The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1768 Die for love

Ye Long didn't know why he smiled, the so-called fear of death did not appear!

It's just that Ye Long regretted that at the last moment of his death, he didn't see the person he wanted to see!

Slowly, Ye Long's consciousness became a little fuzzy!

At this moment, Ye Long heard footsteps entering the door!

It should be Miss Mei is back!

But, come back at this time, I'm afraid it's too late!

Because Ye Long has already felt that hell is beckoning to him!

Moreover, Ye Long felt very tired, sleepy, tired, and wanted to sleep!

At this moment, the bedroom door opened, and Sister Mei walked in from the outside!

"Little villain, I'm sorry, I have too many things..."

Sister Mei walked into the bedroom while speaking, but just halfway through her words, she was stunned when she saw Ye Long lying on the bed, who was dying!

"Little villain, what's wrong with you?"

Sister Mei hurried forward, squatted beside Ye Long and asked.

"Sister Mei, I'm afraid I'm going to die, I'm dying!"

Ye Long said in a weak voice.

In an instant, sister Mei's tears welled up!

"Little villain, how could you die, aren't you kidding me?"

Sister Mei held Ye Long's hand tightly and shouted.

Now sister Mei can see that Ye Long is not joking, but is really about to face death!

Because it can be seen from Ye Long's face and eyes.

Ye Long smiled wryly and said, "I'm not joking this time, maybe God wants me to die too!"

"No, I won't let you die, I won't let you die!"

Sister Mei was already crying hysterically, unable to cry.

In Sister Mei's heart, Ye Long has already filled her heart!

"Sister Mei, when I die, you must live well!"

Ye Long wiped away the tears that flowed from the corners of sister Mei's eyes.

"No, you're dead, I don't want to live anymore, you can't die, if you want me to live well, you can't die!"

Sister Mei cried and said.

"Sister Mei, if you're like this, I won't rest in peace!"

Ye Long watched Sister Mei preaching.

"Then don't die, I'm not the most yin and yang woman, I'll save you!"

Miss Mei said.

As for Ye Long, he felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and he didn't even have the strength to speak!

"Sister Mei, I'm afraid even the gods can't save me now, I feel so tired, so tired, I need to rest!"

Ye Long's consciousness began to become blurred again.

"No rest, I want you to accompany me, accompany me!"

Sister Mei held Ye Long's hand tightly and shouted.

However, Sister Mei's shout cannot wake up Ye Long!

Ye Long was like this, watching Sister Mei smiled slightly, showing the last trace of a smile, and slowly closed his eyes!

"Little villain, little villain!"

Sister Mei shook Ye Long and shouted.

"You can't die, you can't die!"

Sister Mei kept shaking Ye Long's body, trying to wake him up!

However, Ye Long was lying on the bed, motionless!

"Little villain, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I love you, and I still have to wait for you to marry me!"

Sister Mei cried on Ye Long's chest!

Sister Mei was crying hysterically, crying so painfully that she was heartbroken!

She never thought that the little villain who claimed to be invincible would die like this!

As if suddenly, sister Mei felt that her heart was completely empty, and the memories full of them were instantly shattered!

Just like that, sister Mei's tears had soaked Ye Long's chest!

And Sister Mei kept calling Ye Long's name!

After a long time, Sister Mei has no strength left to cry!

Sister Mei looked at Ye Long lying on the bed, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Little villain, although Sister Mei usually acts like she has no feelings for you, you don't know that in Sister Mei's heart, only You are a man, since you are dead now, what is the point of Meijie living in this world?"

Sister Mei said, and then left the bedroom!

When Sister Mei came back, she already had a fruit knife in her hand!

"Since I can't be with you while alive, then I will die to be with you. You once said that you would rather die for me, so I am the same. I am also willing to die with you!"

Sister Mei said a word, and then lay down beside Ye Long!

"Just let me take a good look at you little villain, you are a man who is so enchanting that people love and hate at the same time!"

Sister Mei lightly touched Ye Long's cheek.

Immediately, Sister Mei cut open the blood vessels in her wrist with a fruit knife!

Soon, blood flowed from Meijie's wrist!

At this time, a smile appeared on Meijie's face!

Then, Ye Long put his hand around Ye Long's cheeks, just like that, slowly waiting for death to come!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and sister Mei went from sober to blurred and completely unconscious!


At this moment, Ye Long was lying on the bed, his eyebrows twitched slightly, his hands gradually became conscious, and his consciousness gradually became clearer!

"Am I dead?"

"do you died?"

In Ye Long's consciousness, he was constantly struggling with this problem!

Slowly, Ye Long opened his eyes!

At this moment, Ye Long couldn't tell whether he was dead or alive.

If it is dead, why do I still remember the memory of my previous life!

If you are alive, and you are on the verge of death, how can you come back to life?

Moreover, Ye Long found that the seven-day tendons on his body had disappeared!

Did he come alive again?

Ye Long not only slapped himself, but also felt pain!

I didn't die!

"Sister Mei!"

And at this time, Ye Long found Sister Mei who was already lying motionless on the bed!

Seeing the blood flowing on her body and on the bed, it turned out that Sister Mei had cut her wrists for herself!

Seeing this, Ye Long didn't have time to think about why he didn't die, so he quickly tested Sister Mei's breathing!

Sister Mei is still breathing weakly!

Immediately, Ye Long directly lifted Sister Mei up!

First, Ye Long sealed Sister Mei's wound with a silver needle, and then raised his palm and put it behind Sister Mei's back!

Ye Long transported the true energy in his body into Sister Mei's body!

What's more, Ye Long's acupuncture technique is as pure as fire, and has the effect of bringing the dead back to life!

Immediately, Ye Long cooperated with his own acupuncture and quickly healed Sister Mei!

Sister Mei just lost too much blood, not an internal injury. For Ye Long, it's not a difficult task!

Of course, it was fortunate that I woke up in time, otherwise, sister Mei might really die!

After a short one-hour treatment, sister Mei gradually recovered her pale complexion, but she didn't wake up!

If you want to wake up, I am afraid it will take until dawn!

But now, what Ye Long is curious about is why he didn't die?

Not only did he not die, but Ye Long seemed to feel that his inner strength was much more abundant than before, like a never-ending fountain, endless!

What is going on here, is there a master in the dark to help?

Now Ye Long is a little confused!

Because after I lost consciousness, I didn't know anything about what happened!

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