The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1800 Brother is very fair

Shangguan Kexin glanced at the big men in front of him, he didn't show any panic expression, but walked back holding Xixiang's hand!

If it were with any man, Shangguan Kexin would be worried, but not with Ye Long!

Because Shangguan Kexin understands Ye Long's strength, for him, these are all nothing!

"Boy, let's meet!"

The corner of the man's mouth raised slightly, revealing a golden front tooth, which looked extraordinarily sinister.

Ye Long smiled slightly and said, "Yes, but we don't seem to be familiar with each other, right?"

"I'm not familiar with it, but you won my money, we have to get acquainted!"

The man in glasses watched Ye Long preach meaningfully.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Ye Long spread his hands and asked.

"Don't do anything, give me back the money you won, and then give me tens of thousands of dollars for drinking, this matter will be over, otherwise, hehe, my brothers, don't agree!"

The man with glasses looked at Ye Long and said.

"I won the money, why do I have to give it back to you after winning the money?"

Ye Long asked.

"Do you know whose money you won?"

asked the man with glasses.

"You idiot or I am an idiot, isn't it the money you, the four-eyed frog, won?"

Ye Long spread out his hands, a little bit displeased with the gesture of the man with glasses.

Do you think it would be great to bring a few social people here?

"What did you say? How dare you call me a four-eyed frog, and tell you, I'm a famous cobra in the casino!"

The man with glasses said angrily.

"Your name is Cobra? Hehe, I think the four-eyed frog suits you best!"

Ye Long not only said with a smile.

The face of the man with glasses who claimed to be a cobra sank, and said, "See what you mean, do you intend to pay back the money?"

"What do you say?"

Ye Long asked back.

"Okay, if you don't want to give you a chance, then don't blame my brother for being rude to you!"

Cobra's voice was low and cold.

"It's just a bunch of trash!"

Ye Long spread his hands and said disdainfully.

These words caused the dissatisfaction of the strong men next to the cobra!

It's a good thing that he wants to give Ye Long a bad start, but he is so disdainful to the people on his side!

Before the cobra could give an order, a few social people with wooden sticks swung their sticks at Ye Long!

Ye Long stood where he was, didn't move, and let a few strong men swing their sticks at him!

One stick, two sticks, three sticks...

The crackling stick hit Ye Long firmly!

Stick to the meat!

These strong men already thought of Ye Long as an idiot in their hearts, and they didn't even hide for a while!

Seeing this situation, several strong men became more energetic and hit Ye Long with sticks again and again!

While beating, he was also cursing, "What kind of character do I think you are? You are so tough, so you are a coward. You don't even know how to dodge when you hit me!"

In this way, dozens of sticks were greeted by each person. From the beginning to the end, Ye Long stood there without moving!

However, a few strong men quickly discovered something was wrong!

From the beginning to the present, a total of fifty or sixty sticks have been beaten up, but Ye Long is still standing there motionless, nothing happened?

Not only is it okay, but they are still smiling at them!

Not only did this make a few strong men shudder, they had never seen such a resistant person!

They were exhausted from the beating, but they didn't hurt anyone!

"It's over, right? Then it's me!"

The corner of Ye Long's mouth slightly raised, revealing a sinister smile.

This monstrous smile not only made a few strong men shudder!

Immediately, Ye Long snatched a wooden stick from one of them, and then the whole person shuttled among several strong men!

"Crack, click..."

In the blink of an eye, there was a tingling bone breaking sound!

Then, it was accompanied by howling in pain!

A few seconds later, Ye Long's figure returned to the original place, threw the stick in his hand, clapped his hands, and smiled!

At this time, a group of big men were lying on the ground with bent legs and feet, and they were screaming in pain!

"Brother never owes others, so you don't need to thank us, the sticks that you greeted us, I have returned to you a lot at a time!"

Ye Long grinned and said.

And at this time, the cobra saw this, and secretly backed away without saying a word!

All the people he brought were taken care of by Ye Long, so if he stayed, would there still be good fruit to eat?

Cobra is not stupid, the best way now is to leave here without anyone noticing!

While their attention is on the strong man he brought!

Immediately, the cobra retreated quietly, turning around and running when it saw the opportunity!


Ye Long shouted sharply.

The cobra thinks that no one is aware of it, but how can it escape Ye Long's sharp eyes!

For some reason, Cobra shuddered when he heard Ye Long's shout!

Huh, the cobra just ran away!

This running speed is simply faster than a rabbit!

The cobra is very smart, if you don't run away, just wait to be beaten!

"Where are you going?"

Just as the cobra ran tens of meters away, Ye Long suddenly appeared in front of him!

Although a cobra runs faster than a rabbit, to Ye Long, it is just a child's play!

Not to mention that he ran faster than a rabbit, even if he ran faster than two rabbits, he still couldn't escape Ye Long's palm!

When the cobra saw Ye Long, his eyes widened, then he turned around and ran away again!

However, at this moment Ye Long stretched out his foot!


The cobra screamed in pain and fell forward to the ground!

In an instant, the cobra's two big eyes popped out of its mouth, and its entire mouth was stained red with blood!

Immediately, Ye Long stepped on the cobra's back, "Come on, run, keep running!"

"Brother, spare your life, spare your life!"

Cobra yelled inarticulately.

"Why should I spare my life?"

Ye Long spread his hands and asked.

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Cobra apologized.

"Are you wrong? I'm not your parent. I can forgive you even if I apologize. Do you understand?"

Ye Long said.

"Brother, what do you want?"

Now Cobra has no temper at all!

Of course, this is also his shrewdness!

If he continues to play that cruel trick with Ye Long, Cobra will probably be even worse!

By then, it might really turn into a four-eyed frog!

"Everything I do is fair. If you ask me for money, then I will ask you for money!"

Ye Long spoke.

"Brother, I'll give it, but I want a few thousand, tell me!"

Cobra said generously.

However, when Ye Long heard Cobra's words, he not only laughed a little, "How many thousands?"

Cobra naturally sensed something was wrong with Ye Long's tone and quickly said, "Tens of thousands, tens of thousands!"

"Huh? Tens of thousands?"

Ye Long's tone rose again.

"Brother, you, you don't want hundreds of thousands, do you?"

After hearing this, Cobra said with some depression.

"Haha, it seems that you still don't understand me very well!"

Ye Long said with a sneer.

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