The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1619 brother is not a saint

Ye Long never thought that he was great. He was so great that even when his woman was bullied, he was really indifferent!

"What are you going to do?"

Ruili noticed the change in Ye Long's eyes, not only took a step back and asked.

"An eye for an eye!" Ye Long said coldly.

"I'm a woman, do you want to do such a despicable thing?" Ruili looked at Ye Long and asked.

Hearing Ruili's words, Ye Long not only sneered, "You also know meanness? Since you know meanness, why do you still do this? So, today, I will let you try the following taste!"

Immediately, Ye Long walked towards Ruili with an icy aura exuding from his entire body!

Seeing Ye Long coming forward, Ruili could only retreat step by step. However, Ruili kept retreating to the wall, and in the end there was no way out!

Immediately, Ye Long stopped in front of Ruili, with a fierce aura in his eyes!

"Ruili, I want you to know why women bother women!" Ye Long finished speaking and stretched out his hand.

"Stab it..."

Ruili's clothes were ripped off by Ye Long!

Upper body, Ruili is only wearing one piece of underwear!

And Ruili's eyes revealed an unprecedented panic!

This is the first time Ye Long has encountered this kind of panic!

"Everything you do has to pay a price. If you don't want to pay the price, don't do it!"

Ye Long said, and then took action again.

"Brother Long, don't!"

At this time, Fang Qinghan called Ye Long from behind.

Because Ye Long is taking action, Ruili's underwear will be gone!

Ye Long doesn't care if there are people around, she can order her subordinate Qinghan to do that kind of thing, why can't she do that to Ruili?

Ye Long is not Confucius or a saint. He wants to repay evil with kindness!

How to repay kindness with kindness?

Wouldn't it be true that the virtuous people always suffer the consequences?

This is just like good will be rewarded with good and evil will be punished with evil. If there is no good reward for doing good things and no evil rewards for doing evil things, is there any distinction between good and evil?

"Qinghan, what's wrong?" Ye Long stopped, turned to look at Fang Qinghan and asked.

"Brother Long, that's enough!" Fang Qinghan stepped forward and said to Ye Long.

Ye Long looked at Fang Qinghan and said, "Qinghan, you are too kind. Before she did that kind of thing to you, she was not merciful at all. Now that her retribution has come, you should be cruel to her!"

"Brother Long, forget it, we can't be like her, right?" Fang Qinghan said.

"Okay, you have the final say!" Ye Long said with a sigh.

That is to say, Fang Qinghan is soft-hearted, otherwise, Ye Long would never let Ruili go, and let her experience what it's like to be humiliated as a woman!

Immediately, the policewoman sent the police to arrest everyone here who was locked up with Ruili again!

This matter, of course, needs to be investigated carefully, after all, this is a big case!

Not to mention, Ruili faked the document of the superior's appointment order, so let's investigate carefully Ruili's crazy actions in Ninghai City!

What grudge does Ruili have towards Ninghai City, what kind of resentment does Ruili make such a crazy move?

Actually want to destroy the entire Ninghai City!

This kind of behavior is simply too crazy, too unconscionable!

Fortunately, there is a god-like Ye Long in Ninghai City, who not only saves the economy of Ninghai City, but also saves all the people in Ninghai City!

If Ruili's goal is fulfilled, what will Ninghai look like?

This is unimaginable!

After Ruili and Wang Benjun were arrested, they were taken out of the villa!

At this time, only Ye Long, the policewoman, and Qinghan Qinger are left in the villa!

It was a near miss this time, and it was indeed not easy!

"Feifei, thank you!" Fang Qinghan looked at Leng Feifei and said with a smile.

To say that it was the policewoman who played a crucial role in this matter!

If the police flower girl didn't arrive in time, then the matter would be another situation!

After all, the ability to control the situation is still in the hands of the police!

Whoever can control the police force will win!

"Hee hee, Sister Qinghan, this incident is due to this big show, without this big show, everything would be useless!" Leng Feifei said, holding the arm of Qinghan's big beauty. We know each other and have a good relationship. Needless to say.

After Ye Long heard this, he was almost moved to tears. This was the first time he heard a policewoman praise and recognize him since he knew her!

It's not easy!

"Jinghua girl, you have recognized us, you are so moved!" Ye Long looked at Jinghua girl and said.

When the policewoman heard Ye Long's words, she rolled her eyes, then raised her slender legs and kicked Ye Long, and said, "Slut, don't fly into the sky with just one compliment. If you don't behave well in the future, let's see what happens to my sister." Pack you!"

"Uh... Shit... You're still that violent cop girl!" Ye Long sighed inwardly.

However, Ye Long still prefers this kind of wild police beauty girl, not for anything else, just because this is her personality of a violent police beauty. What he likes is her personality, wild, especially wild at night!

This kind of wildness cannot be experienced from others, but only from the police flower girl!

Ye Long chatted with the three women for a while, and he also accompanied the three beauties with different temperaments, and then he left the villa!

After the whole matter was dealt with, Ye Long felt relaxed. After coming back from Qucheng City, he encountered such a thing, and he still met an unprecedented opponent, which made him tense all the time!

But, fortunately, the matter has been dealt with!

As for the huge assets of Longmei Group, after the investigation of the case is completed and the court accepts the case, it will naturally return to Longmei Group!

As soon as she left the villa, Leng Feifei's phone rang!

Leng Feifei answered the phone, and after a few seconds, she frowned and looked surprised, "What? Ruili was hijacked?"

"Understood, immediately send more police force and quickly pursue!"

Leng Feifei quickly ordered on the phone!

After hanging up the phone, Leng Feifei looked at Ye Long and said, "Oh no, Ruili has been kidnapped!"

"Who is so capable?" Fang Qinghan asked beside Ye Long.

"It's very simple, of course it's from the Rui family, and Ruili is just a member of the Rui family!"

At this moment, Ye Long's expression was relaxed and calm, calm.

"It's my fault, brother, you are indeed negligent!" Ye Long smiled and said again.

Indeed, these Ye Longs should have thought that if something happened to Ruili, the Rui family would definitely come to her rescue!

It seems that this matter has not been completely resolved. If we want to completely resolve it, we must get rid of the huge Rui family behind Ruili!

"Then what should we do now?" Leng Feifei asked anxiously.

"Hey, policewoman, don't worry!" Ye Long said.

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