The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1528 The powerful Xiaoyao star

Of course, Tong Wudi didn't pay attention to Xiaoyaoxing, because among the five factions, Xiaoyao faction was the weakest one, and its strength was not worth mentioning at all!

Tong Wudi, don't take him seriously!

Since Xiaoyaoxing wants to try himself, Tong Wudi doesn't mind, he wants to convince everyone, he will convince anyone who is not convinced!

Although Xiaoyaoxing wants to try himself at this moment, Tong Wudi is very surprised!

But, this is all trivial!

"Hehe, come on then!" Tong Wudi looked at Xiaoyaoxing and sneered, beckoning.

It's just that Tong Wudi's sneer was thought-provoking, as if he was telling Xiaoyaoxing, although you are the head of the sect, at least a junior, you dare to compete with yourself? Wait to be cleaned up!

Xiaoyaoxing holds a sword and looks confident!

Immediately, Xiaoyaoxing jumped up and stepped onto the competition arena!

Although Xiaoyaoxing was a junior, he didn't show any expression of panic on his face, instead, it was a rare kind of confidence!

Ye Long looked at Xiaoyaoxing's confident expression, where did this confidence come from?

It can be seen that Xiaoyaoxing's self-confidence is not self-confidence for no reason, but self-confidence from the heart!

Obviously, this happy star is absolutely hidden!

I have to say that although Xiaoyaoxing is young, his scheming is much deeper than these old men!

Who would have thought that Happy Star would appear at such a time?

Of course, now is not the time for all the disciples to be surprised, because now, they just think that Xiaoyaoxing wants to compete with Tong Wudi!

They don't know the true desire of Happy Star, of course, to be more precise, they dare not think so, because it is impossible!

Xiaoyaoxing came to the competition arena, held a sword in one hand, looked at Tong Wudi, and said, "Master Tong, I hope you will show mercy!"

It's just that Xiaoyaoxing said this, a little disdainful!

Of course Tong Wudi understood the tone of Xiaoyao Xing's words, followed by a sneer, and replied bluntly, "Don't worry, I will show mercy!"

"The junior, thank you again!" Xiaoyaoxing clasped his fists and smiled.

"bring it on!"

At this time, Tong Wudi stretched out his arms and came into the air!

Xiaoyaoxing swung his sword gracefully, stepping on the scabbard to the sky!

Xiaoyaoxing and Tong Wudi looked at each other without saying a word of nonsense!

"Xiangyang Palm!"

Tong Wudi gathered all his strength and struck out with one palm!

Xiaoyaoxing stepped on the scabbard and held the sword!

Immediately, Xiaoyaoxing waved the sword in his hand, and sword energy refracted out one after another!

When the sword energy refracted out, Ye Long was not only a little surprised!

This, sword energy, is so strong!

An unspeakable overbearing!

Facing Xiaoyao Xing's swordsmanship, Ye Long simply compared himself with his Fengling swordsmanship!

The sword skills played by Xiaoyaoxing can only be described in two words!


That's right, Xiaoyao Xing's swordsmanship is very superb, with exquisite sharpness in it!

Xiaoyaoxing refracted sword energy one after another, full of sword energy!

But facing Tong Wudi's palm gesture, he was directly and easily forced by Xiaoyaoxing's sword energy!

This made Tong Wudi not only stare wide-eyed, but a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes!

Obviously, Xiaoyaoxing is just a doll in Tong Wudi's eyes, after all, Xiaoyaoxing is much younger in age!

However, Xiaoyao Xing's cultivation was beyond Tong Wudi's expectations!

Xiaoyao Xing actually used such a cultivated sword energy?

At this moment, Tong Wudi dare not underestimate Xiaoyaoxing!

Of course, Xiaoyaoxing didn't give Tong Wudi the chance to underestimate him!

Xiaoyaoxing stepped on the bronze scabbard, brandished the sword in his hand, constantly refracting sword energy, and swung the sword away at a lightning-like speed that surpassed Tong Wudi!

Seeing this, Tong Wudi not only stared wide-eyed, but quickly gathered his inner strength and slapped several palms one after another!

However, Tong Wudi's palm gesture was easily dispelled by Xiaoyaoxing's sword energy!

Moreover, the speed of Tong Wudi's palm gesture is far inferior to the speed of Xiaoyaoxing's sword energy!

With Tong Wudi's palm strike, Xiaoyaoxing can reflect ten sword qi!

One can imagine what kind of pressure Tong Wudi is under at this moment!

"whoosh whoosh"

Several sword qi were reflected one after another!

In an instant, a burning pain came from Tong Wudi's body, and several blood marks appeared on Tong Wudi's body!

Moreover, the clothes on Tong Wudi's body were directly cut by the sword energy!

The muscles on Tong Wudi's face trembled, and he was horrified in his heart. He never thought that the humble Xiaoyaoxing would be so powerful and cultivated so deeply!

Moreover, in front of Xiaoyaoxing, Tong Wudi found that he had no power to resist!

This, how is this possible?

You know, Xiaoyaoxing is the weakest of the five sects!

Since he is so powerful, why doesn't Xiaoyaoxing participate in the competition?

Thinking of this, Tong Wudi widened his eyes, as if he understood something!

Could it be...

Could it be that Xiaoyaoxing has been hiding his strength and reaching the last moment of explosion?

Judging from the current situation, it is indeed the case!

However, Xiaoyaoxing didn't give Tong Wudi a chance, and several sharp sword qi refracted out!

A slash of sword energy!

Tong Wudi didn't react at all, and was directly shot down on the competition platform!

At this moment, the whole body is shocked!

No one thought that Xiaoyaoxing, who had always been inconspicuous, defeated Tong Wudi!

This is simply a miracle!

But, this is the truth!

Tong Wudi, who was lying on the competition field, clutched his chest, without any ability to resist!

At this time, Xiaoyaoxing turned over and landed on the ground, gracefully landing in front of Tong Wudi!

Tong Wudi who was lying on the ground looked at Xiaoyaoxing, and said with some unimaginable, "You..."

"Hehe, I'm sorry, Master Tong, you lost!" Xiaoyaoxing said with a smile.

Tong Wudi's internal strength is unimaginable, according to Xiaoyaoxing's strength, he must be completely above Xie Yitian!

However, no one thought that Xiaoyaoxing was so powerful, and even gave up the chance to compete!

At this moment, Tong Wudi understands that the person who is playing the most deeply now is not Xie Yitian, nor himself, but Xiaoyaoxing, who is not taken seriously by anyone!

"You, you actually learned the Xiaoyao swordsmanship?" Tong Wudi said after a long time.

"That's right, as the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, it's only natural to learn the Xiaoyao swordsmanship, so don't be surprised if you're the head of the Tong sect!" Xiaoyaoxing said with a smile.

Tong Wudi shook his head, smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, "Hehe, I really underestimated you, so you are my biggest opponent!"

"Unfortunately, it's too late now!" Xiaoyao Xing said, spreading his hands.

"Hehe, you've won!" Tong Wudi laughed at himself, then jumped up and flew down the competition platform.

Regarding his own strength and the strength of Xiaoyaoxing, Tong Wudi is very clear, even if he joins forces with Xuan Mingzi, he may not be Xiaoyaoxing's opponent!

The free and unfettered swordsmanship was famous for a while!

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