The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1717 Attack on the Jungle

Based on Ye Long's understanding of Yunke's virtue, I'm afraid that even if he doesn't make trouble for him, he will try his best to make trouble for himself!

However, it's best not to make the troubles he finds himself too obvious, otherwise, Ye Long will never be used to it, and he will kill him as soon as he needs to, no comparisons, no ink marks!

This is Ye Long's personality, don't try to play power with yourself!

Because too many people died of playing power with Ye Long!

Immediately afterwards, the demon cat began to carry out detailed map combat deployments, explaining the jungle routes that the armed arms group mainly traversed, as well as various combat conditions!

Ye Long stood aside and listened, and had to say that the demon cat really has the strength, and the combat deployment he talked about basically covered everything!

After the battle deployment was explained, Dashan and Yunke took some pills from Yaomao and distributed them to everyone!

Of course, Ye Long knew that these pills were basically the same as the pills he took, they were all for controlling combatants!

After all, these fighters are prisoners, they are not very obedient, and it is difficult to chase them if they escape. Controlling them with drugs is undoubtedly the best way!

However, Ye Long didn't eat it, because he had just eaten it, so there was no need to eat it again!

After taking the pills, everyone disbanded and left the office, and each went back to prepare. The scheduled departure time was at night!

Of course, the most proud person right now is Yunke, and the most depressed person is Dashan!

After all, the position of commander-in-chief occupies a dominant position, which is related to whether he can make first-class contributions!

"Dashan, when we get out of the prison area of ​​hell, we are slowly talking about some things, you have to be mentally prepared!"

After going out, Yunke reminded Dashan with a smirk, it was a threat that was not a threat!

Da Shan was naturally dissatisfied, and gave Yun Ke a middle finger, and said, "I want to talk and talk, and I'm waiting for you at any time, so I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Just like that, the two each put down a harsh word, and then parted ways!

And Ye Long brought Mad Snake and the others back to the cell!

In this action, Mad Snake is also on the list!

Of course, for Mad Snake, this kind of action is not the first time, so there is no special significance!

After returning to the cell, Ye Long simply packed his combat backpack and wiped the assigned guns!

Picking up the gun, Ye Long suddenly recalled when he participated in the battle as a mercenary abroad, the hail of bullets, as if everything appeared before his eyes!

"Brother Long, it's your first time on a mission, are you nervous?"

Mad Snake smiled and said to Ye Long.


Ye Long followed with a slight smile, and there was a different taste in the laughter.

"Let's not talk about this kind of mission, even if it's participating in a war, it's just like everyday food for me!"

Ye Long said calmly.

Of course, what Ye Long said was true!

The life of Qiang Lin Danyu is as normal as eating!

It's just that Ye Long returned to the city and stayed away from the hail of bullets. Now that he touches the gun again, he can't help but think of his previous days!

"Brother Long, what did you do before?"

Mad Snake is not only curious about Ye Long.

"It's just mercenaries!"

Ye Long replied casually.

Of course, mercenary is just one of Ye Long's many identities, bodyguard, special operations, underground world, these Ye Long have participated in!

If you want to tell your own story, you can't finish it in three days and three nights!

Of course, Ye Long was too lazy to talk about the past!

Because when you talk about the past, you will remember the things that touch your heart. Why should you let yourself feel uncomfortable when you think of the past!

After packing up the combat backpacks, wiping and checking the firearms, and there was no problem at all, everyone lay on the bed smoking and chatting!

Of course, the cigarettes are distributed by Ye Long, and smoking is prohibited here!

As for Ye Long's cigarettes, he found them from Dashan. There was a cigarette in the prison cell, which was more exciting than eating a pork meal after being hungry for a few days!

After all, cigarettes are the representative of men, especially men in this kind of place, without cigarettes, it is actually a very uncomfortable thing!

A group of big men, smoking cigarettes, chatting and spanking, soon it was getting dark!

Around the same time, a total of six people from Ye Long Kuang Snake left the cell!

When they came to the prison compound, Dashan was already waiting!

On the other side, there are people from Yunke!

For this operation, a total of two combat vehicles were arranged, one for the Yunke team and one for the Dashan team!

Before going into action, the demon cat lectured a few more volumes, basically telling them to pay attention to safety!

"Set off!"

Immediately, the demon cat yelled.

A total of seven people including Ye Long and Da Shan boarded a green off-road combat vehicle, while Yun Ke's other group, including Yun Ke, also boarded another combat off-road vehicle!

Immediately, the two off-road vehicles quickly drove out of the prison area of ​​hell!

According to the deployment before the operation, the arms group lurking through the Golden Triangle will pass here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!

Ye Long and the others need to rush to the route they pass to set up camp in advance, prepare for battle, and lurk in advance!

The ten-kilometer jungle journey, the powerful combat off-road vehicle showed its powerful off-road performance, and the vehicle quickly passed through the jungle!

Wading and stone roads are all out of the question!

Within an hour, Ye Long and the others had basically arrived at the place where they had arranged in advance to set up camp!

When the car stopped, Yunke jumped out of the car first, and Ye Long's group, following Dashan, also jumped out of the car!

Now Yunke is the commander-in-chief, exuding a proud and majestic look from his demeanor!


Yun Ke roared loudly, showing a majestic manner.

Immediately, Dashan and his group walked over together!

The two groups stood together, Yunke stood in front, with his hands behind his back and a stern expression!

"This area is nice, let's set up camp here!"

Yunke spoke.

Upon hearing this, Dashan turned to look at Yunke and said, "Yunke, are you kidding here?"

"What? Do you think I'm joking here?"

Yun Ke looked at Da Shan and asked.

"The place you chose to set up camp has a vast terrain. If there are spies in front of the arms group to explore the road, we will be easily discovered. I am afraid that we will be ambushed by then. For safety reasons, we must go one kilometer ahead. Where we are Set up camp at the discussed place!" Dashan opened his mouth and analyzed.

However, Yunke had no intention of listening to Dashan's opinion. He waved his hand and said, "No need to bother, just set up camp here. This location is not as open as you said, surrounded by trees, it is very private!"

"But it's close to a stream and can be easily discovered!" Dashan continued.

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