be here now!

"You don't need to know where the magic blade is for now, just let me go!" Bei Sha was very clever and didn't intend to tell Ye Long.

And Beisha's posture seems to have seen through Ye Long's thoughts!

"Beisha, what do you mean? You don't trust me?" Ye Long looked at Beisha and said.

Besha admitted it very directly and said, "Yes, I know your relationship with Demon Blade better than anyone else. Now let me tell you, who knows whether you will tip off Demon Blade?"

After hearing this, Ye Long gave Beisha a thumbs up and said, "Okay, if my strength is not blocked by Bodhidharma now, I will definitely kill you directly!"

"Unfortunately, there are no ifs in life!" Beisha replied with a sneer.

Ye Long, on the other hand, glanced at Bei Sha, this guy, he must kill him in a different way!

Going to look for the magic blade has been unable to shirk, and then Ye Long and Bei Sha went downstairs together!

Downstairs in the hotel, Beisha took a taxi directly!

Of course, Ye Long, who was sitting in the car, was still thinking about how to solve this matter!

When the time comes to see the magic blade, it is impossible not to attack the magic blade in front of Besha, but now, there is really no way to notify the magic blade!

In the current situation, Ye Long can only take one step at a time!

The taxi drove for about ten minutes, and soon stopped in front of a fast hotel!

The Express Hotel is located in the intermediary between the suburbs and the urban area, it is not too remote or prosperous!

Ye Long was a little confused, how did Bei Sha find the magic blade in such a place?

"Let's go!"

Besha said something and then got out of the car.

And Ye Long immediately got out of the car!

After getting off the car, Ye Long glanced at Bei Sha and asked, "Is the magic blade here?"

"It's confirmed that it's here, it's up to you to do it next!" Bei Sha said to Ye Long.

"Hey, Besha, I've always had a question. Why does Bodhidharma insist on letting me attack the Demon Blade? If you really want to kill the Demon Blade, you don't have to force me to do it. You can kill him casually, right?" Ye Long looked at Beisha and asked.

And this question is indeed a big doubt in Ye Long's heart. Why does Bodhidharma insist on letting himself kill Demon Blade?

What is the reason for this?

If he really wanted to kill the Demon Blade, Beisha could do whatever he wanted!

After hearing this, Besha smiled and replied, "There are some things you do differently from me, and Bodhidharma has already told you why!"

"The reason he said? To balance my yin and yang energy, so as not to go crazy?" Ye Long said, not only sneered, but said, "These answers are all nonsense. As long as I balance the yin and yang energy, I will not go crazy." Qi, do you have to kill Demon Blade? Can't you kill others?"

"This is not something you can decide, nor can I decide. In the end, I believe you should understand!" Beisha said, looking at Ye Long.

After Ye Long heard this, he was also lazily talking nonsense with Bei Sha. From Bei Sha, it was hard to get anything valuable from Bodhidharma!

"Let's go, stop the ink, let's do it!" Ye Long said to Bei Sha.

Immediately, Ye Long and Bei Sha entered the express hotel together!

After entering the express hotel, the two went straight to the second floor!

Beisha has also investigated the room where the magic blade is located!

Soon, Bei Sha and Ye Long stopped in front of a room on the second floor!

"It's time to do it!"

Bei Sha said to Ye Long, and then kicked towards the door of the room.


With a loud noise, Bei Sha kicked open the door of the room without giving Ye Long a chance to hesitate!

There is no other way, Ye Long can only take action!

Immediately, Ye Long and Bei Sha entered the hotel room one after another!

When he heard the sound, the magic blade, who was resting on the sofa in the living room, immediately got up and raised his vigilance!

When the magic blade saw Ye Long, he didn't relax his vigilance, because he saw Bei Sha behind Ye Long!

The strong have a particularly keen sense of danger!

At this time, the magic blade has already smelled a crisis!

What's more, if the door is kicked, it's natural that the comer is not good!

I can't come to you in a friendly way, just say hello without hitting the door, right?

"You finally found this place!"

Magic Blade looked at Ye Long and spoke first.

And the reason why the magic blade uses you to connect Ye Long and Bei Sha, presumably the magic blade has heard something!

"Magic Blade, you betrayed the Demon Race and Bodhidharma, and now you are here to kill you!"

At this time, Beisha, who was standing behind him, spoke.

"Ye Long, I didn't expect that you have already joined the Demon Race!" Mo Ren frowned and said to Ye Long.

Now, Ye Long really doesn't know how to communicate with the magic blade!

After all, I came here to kill him, so Demon Blade must have felt that his visitor was not kind!

"Magic Blade, I'm sorry, too many things have happened, and I have to do some things!" Ye Long said while looking at Magic Blade.

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