The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1458 Strong, absolutely strong

"Wake up, let's have breakfast!" Nina said softly to Ye Long.

Looking at Nina, who is gentle and elegant, with an impersonal aroma, Ye Long feels that his appetite is also very good!

Having beautiful women always improves your appetite!

Immediately, Ye Long washed up, chatted with Nina and had breakfast together!

"Brother Long, what are you doing today?" Nina looked at Ye Long and said.

Ye Long ate, hesitated for a long time, and said, "Nina, is there any spare room here?"

Nina nodded and said, "Yes, I have two bedrooms and one living room here, and there is another room, what do you want?"

"Practice!" Ye Long replied indifferently and simply.

"Practice? What kind of kung fu?" Nina asked suspiciously.

"Nine Dragon Yin Jue!" Ye Long said in a firm tone, word by word.

Although it is a simple four words, but from Ye Long's mouth, I don't know how difficult it is!

Saying these four words, Ye Long had a lot of psychological struggles, and at the same time, he was under a lot of pressure in his heart!

Because, Ye Long knew what the consequences of making this decision would be, and how much he would have to pay!

However, Ye Long's personality is like this, he refuses to admit defeat!

Ye Long himself will bear all the costs!

The final result is nothing more than death!

Life is a toss, you can't treat your heart badly!

Whatever is on your mind, do it!

Last night, Ye Long had done careful thinking, and he decided to practice Nine Dragon Yin Jue!

In Ye Long's life, it's okay to lose, but there is humiliation if you can't lose!

Therefore, Ye Long must practice the Nine Dragon Yin Jue and trample the blue dragon under his feet!

Because there is no other way to defeat the blue dragon except for practicing the Nine Dragon Yin Jue, after all, the blue dragon is a master of the Wuhun realm!

Nina didn't know much about Nine Dragon Yin Jue, so she nodded and said without saying anything, "Okay!"

"By the way, Nina, I need to retreat to practice Kungfu, and I may not leave my room for the next two days, so you don't have to worry about me, and don't bother me!" Ye Long said to Nina.

After all, practicing Jiulong Yin Jue is different from practicing other kung fu, you must concentrate on it to achieve the effect!

Nina nodded without any objection, "Well, I see, what about your meal?"

"It's okay, just pretend that I don't exist!" Ye Long said.

"Okay!" Nina replied.

After breakfast, Nina went to school, while Ye Long stayed at home alone!

Ye Long took a deep breath, and was about to retreat to practice the Nine Dragon Art. For Ye Long, he felt an indescribable excitement!

As for the so-called worry, Ye Long put all of it behind him, and if he didn't do it, it was fine. Since he chose to do it, he should do it decisively!

Looking forward and backward is not what a real man does!

Practicing Nine Dragon Yin Jue, not only can obtain endless and vast inner strength, but also can reach the realm of martial soul, and you will become a member of the realm of martial soul!

Becoming a member of the Martial Soul Realm is something that all warriors have dreamed of for thousands of years!

After calming down his excitement, Ye Long came to another room in Nina's house, a very empty room, very suitable for Ye Long to practice!

Ye Long walked into the room and locked the door behind him!

The most unacceptable thing for a martial artist is to be disturbed!

A small interruption may lead to serious consequences. It is not impossible to go crazy and die violently!

After closing the door, Ye Long drew the curtains of the window, and the whole room became dark and quiet!

Immediately, Ye Long sat cross-legged!

Ye Long, who sat down, didn't need to try to think about it deliberately, the mentality of the Jiulong Yin Jue in his mind was constantly echoing in Ye Long's mind!

I don't know why, these few nights, Ye Long basically practiced Nine Dragon Yin Jue passively every night!

The reason for passively practicing Nine Dragon Yin Jue is to practice uncontrollably!

Ye Long didn't know why!

So this time, taking the initiative to practice Nine Dragon Yin Jue is a matter of course for Ye Long!

Ye Long sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, slowly, Ye Long's own consciousness began to become blurred!

Every time Ye Long passively practices Nine Dragon Yin Jue, he loses his subjective consciousness!

Therefore, Ye Long was not too worried!

Ye Long, who was sitting cross-legged, began to practice according to the heart method of Jiulong Yin Jue!

At this moment, Ye Long felt as if his body was in the vast ocean, and endless power was constantly pouring into his body!

This feeling cannot be expressed in words!

Slowly, Ye Long felt that the nerve acupoints of his limbs began to change slowly, especially the nerves of various tissues, as if a force had torn all the nerves and then reconnected them. This feeling is very painful!

But in pain, Ye Long also slowly gritted his teeth and persevered!

I don't know how long it took, Ye Long felt a huge change in his body, as if he had broken out of the cocoon after a holy baptism!

At the same time, in Ye Long's dantian, there is a vast and turbulent wave of air constantly lingering and surging!

And this turbulent air wave was extremely domineering, devouring all the previous internal force in his dantian without any hesitation!

At this moment, Ye Long felt a turbulent surge in his dantian, which slowly gathered into a fiery ball of energy!

At this moment, Ye Long not only frowned, but hurriedly the energy ball in his dantian exuded fiery heat, and slowly began to expand, as if it was about to explode!


At this moment, Ye Long's eyes were red, his brows were raised, his face was ferocious, and he raised his head and let out a roar!

Immediately before, the energy ball at Ye Long's dantian exploded instantly, and an indescribable energy centered on his dantian, spreading and burning all over his body!

Ye Long originally thought that his body would explode and burn directly, because Ye Long could feel the power of this fiery energy ball is too powerful!

But I didn't expect that this energy ball exploded and scattered all over my body, and I was fine!

What an amazing moment!

Could this be related to the feeling that the nerves in my body were torn and reassembled just now?

That is to say, his physique has undergone an unprecedented baptism?

This is really out of the cocoon!

Although Ye Long didn't understand what was going on, he could generally understand it this way!

Because according to my previous physique, being hit by such an energy ball, the blood vessels in my whole body burst and died!

But now, nothing happened, and Ye Long felt that his body was full of strength, a wave of restless heat!

This enthusiasm is manic and unstable, raging and wandering!

It may be because of the fiery energy ball, Ye Long felt that the heat was constantly surging around his body, as if it was baptizing all the organs of his body!

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