The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1684 Tu! kill!

"Mr. Qin has been arrested!" the guard said to Ye Long in a panic.

When Ye Long heard the guard's words, his head suddenly buzzed and he screamed in pain!

"MD, who is so bold that he even dares to arrest the old man?" Ye Long said extremely angrily.

"Mr. Qin went to discuss with Bi Tianxiong again, but Bi Tianxiong became so angry that he directly arrested Mr. Qin!" the guard said.

"Then the old man didn't resist?" Ye Long asked doubtfully.

According to the skills of his master, the old man, it is indeed difficult to arrest him!

After all, the old master's hand is there. Although he is old, he is definitely still going strong!

"No resistance!"

The guard shook his head and said.

"This stupid old man!"

Ye Long said angrily.

"What should we do now?" the guard looked at Ye Long and asked.

Ye Long's eyes reflected a cold murderous aura, "What can we do? Of course, save him!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Long walked to the car alone!

"You don't need to come with me, I can just go by myself!"

Ye Long said, and then got into the car.

After getting in the car, Ye Long sat in the cab and drove to Bi Tianxiong's villa with a cold face!

Ye Long has been tolerant again and again, but one fact tells Ye Long that forbearance is of no use!

Bi Tianxiong not only asked the old master to kneel down before, but now he even arrested the old master. This matter made Ye Long intolerable!

Some things are unbearable, and there is no need to bear it any longer!

Moreover, if this thing happens to you, you must be personally responsible!

Since the matter cannot be solved so easily, then I can only do one thing and keep doing the other!


At this moment, Ye Long's eyes were flashing with red light!

By killing Bi Tianxiong, he would be responsible for everything by himself. This not only saved the dragon soul, but also saved the old master, and he could also vent his anger!

People don't die, their heads don't bow!

This is Ye Long's usual practice!

If Ye Long wants to play with himself, he can only make him pay with his life!

Even if the consequences are serious, he will become a dead person first!

The car came to the front of the villa soon!

After stopping the car, Ye Long opened the door and got out of the car!

After getting off the bus, guards with guns have been reinforced at the door!

Seeing Ye Long's arrival, not only did everyone point their guns at Ye Long!

"Stop, don't move!"

A group of guards shouted at Ye Long in a cold voice.

Ye Long's eyes were cold and expressionless!


The corner of Ye Long's mouth moved slightly, a sharp voice sounded, and his footsteps were still moving forward!

However, the guards did not give in and still pointed their guns at Ye Long!

"Stop, if you don't stop, shoot!"

A group of guards with guns said to Ye Long.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Ye Long's red eyes formed a flaming makeup, and then he struck out with a fierce palm!

Without any chance to react, the surging palm force directly swallowed up all the guards!

Everyone is ants, all fell to the ground!

All the people who fell on the ground were motionless, not even a single one was trembling!

Ye Long had no expression on his face, and then walked into the villa!

This is another villa courtyard of Bi Tianxiong, and it is also the villa where the old man's guard told him that his master, the old man, came!

Because, the villa of Bi Tianxiong was destroyed by Ye Long!

Entering the villa courtyard, Ye Long slapped him away with a palm!


With a loud noise, the iron gate of the villa was knocked down by Ye Long's palm!

As soon as the iron gate of the villa fell to the ground, a few bodyguards in black suits poured out from inside!

Ye Long now tries his best to be hands-on and less verbose!

This time Ye Long came here for nothing but one purpose, to slaughter the old dog of the Bi family!

Ye Long's personality is like this. No matter how awesome you are, unless you are so awesome that you can't die, otherwise, before doing anything, you must consider whether you have the capital!

In the underground world, Ye Long's name is God-addicted, a man who doesn't even care about gods, would he be like a Bi family?

The so-called forbearance can't solve the problem, so Ye Long can only solve it in his own way!

Before, Ye Long just wanted to use the simplest and most brutal way of violence, but the old master refused to let him, so he endured it!

But this time, the old master was arrested, so I can only choose my own way!

You can solve this matter smoothly, why choose to solve it yourself painfully?

Simple, crude, how good is it?

Looking at the bodyguards in black suits rushing out, Ye Long didn't have any nonsense, and walked into the crowd like a jaguar!

Ye Long's figure just flashed lightly in the crowd, as if sweeping across a scene!

And a few seconds later, a streak of blood gushed out from everyone's throats. After kneeling for a few seconds, everyone's eyes widened, and the blood gushing from their throats spurted out blood instantly, like a fountain!

Immediately, all the bodyguards clutched their necks in disbelief and fell to the ground!

I'm afraid they didn't understand until they died, how Ye Long shot, the only thing they felt was a chill on their necks!

Ye Long's figure entered the villa, and he immediately set his eyes on Bi Tianxiong who was sitting on the sofa!

Bi Tianxiong was also expressionless, looking at Ye Long with a cold face!

Of course, Bi Tianxiong was a little surprised, he didn't expect Ye Long to come here alone again!

"Ye Long, you are so courageous. You not only slaughtered my people before, but now you dare to come here, and the methods are so cruel!" Bi Tianxiong said sharply, staring at Ye Long.

Ye Long raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and let out a sneer of disdain, "Today, I am here to slaughter your old dog of the Bi family!"

"Presumptuous, at this time, you dare to humiliate me with wild words!"

Bi Tianxiong said angrily.

"Hehe, are you mistaken? I'm not humiliating you, I'm going to kill you!" Ye Long narrowed his eyes slightly, then tightened them, with murderous aura.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have that ability!"

Bi Tianxiong pointed at Ye Long, not thinking about it.

"Well, then, you have to die!"

Ye Long's face was indifferent.

"Come on!"

At this time, Bi Tianxiong roared loudly.

In an instant, the secret agents appeared upstairs and downstairs again with guns!

All their guns were aimed at Ye Long!

"Your master is also here, just in time, I arrested you too, and let you master and apprentice be together!" Bi Tianxiong said coldly.

Ye Long faced the guns up and down, damn his face!

"So what about me?"

Ye Long's tone was arrogant and unruly, and his face was confident and disdainful.

"Come on, catch the living first, dare to resist, kill!"

Bi Tianxiong shouted coldly.

Immediately, several Secret Service members slowly pointed their guns at Ye Long and walked towards him!

Ye Long stood where he was, and a strong force of heaven and earth began to gather!

In front of Ye Long's chest, a ball of energy slowly gathered!

The energy ball is slowly expanding!

"Nine Dragon Yin Jue, slaughter, kill!"

Ye Long's blue veins bulged, and he raised his head to the sky and screamed.

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