"Before doing anything, think about how to minimize the loss. Don't forget, you are taking the pill now, but you are under control. To do anything, you have to talk about how to do it!"

Dashan patted Ye Long on the shoulder and reminded him meaningfully.

When Ye Long heard Dashan's words, he smiled slightly and replied, "Don't worry, I will pay attention to the method!"

If you want to talk about ways to kill people without making them catch anything, Ye Long has thousands of ways!

Immediately, Dashan took the lead, and the seven people walked forward vigilantly!

Because the surrounding terrain is steep and there is no other way to go, there is only this way, so you must be vigilant!

If you meet someone from an arms group, the risk factor is quite high!

The reason is very simple. On the one hand, I don’t know how many people there will be in the arms group and what their weapons and equipment are like!

On the other hand, there is the problem of the number of people on my side!

Dealing with the arms group was a joint effort between the two teams, but that despicable Yunke actually asked Dashan's own team to fight in the front line!

This is not much different from a team dealing with an arms group!

Therefore, the advantage in terms of numbers is too small!

Ye Long and Dashan were walking slowly and vigilantly!

Every half hour, they will rest in place for a period of time!

Because danger may occur at any time, Ye Long and the others must maintain their best physical strength!

Otherwise, if you meet the enemy, you can only die!

From early morning to noon, Ye Long and the others conducted a morning search and found no trace of the arms group!

This actually made the guys who were very nervous relax a little bit physically and mentally!

After resting for about an hour and recovering some strength, Dashan and Ye Long led the team and continued forward!


At this moment, a group of forest birds suddenly flew up from the dense trees in the jungle!


Upon seeing this, Ye Long immediately made a gesture and each of them found a place to hide!

Obviously, the birds flying in the jungle must mean that someone is alarmed, and there are quite a few people!

Immediately, Ye Long's eyes tightened. With his own hearing, he could hear the footsteps around him!

"No, we are surrounded!"

Ye Long immediately made a judgment based on the sound of footsteps.

"It seems that we have been discovered long ago!"

Dashan also frowned and said.

"Be careful, there's a bomb!"

Ye Long's ears suddenly moved, and then he shouted loudly.

After the voice fell behind, Ye Long's figure flashed quickly!


There was an explosion!

Suddenly, the explosion point was filled with smoke!

Soon the "da da da" machine gun sounded!

"They are from the arms group, everyone is ready to fight!"

Dashan roared angrily, and shouted to his subordinates.

Immediately, the people in the group began to prepare for a counterattack!

Because the incident happened so suddenly and they were attacked, no one had time to react. Of course, there was no chance to react!

The reason is very simple. From the attack to the present, there have been bombs and several gunfires. The attack was too sudden!

But fortunately, the people here are well trained and can respond immediately!

But just when Ye Long and others were about to fight back, the gunfire suddenly stopped, and the attackers who could only hear gunfire but did not see the real person evacuated quickly!

Suddenly, bombs blasted into the sky, and the environment with constant gunshots immediately became quiet!

Moreover, Ye Long has confirmed that the attackers have evacuated here!

"what happened?"

Dashan was a little confused at this time.

According to the sexiness of the arms group, they will definitely be killed!

After all, this is a group of only seven of them. They can easily be wiped out in a sudden attack!

But when their firepower was so fierce, the person disappeared?

Why is this?

Everyone was a little confused and couldn't figure out why the people in the arms group did this.

But at this time, Ye Long's ears twitched and his brows suddenly furrowed!

Because of years of fighting in the jungle, Ye Long's hearing is different from ordinary people. He can hear footsteps that others cannot hear!

At this time, there are noisy footsteps coming this way!

And these footsteps are obviously not the same as the footsteps of the attacker just now!

Suddenly, Ye Long's eyes moved, "No, we have fallen into a trap!"

"Fell into a trap?"

Obviously, everyone is confused about what Ye Long means by falling into a trap.

"The group of people just now are not members of the arms group!"

Ye Long asked with a serious expression.

"Who could he be if he wasn't from an arms group?" Dashan became curious about Ye Long's words.

At this time, what Ye Long thought of the group of people just now was the people of Xuan Ying!

Because last night, Ye Long saw Xuan Ying meeting Yun Ke!

As for why some people like Xuan Ying dropped bombs, fired shots, and evacuated without any direct conflict, the reason is very simple!

They want to attract people from the arms group to come here!

Then use the arms group's people to clash with people on your side, and wait for the opportunity to borrow a knife to kill someone!

What a conspiracy!

What a conspiracy by his grandma!

Obviously, the footsteps coming this way are people from the arms group!

And listening to the frequency of footsteps, there are not many people, and the pace is quite light, no different from a master!

If they had heavy weapons, the people in their own group would be vulnerable at all!

"I've been fooled. The purpose of those people is to provoke people from the arms group to destroy us. Get out of here quickly!"

Ye Long made a quick decision because the footsteps were getting closer and closer to them.

Now that they are so close to the mountains, they can still hear footsteps!

"Quickly retreat!"

Dashan immediately waved his hand and ordered.

Judging from the opponent's stance of daring to rush up to fight directly, there will naturally be a lot of manpower!

"Da da da da"

At this moment, gunshots rang out!

Several bearded men in the arms group have already started shooting and chasing him!

And everyone in Ye Long, while shooting back, retreated to the back!

The situation can be said to be very critical!

Because there are only seven people on Ye Long's side, but on the side of the arms group, there are several teams with about twenty people!

Moreover, the arms group has sufficient weapons and equipment!

But Ye Long's guns and ammunition are very limited!

Because this battle itself is an ambush in the jungle, it is not suitable to bring a lot of guns and ammunition, otherwise it will affect the level of combat!

If you keep playing like this, the bullets will definitely run out in a short time!

But, what happened next was even more serious, and something unexpected happened to everyone!

When everyone was changing the bullets, what came out turned out to be blank bullets!

"Boss, I fired a blank cartridge!"

"mine too!"

"mine too!"

The team members shouted.

After Dashan changed the bullets of his own gun, he found that the bullets he fired were also empty bullets!

Of course, including Ye Long's too!

In other words, only the first shuttle bullet is a real bullet, and the rest of the bullets are blank bullets!

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