The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1366 Ye Long, I can’t afford to offend him

Now Wang Min understands that he cannot deal with Ye Long with his own strength alone. However, Ye Long has committed a crime and can use stronger power to deal with Ye Long!

If he, Ye Long, dares to beat the director, then even better, he can continue to report to his superiors, so that the crimes Ye Long commits will become bigger and bigger!

In the end, Ye Long did more than just beat people!

"Yes, I'll go right away!"

The policeman next to him nodded quickly after hearing this.

"Wait a minute!" Wang Min said.

"Team Wang, what other arrangements are there?" the policeman asked.

"Help me up first and let's go together!" Wang Min said.

When the two policemen saw this, they immediately helped Wang Min up!

After helping Wang Min up, two policemen carried Wang Min out of the interrogation room!

Wang Min was frightened by Ye Long just now, and his legs became weak. This kind of thing can be said to be the first time for Wang Min!

I have never encountered such an unimaginable thing before!

When Ye Long pointed a gun at his forehead, Wang Min was a little frightened. Fortunately, Wang Min calmed down. Otherwise, if he was frightened and peeed, it would be another big joke in the police station!

After leaving the interrogation room, Wang Min was carried to the director's office by two policemen!

He wanted to report the matter to the director immediately, and then arrest Ye Long, directly exaggerating Ye Long's crimes!

Arriving at the door of the director's office, Wang Min knocked on the door!


Inside the office, the voice of Qucheng City Director Liu Ye came out.

Immediately, Wang Min opened the door and walked in!

When Wang Min opened the door and saw what was going on inside, he was stunned for a moment!

That's right, in the office, besides the chief, there was another person sitting. This person was none other than Ye Long who just beat him up in the interrogation room!

Why is Ye Long here?

Isn't what Ye Long has to do now to run away?

This situation makes Wang Min puzzled!


When Ye Long saw Wang Min, he grinned and said hello to Wang Min!

When Ye Long finished beating Wang Min and left the interrogation room, he wanted to leave here, but Ye Long knew Wang Min's virtue, so he definitely wouldn't count it all!

For this kind of thing, Ye Longlan spent too much time to solve it, so he simply went to the director, explained the situation clearly, and then revealed his identity and ended it directly!

This makes it clear, at least I won't be approached by these guys indiscriminately in the future!

Seeing Ye Long's smug smile, Wang Min gritted his teeth and was so angry!

"Ye Long, you are so brave, you are still in the director's office!" Wang Min stared at Ye Long and said in a low voice.

"Hey, why don't you dare?" Ye Long smiled, got up and said.

"Since you are right there, I will immediately deploy the police to arrest you, Director Liu, this guy is a criminal, you have to be careful!" Wang Min said.

"Heh!" Ye Long chuckled, and then walked towards Wang Min.

Looking at Ye Long approaching, Wang Min not only took a step back in panic, but now Wang Min is afraid of Ye Long from the bottom of his heart!

"In front of the chief, don't mess around!" Wang Min reminded Ye Long, staring at Ye Long timidly.

Ye Long smiled, raised his hand, and at this moment, Wang Min's body couldn't help but flicker!

"Hey, don't get excited. If I don't hit you, I just want to tell you that even if I hit you openly, you are still no match for me!" Ye Long said, and then patted Wang Min on the shoulder.

After saying that, Ye Long waved his hand, turned around and left the office swaggeringly!

Wang Min watched the swaggering Ye Long leave the office. He was stunned for a moment, then turned to Liu Ye and said, "Director Liu, this guy is a criminal. He is so arrogant. I will send the police to arrest him immediately!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Min turned around and was about to leave the office!

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, Liu Ye spoke.

Wang Min turned to look at Liu Ye and asked, "Liu Bureau, what other arrangements do you have?"

"Don't arrest him, and don't bother him about anything in the future!" Liu Ye said to Wang Min.

After hearing this, Wang Min was stunned for a moment, is he deaf?

What did Liu Ye say just now?

Not to arrest Ye Long, and not to cause any trouble with him in the future?


"Director Liu, he just beat us in the interrogation room. I was covered with injuries. Why didn't we arrest him?" Wang Min asked in confusion.

"No reason!" Liu Ye said directly.

When Gan Gang Liu Ye learned Ye Long's identity, he was very surprised. Not to mention that Ye Long couldn't be offended, even if he could, how could he be caught casually with his skills?

Of course, Ye Long asked him to keep his identity secret, so Liu Ye naturally couldn't reveal Ye Long's identity, otherwise, it would be exposing state secrets!

"This..." Wang Min was confused at this moment.

Bureau Liu not only refused to arrest Ye Long, but he didn't even say why?

"Remember one thing, you are not allowed to look for Ye Long, otherwise, just pack up and go home!" Liu Ye emphasized again seriously.

Wang Min is not a fool. Director Liu has said this, so how can Ye Long be a simple person?

Moreover, the strength Ye Long showed showed that he was more than just a student. Could it be that he had secrets that he didn't even know about?

"Yes..." Wang Min's original arrogance was instantly extinguished and he nodded.

"Okay, let's go out!" Liu Ye waved his hand.

After Wang Min left the director's office, the two policemen next to him looked at Wang Min and said, "Captain Wang, do you still want to take revenge?"


Wang Min slapped the policeman who was speaking in the face, and said angrily, "What the hell, didn't you hear what Bureau Liu said? He is like this, so can we be Ye Long's opponent? Ye Long, we provoked Sorry!"

After Ye Long left the police station, he returned directly to Beiguo University!

After returning to class, it happens that get out of class is about to end!

When the students in the class looked at Ye Long who swaggered into the class, his eyes were not only full of surprise!

"Brother Long, are you okay?" Zhou Meng looked at Ye Long who was sitting down and said.

"What's the matter? It's okay!" Ye Long said calmly.

"Hey, beast, no lynching?"

At this time, Peng Mengyao turned around and asked worriedly.

Ye Long grinned and said, "Hey, it's moving!"

"Ah? A lynching? Are you okay?" Peng Mengyao asked quickly.

"Of course I'm fine, because I lynched them, not they lynched me!" Ye Long said with a coquettish smile.

"You... hoo!"

Peng Mengyao let out a long breath, angry and hated at Ye Long, this guy didn't know how to speak directly, and Peng Mengyao thought that Ye Long was being lynched!

"Don't worry, what kind of person is brother, what kind of status, how can he be tortured by a few little policemen?" Ye Long straightened his hairstyle.


Peng Mengyao rolled Ye Long's eyes.

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