The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1475 Strange Man in the Wraith Cave

Ye Long smiled ferociously, his eyes glowed red, and said, "What's the crime? It's nothing more than death!"

Now Ye Long is much calmer, the worst outcome is death!

"Okay, if you kill my inner disciple, you should accept the most severe punishment in this sect, and save the soul of the dead blue dragon!" The head master Yun Qing said, and then shouted, "Xuan Yuan, the one who saved the blue dragon's soul!" What day is it?"

"Back to the head, in the early morning two days later!" Xuan Yuan bowed his head and replied.

"Okay, lock him in the back cave first, lock him with iron chains, and prepare for the blue dragon's salvation in two days!" Yun Qing said.

"Follow the master!"

Xuan Yuan nodded, then waved his hand and said, "Take him away, follow me!"

Immediately, two Wraith faction disciples dragged Ye Long up, escorted Ye Long, and followed Xuan Yuan out of the hall!

Under the leadership of Xuan Yuan, Ye Long was taken to the back mountain of the sect hall!

Ye Long looked at the endless, majestic, and fairy mist-shrouded mountains, which not only surprised Ye Long!

Standing on the mountain and looking down, there is a feeling of being the king of the world and looking down on the heroes!

The Wraith faction is located in the continuous mountains, like a paradise in a fairyland!

Soon, Ye Long was taken to the top of a mountain!

"The cave of ghosts!"

Xuan Yuan stopped in front of a cave entrance!

Xuan Yuan stopped, turned to look at Ye Long, and said, "Ye Long, you can enjoy yourself here slowly for the past two days!"

Ye Long smiled and said, "It looks like the cave is quite scary!"

"This is just a small punishment for you. Two days later, if you are used to worship the blue dragon, you will feel as if you have entered the eighteenth level of hell!" Xuan Yuan said looking at Ye Long.

"That's right, I'm looking forward to it!" Ye Long smiled, and then said, "By the way, let's ask, is this a foreign country or a domestic one?"

Ye Long has always been curious about this question!

Because the master old man said that the Wraith faction is abroad, but it can't reach abroad so quickly, right?

"This is the country!" Xuan Yuan looked at Ye Long and said.

"The Wraith faction, isn't it abroad? How could it be in China?" Ye Long looked at Xuan Yuan and said.

"The Wraith faction abroad is just our assignment!" Xuan Yuan said.

"Damn it... When did the sect become so noble that it even opened a chain store?" Ye Long was not only surprised.

"Stop talking nonsense, take him in!" Xuan Yuan waved Ye Long, ignoring him.

Immediately, Ye Long was brought into the cave!

As soon as you enter the cave, a group of bats are flying around, it is not a good place for birds!

Immediately, Ye Long was brought into the center of the cave, at the top of the cave, barely a ray of light shone in from the upper opening!

And around, there are four big iron chains as thick as arms!

It seems that this place is the cave where the Wraith faction specially detains prisoners!

And the surroundings of the cave extend in all directions, giving people a feeling of bottomlessness!

Immediately, the rope on Ye Long's body was untied, and two disciples locked Ye Long's hands and feet with four big iron chains respectively!

And the big iron chain is fixed on the surrounding stone walls!

"Just enjoy it here, after two days, something more exciting is waiting for you!" Xuan Yuan said, and then left the cave with two disciples.

But at this moment, Ye Long was the only one left in the entire cave!

"Grandma, this is the woolen place!" Ye Long felt a little bit pained.

Ye Long is very good at picking locks, but when Ye Long tried to open the iron chain, he found it impossible!

No matter what method Ye Long tried to unlock, he couldn't open it!

Ye Long, on the other hand, slowly used his internal force to transfer the power of his dantian to his arm, intending to break free from the iron chain!

However, this method is useless!

Because of my injury, I can only use half of my internal strength, but this half of my internal strength is definitely more than enough to break free from ordinary iron chains!

But this iron chain seems to be unusual, no matter how hard I try to break free, it just doesn't move!

Ye Long tried a few times, but to no avail!

In the end, Ye Long simply didn't waste any effort!

This iron chain seems to be made of special materials!

Ye Long looked around, there were no people, but there were many kinds of insects. Did he just stay here for two days and starve for two days?

If this is the case, Ye Long will be depressed!

It's not a big deal to be hungry here for two days, but you can only be tied up here, you can't move around, it's too boring, and the length of the iron chain is limited, and the range of movement is only within one meter!

Since you can't untie the iron chain, you can only let it go as it comes!

Immediately, Ye Long sat cross-legged and could only heal his wounds!

Ye Long did not choose to continue practicing Nine Dragon Yin Jue, because Ye Long promised his master, the old man, that he would not continue to practice!

Because if you continue to practice, you need to pay too much!

More importantly, Ye Long understood a very important truth through the fight between Xuan Yuan and Xuan Shan!

Any supreme skill needs to be supplemented by other kung fu foundations, just like building a building, the quality of the cement and steel bars is good, but without a solid foundation, it will still collapse!

A real master needs to be comprehensive, and only one aspect of ability is not enough!

Just like Ye Long fighting with Xuan Yuan and Xuan Shan, he has such a terrifying hand gesture, but he has only learned the Nine Dragon Yin Jue, which is not comparable to other kung fu in the realm of Wuhun!

Therefore, Ye Long only played the power of the Nine Dragon Yin Jue, but did not play the speed, just like you have brute force for nothing, but you really don't pay attention to skills!

If you have great power, if you don't have other skills, such as speed and matching skills, what's the use if people dodge you, and if you can't hit people with great power?

Through this fight, Ye Long understood that no matter what moves, they must complement each other!

If you can use the four-level palm technique of the Nine Dragon Yin Jue with super speed and hit the target smoothly, the power will be quite impressive!

After some healing, Ye Long slowly recovered from his injuries!

After all, I have the Jade Maid Heart Technique in my hand, so it is very easy to recover from internal injuries!

What makes Ye Long happy is that he didn't expect that the mentality in the realm of warriors is still awesome in the realm of martial arts!

The jade girl's heart method is definitely a good skill for healing and restoring internal strength!

The injury is almost recuperating, Ye Long is a little bored!

Time passed by like this, and slowly, the sky became dark!

I have to say that staying here is really boring, especially for someone with Ye Long's personality, it's even more boring!

While Ye Long was feeling the long night, a black shadow appeared in front of him!

Because during the day, the cave is a little dark, and at night, you can't even see your fingers!

Moreover, this black figure seemed to be a person, and his legs seemed to be tied with iron chains, and he made the sound of iron rubbing against the ground when he walked!


Ye Long not only raised his vigilance!

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