The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 16 You are a man

After Lin Zihan finished speaking, he got up and ran outside!

"I'll wipe it, what's the situation?" Ye Long was stunned for a moment, and then quickly ran outside.

Soon, Ye Long followed Lin Zihan upstairs!

Upstairs, there was another "cracking" sound of falling things, and there were waves of beating and cursing!

"Smelly bitch, quickly give me the money!" A rough male voice shouted from inside.

After finishing speaking, I heard a slap in the face from inside!

Then there was Mama Lin's cry!

Lin Zihan opened the door without hesitation and rushed into the room, Ye Long followed him in!

The living room of the house was in a mess, Mama Lin was crying and sitting on the ground with disheveled hair, and in front of Mama Lin, a middle-aged old man pinched his waist and looked at Mama Lin aggressively!

From this middle-aged old man, there was a strong smell of alcohol, obviously this guy drank a lot!

"I'm asking you again, do you want to get the money?" The middle-aged old man pointed to Mama Lin who was on the ground.

"Lin Yonghai, don't try to take a penny from me, you are no longer in this family!" Mama Lin pointed at the middle-aged old man.

Lin Yonghai is also Lin Zihan's father and Lin Ma's husband!

"Mom, Mom, are you okay?" Lin Zihan rushed forward, and then helped Lin Ma who was on the ground up.

Lin Yonghai pointed to Lin's mother, and said viciously, "Damn old lady, do you want to take the money?"

"No!" Lin Ma said firmly.

"Damn old lady, it seems that I don't teach you a lesson today, let's see how I deal with you!" Lin Yonghai rolled up his sleeves anxiously, and then walked towards Mama Lin.

Lin Zihan supported Mama Lin by the side, and when she saw Lin Yonghai approaching, she immediately stood in front of her!

"Dad, what are you doing? Don't you get enough money from home? You know gambling every day. Gambling is a bottomless pit. Don't you understand?" Lin Zihan looked at Lin Yonghai and said.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yonghai ignored Lin Zihan's words, and pushed Lin Zihan to the ground with his hands, and then rushed towards Mama Lin!

"Stinky old lady, see if I don't teach you a lesson!" Lin Yonghai said, and then slapped Lin's mother with a big slap.

But as soon as the slap was slapped, it stopped in the middle of the air!

Ye Long reached out and grabbed Lin Yonghai's wrist, and smiled, "What are you going to do with a woman? Come, fight me!"

Lin Yonghai glanced at Ye Long, and then directly cursed, "What the hell are you, get the hell out of here..."


Lin Yonghai screamed, and before he finished speaking, he was kicked to the ground by Ye Long!

Lin Yonghai, who was lying on the ground, touched his lower abdomen, and then got up from the ground angrily, "Okay, you damn old woman dare to find a wild man behind my back, and even find your wild man to beat me , I will fight with you!"

Lin Yonghai rushed towards Ye Long while yelling and cursing!

Naturally, Ye Long would not be soft-handed, grabbed Lin Yonghai's wrist, and then threw it out through the outside door like throwing a stone!


Lin Yonghai's body hit the wall hard, and then fell heavily on the ground!

Lin Yonghai who was lying on the ground not only bared his teeth in pain!

Ye Long stood at the door and glanced at Lin Yonghai, "It's best not to let me see you in the future, otherwise I will hit you every time I see you!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Long directly closed the door and returned to the living room!

Lin Zihan who got up from the ground had already helped Lin Ma to the sofa and sat down!

Mama Lin's cheeks were also red and swollen, and she was not beaten lightly by that old guy Lin Yonghai!

"Xiaoye, I'm really sorry to make you laugh!" Mama Lin said with some embarrassment.

Ye Long waved his hand, "What's the matter, it's all right!"

Lin Zihan got up and poured Ye Long a glass of water, then said, "Brother Long, thank you for what happened just now!"

"You're welcome, it's a matter of little effort, but what's the matter with that old man?" Ye Long asked.

Lin Zihan burst into anger, and then said, "He is my father, he knows how to gamble all day long, and he lost all the money in the family. Later, my mother divorced her, thinking that after the divorce, I could get rid of him, who knows? He still comes to my mother every three days to ask for money, and if he doesn't give me money, he will call, this is not once or twice!"

"Xiaoye, if you hit him, he will definitely not let you go, you should find a place to hide first!" Mama Lin also said worriedly.

Ye Long smiled, "It's okay, it's best if he can come, I'll give him a good meal, so that he won't dare to trouble your mother and daughter again in the future!"

"Brother Long, my dad met some gangsters in the casino. You should hide. Those people are even more unreasonable. If you beat him, with his temper, he must find someone to deal with you!" Lin Zihan Also persuaded.

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of gangsters, it's nothing serious!" Ye Long said lightly.

Although Ye Long said he didn't care at all, Lin Zihan and Lin Ma didn't think so, and they couldn't involve others because of their own family affairs!

But after persuading Ye Long for more than ten minutes, it still didn't work!

And at this moment, there was a violent knock on the door!

Then I heard Lin Yonghai's yelling and cursing, "You two dogs and men, open the door for me and see how I deal with you!"

Both Lin Zihan and Lin's mother panicked, then glanced at Ye Long, and said, "Ye Long, why don't you go into the back room and hide, they are a bunch of bastards who fight to the death!"

Ye Long waved his hand, smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mama Lin, it's very easy for me to deal with them!"

"Ah?" Mama Lin was stunned for a moment, obviously she couldn't believe it. Although Ye Long's body looks quite strong, he couldn't hold seven or eight people together, right? As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands.

"Just look at it!" Ye Long smiled, and then walked towards the door, where there were still knocks and smashes on the door.

After Ye Long passed by, he stretched out his hand and opened the door, and seven or eight tattooed men stood in front of the door, smoking cigarettes in their mouths!

When Lin Yonghai saw the door open, he rushed towards Ye Long!

Ye Long was even more straightforward, kicking Lin Yonghai's lower abdomen with one kick!

"Ouch!" Lin Yonghai screamed. Fortunately, there were a few strong men behind him supporting him, otherwise Lin Yonghai would be kicked to the ground again.

"Brother Curly, this is the kid, you must give him a good meal!" Lin Yonghai said to a big man standing in front of the ninja pain in his lower abdomen.

This big man has a bunch of curly hair in front, dyed yellow, like a dog's tail grass, looks very individual!

Ye Long looked at Liu Yonghai and smiled, "I said you are really not ashamed, you are almost his age to be his father, right? Are you shameless calling someone brother here?"

Curly glanced at Ye Long, and exhaled smoke like a big brother, "It was you who beat Liu Yonghai?"

"Well, yes, it's me, what's the matter?" Ye Long looked at Curly and said without any fear.

"Hehe, the boy's tone is quite crazy, who is he?" Curly rolled his eyes and patted Ye Long's shoulder.

Ye Long glanced at the curly hair, then stretched out his hand to press the curly hair's hand on his shoulder, and then twisted it!


Curly's wrist was directly broken by Ye Long, and then Ye Long kicked it out, knocking Curly to the ground!

"Did I forget to tell you? There is a price to pay for patting me on the shoulder!" Ye Long sneered.

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