The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1773 Don't be mysterious

Immediately, Ye Long came to the gate of the villa!

There are no guards at the gate of the villa, only a few luxury cars parked in the yard!

The yard was very quiet, a little scary!

Ye Long flicked out a cigarette at this moment, and walked towards the villa with strides!

Although the villa seemed extraordinarily quiet, Ye Long vaguely smelled a dangerous atmosphere!

For crises, Ye Long has a keen sense of smell, which is a natural sense of smell formed by his years of fighting in the sand field!


Ye Long walked into the courtyard of the villa with a cigarette in his mouth!

Just entering the courtyard of the villa, a few men in black suddenly attacked!

Without any warning, the speed is quite fast!

It has to be said that they will indeed hide, because Ye Long didn't find out where they were before they showed up!

Facing the men in black who came swiftly and suddenly, Ye Long's expression was calm!

Could it be that just a few people also want to kill themselves?

It is simply whimsical!

Ye Long remained calm and slapped the men in black with his palms!

The men in black were knocked to the ground by Ye Long without any accidents!

This made Ye Long not only think that Lei Feng is really an idiot!

It's such a time, and he still finds ordinary things to deal with himself!

Could it be that he was so weak in his eyes?

To get rid of the men in black, without any strength from the waste Ye Long, he just waved his hand, and then Ye Long walked directly into the villa!

In front of the villa door, Ye Long stretched out his hand to unlock the door!

However, the moment Ye Long put his hand on the doorknob, he not only frowned slightly!


Ye Long's figure flashed, and quickly left the place!

And in the next second, a bullet went straight through the door with a "bang" sound!

Bullets are quite powerful!

If it hits a person, it is conceivable that it will directly punch a big hole!

Judging by the power, the bullet was fired by a high-range sniper!

It turned out that I just let myself think that the danger was over, and after I relaxed my vigilance, I came to this trick!


Just as Ye Long was standing in place, another shot was fired!

Ye Long's reaction was relatively sensitive, and the quickness was another flash!

But it was a bit difficult to dodge, after all, this is a high-range sniper rifle!

Immediately, Ye Long quickly came to the back of a big tree as a cover!

And now, Ye Long wanted to find out the sniper in the distance!

A sniper is tantamount to your enemy standing behind you with a sharp knife, who will stab you without knowing when, and this knife is tantamount to a fatal knife!

Therefore, Ye Long must eradicate the hidden threat, so that he will feel at ease in his heart!

Otherwise, if I don't know, or when I let down my vigilance, I will find a blind spot where I can act, and if I shoot it, I will definitely die!

Ye Long stood behind the big tree, trying to prevent snipers from far away from sniping him!

At the same time, Ye Long was quietly observing the position of the sniper!

This kind of sniper is at least 300 meters away, but with the naked eye, it is impossible to find it!

However, Yelong has a special way!

After all, Ye Long has experienced various large-scale wars, various terrorist wars, various assassinations, and anti-assassination operations. He has experienced hundreds of battles and has full experience in dealing with all aspects!

Immediately, Ye Long looked up at the sky, and made a visual inspection based on the position of the sun and the best sniping range!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Long's figure flashed out of the big tree, and kept moving in the courtyard of the villa!

Of course, Ye Long's high-speed movement could not allow the sniper to determine his own position!

As for why Ye Long moved at high speed in the villa yard?

The reason is simple, Ye Long wants to determine the exact location of the sniper!

Soon, when Ye Long moved to a certain position in the villa yard, the sniper scope of the sniper rifle shot out a ray of light!

Ye Long used this trick of light reflection to determine the position of the sniper!

This is also one of the reasons why Ye Long moves at high speed in the villa yard!

Because there is always a position where the reflection of the sniper scope will be caught!

Soon, Ye Long returned to the back of the big tree!

Immediately, Ye Long took off a piece of clothes, revealing a little corner of the clothes, then turned around and jumped from the other side!

To prevent the snipers from escaping, Ye Long deliberately created the illusion that he was still hiding behind the mountain!

Soon, Ye Long stepped forward and ran towards the position of the sniper!

And Ye Long determined the location of the sniper on a hill about 300 meters away!

In a minute or so, Ye Long's figure has quietly approached!

However, the sniper was lying in the bushes without realizing it, and the sniper scope was already aimed at the big tree!

Now the sniper is fully focused, as soon as Ye Long appears, he will shoot immediately!


At this time, Ye Long stood behind the sniper and coughed dryly!

The sniper was obviously taken aback when he heard the dry cough!

I must still be wondering in my mind, why is there a coughing sound?

"Hey, idiot, look at your vigilance, you look like a half-baked sniper, right?"

Ye Long put his arms around his chest boringly and said.

Hearing someone talking, the sniper realized that there was someone!

Immediately, the sniper turned around quickly, and saw Ye Longhou standing in front of him, his face was full of surprise!

Obviously saw Ye Long hiding behind the big tree and didn't come out, but why did he suddenly appear behind him?

This made the sniper think for a while that he was hallucinating!

However, the sniper reacted quickly, picked up the sniper rifle and pointed it at Ye Long!

"Idiot, can you use a sniper rifle at such a close distance?"

Ye Long sneered, reached out and pulled the barrel of the sniper rifle!

The sniper rifle quickly fell into Ye Long's hands, and was immediately broken by Ye Long!

But at this time, the sniper's cold eyes sank, he took out a dagger from his arms and stabbed at Ye Long!

Ye Long turned sideways and grabbed it in reverse, the sniper's dagger fell into Ye Long's hands!

The dagger spun quickly in Ye Long's hand, and then Ye Long took the dagger and shoved it down the sniper's throat!

"Life is precious, cherish it!"

Ye Long sneered, but didn't tell him with a dagger!

"By the way, return the dagger to you!"

After Ye Long finished speaking, he swung the dagger in his hand and directly pierced the sniper's thigh!

Although his life is spared, he still has to be taught a lesson!

For Ye Long in the past, his actions now have the heart of a Bodhisattva!

Before changing, is there a chance for him, a sniper, to survive?

After cleaning up the snipers, Ye Long returned to the villa again!

From beginning to end, Lei Feng never showed up!

Ye Long doesn't know what kind of mystery Lei Feng is up to, but Lei Feng definitely has a conspiracy!

Of course, the sniper just now is also considered a conspiracy, but it is certainly not the final conspiracy!

Walking to the door of the villa, Ye Long opened the door and walked in!

The living room of the villa is very luxurious, but it is empty!

"Idiot, brother is here, stop being mysterious, come out!"

Ye Long stood in the center of the living room and shouted.

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