The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1878 Take the initiative to ask for a fight


After Ye Long heard this, he looked embarrassed, and said, "Hey, Sister Rose, I thought you asked me to change your clothes to change, but I didn't know that you asked me to change your clothes, so tell me earlier!"

Xue Meigui looked at Ye Long with an indescribable feeling!

Immediately, Xue Meigui put on the clothes by herself!

As for Ye Long, he also enjoyed it, because the scene just now was absolutely fine!


After Xue Meigui got dressed, Ye Long accompanied her out of the room!

"Hey, Miss Rose, what shall we do now?"

Ye Long asked.

Now that he is Xue Meigui's bodyguard, Ye Long doesn't believe it, he can't accept some deeper things!

If Xue Meigui wanted to avoid him deliberately, then Ye Long could bring it up without hesitation!

Because, I used a reverse thinking, I can do all the things that undercover agents can't do!

"Go to the conference room, have a meeting!"

Blood Rose said.

Ye Long nodded, and then came to the meeting room with Xue Meigui!

Since going to the meeting room, Xue Meigui must have something to say!

And when we arrived at the conference room, the five main halls in the middle of the storm, thunder and lightning, except for the poisonous leopard, all the other four main hall masters were present!

It seems that Blood Rose has something big to announce!

"Poison Dragon, go!"

Xue Meigui waved his hand and preached to Ye Long.

When Ye Long heard this, he felt a little upset. Could it be that he had guessed right that he was asked to go out and not participate in something important?

If this is the case, Xue Meigui may not be too good at doing things. No matter who he puts on, he will feel excluded. In this way, it will be difficult to win people's hearts!

A person who is faithful will not be loyal to a person who does not trust you!

It's like, if you feed a dog a bun, instead of thanking you, the dog bites you instead!

"Sister Rose, after all, I am also your personal bodyguard. You let me out, and the purpose of rejecting me is too obvious? If you don't trust me, I can leave Hell's Angel now!"

Ye Long looked at Xue Meigui and preached very straightforwardly.

Xue Meigui gave Ye Long a white look, and said, "Did I tell you to go out? I asked you to sit in the seat of the poisonous leopard!"


"Hey, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

After hearing this, Ye Long showed an embarrassed smile on his face, and then sat down honestly to the position of the poisonous leopard.

"Okay, everyone is here, then I'll get down to business, the revenge operation failed, and the poisonous leopard was caught!"

Xue Meigui spoke.

"What? The poisonous leopard was captured by the people in the hell prison?"

Crazy Eagle, Stone Carving, Catfish and others said in surprise.

"Yes, now the Hell Prison has become an organization that we must eradicate. Only one of us and the Hell Prison can survive here. Even if the Hell Prison cannot be eradicated, we must let them know that the Hell Angels organization is not It's easy to provoke, and if you are in a hurry, you will resist!"

Xue Meigui said in a cold tone.

From Xue Meigui's eyes, Ye Long could see that her hatred for the prison area of ​​hell had reached the point of life and death!

Of course, the Hell Prison and Hell's Angels have indeed reached this point!

"Sister Rose, just tell me how you want to arrange it!" Mad Eagle said.

"Rescue the poisonous leopard!"

Xue Meigui replied.

"Sister Rose, I think it's better for us to wipe out the prison area in one fell swoop. The heavy weapons have already been obtained, and we have a new poisonous dragon. Now our strength is only strong but not weak!"

Mad Eagle analyzed.

"Yeah, with me, no problem!"

Seeing this, Ye Long continued to preach.

If this is the case, it happens to be convenient for Ye Long!

At that time, the people from the Hell Angels organization want to destroy the Hell Prison, and they will cooperate with the inside and outside of the Hell Prison to set up a trap, and the Hell Angels will definitely be wiped out!

At this time, Xue Meigui thought for a long time, shook his head, and said, "No, the prison area of ​​hell is strong. With our current strength, it is not enough to fight against the prison area of ​​hell. First, rescue the poisonous leopard. This is the most important thing for us." thing!"

"Sister Rose, I'm afraid of wool, don't worry, with me here, it won't work in hell prison, hell or heaven!"

Ye Long suggested.

After all, if Xue Meigui is persuaded, then the destruction of the Hell's Angels will be a breeze!

"Yes, Sister Rose, I have seen the strength of the poisonous dragon with my own eyes. It is absolutely capable of turning the tide. It is conceivable that Fat Boy had twice as many people as us at that time, and we basically became living targets. When the poisonous dragon appeared, we were alone , to save the situation!"

Mad Eagle followed suit.

It can be said that now Mad Eagle is the most cooperative with Ye Long, which makes Ye Long feel a little happy, it is really useless to save Mad Eagle!

Xue Meigui shook his head, "I have my own judgment, and the priority is to rescue the poisonous leopard. The hell prison area can't be tough, you have to think of a perfect strategy!"

Seeing that Xue Meigui's attitude is so firm, Ye Long is not fighting for it!

Ye Long is still very accurate in judging people. For people like Xue Meigui, if she doesn't listen to a suggestion, it won't help if she continues to talk, she won't listen at all!

"Sister Rose, how can we save the poisonous leopard?"

Crazy Eagle not only asked.

"I want to send the three of you to rescue the poisonous leopard!"

Blood Rose preached.

And the three people that Blood Rose is worth are Crazy Eagle, Stone Carving and Catfish!

"Send the three of us? It's just to save people, it's enough to send one of us!"

Mad Eagle spoke.

"Sending the three of you is for my purpose. You need to elect a commander in the four great halls, and the commander must be selected from among the three of you. This time, whoever rescues the poisonous leopard will be the one who will be the leader." Chief hall master of the four great halls, of course, if you dispatch the three halls, it will also increase the chances of rescuing the poisonous leopard!"

Blood Rose explained.

When the three of them heard Xue Meigui's words, Ye Long observed that everyone's eyes flashed!

It seems that the chief hall masters of the four great halls, all three are very eager!

"Hey, Sister Rose, I propose to go too!"

Ye Long raised his hand to suggest.

Now Ye Long naturally can't let them rescue the poisonous leopard alive!

Because the poisonous leopard has seen him before, if he rescues him and sees him, he will definitely be exposed!

"Are you going too?"

Hearing Ye Long's proposal, Xue Meigui not only asked.

"Yeah, after all, I'm sitting in the branch hall now, and I have to fulfill my responsibilities. Besides, I just came to the Hell's Angels organization, and I also need to make a contribution. Show myself well, otherwise I will be looked down upon by others!"

Ye Long said with a smile.

After hearing this, Xue Meigui pondered for a while, judged the pros and cons, and then said, "If you want to go, then let's go together!"

"Hey, thank you, Sister Rose!"

Ye Long grinned and thanked.

"Proving your own strength and making contributions to the Hells Angels organization is the best way for you to thank me!"

Xue Meigui looked at Ye Long and replied.

"Hey, no problem!"

Ye Long agreed confidently.

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