The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1319 You Will Have a Chance When You Get Drunk

Nina looked at Ye Long and said directly, "Remember, I'm not that kind of slutty woman, let alone a woman who can be casually counted!"

Ye Long looked at Nina depressedly, and said, "Then we have already made an agreement, and you agree!"

"That was before, but now I regret it!" Nina said.


Ye Long looked at Nina and asked, "Why did you go back on your word?"

"Because you know Peng Mengyao!" Nina said directly.

Hearing Nina's explanation, Ye Long was surprised. Does this matter have anything to do with Nina?


Ye Long asked puzzledly.

"Because you know Peng Mengyao!" Nina replied.

"I know Peng Mengyao, what does it have to do with us?" Ye Long asked with a frown.

"You don't know yet, I'm Peng Mengyao's sister!" Nina replied to Ye Long lightly.


Hearing Nina's answer, Ye Long almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Nina is Miss Peng's sister?

However, this doesn't look like it, because Peng Mengyao never called Sister Nina!

"What kind of sister are you?" Ye Long wondered. Could this be Nina's random reason to reject her?

"My mother's younger sister is Peng Jianlin's wife, but not Peng Mengyao's mother. Peng Mengyao was born to Peng Jianlin's other wife. Do you understand this relationship?" Nina looked at Ye Long and explained.

Ye Long went through the relationship according to the relationship, and he understood it, but Ye Long was puzzled, what does it have to do with whether he has an appointment with Nina?

Even if Nina is Peng Mengyao's sister, what does this have to do with dating?

"But in this way, it doesn't matter to the two of us, right?" Ye Long asked, spreading his hands.

"It doesn't matter, I don't like this feeling!" Nina said.

Ye Long shook his head helplessly, Nina is really a strange woman!

"But I have nothing to do with Miss Peng!" Ye Long said, spreading his hands.

"It's all the same, anyway, if you know her, I won't have sex with you!" Nina said firmly.


Now, Ye Long really wanted to find a cotton cover to cover his head and hit him to death. Was he so excited in vain?

However, Ye Long is not reconciled, no reason can be a reason to stop him from picking up girls!

How can there be smooth sailing in life, girls refuse, just shrink back like this?

Backing down, this is not at all against Ye Long's personality, Ye Long is a dog skin plaster, thick-skinned and ruthless!

"Since you don't agree, let's have a drink!" Ye Long didn't mention this matter at all.

Because Ye Long knew that if he continued to mention it, it would definitely arouse Nina's disgust. A woman like Nina must not arouse her disgust!

Nina nodded, and then drank red wine with Ye Long!

Before Ye Long came, Nina drank quite a lot. After Ye Long came, she drank a few cups in a row, and Nina's face became even more rosy!

Slowly, Ye Long could see that Nina was a little drunk!

At this moment, tears flowed from the corners of Nina's eyes!


Ye Long was a little surprised, the drinker actually started to cry?

What's going on?

"Beauty Nina, what's wrong with you?" Ye Long looked at Nina and asked softly.

Nina looked sad with tears in her eyes, then grabbed a glass of red wine and drank it down!

"Pour me wine!" Nina's eyes were a little blurred, and her voice was full of softness.

"Stop drinking, you've already drunk too much!" Ye Long said, looking at Nina.

"No, I didn't drink too much. I want to drink. I like the feeling of being drunk. When I'm drunk, I don't have any troubles!" Nina said.

Ye Long shook his head helplessly, and said, "Beauty Nina, is there something sad for you?"

"What's sad?" Nina said with a wry smile, "I've never had any happy things!"

"If it's convenient, you can tell me, maybe I can enlighten you!" Ye Long looked at Nina and said.

Nina shook her head, and then leaned her head on Ye Long's shoulder!

Ye Long's body tightened, and the woman's fragrance emanating from Nina came to his nostrils!

"The man I love the most has left me and betrayed me. Tell me, is there still a trustworthy man in this world?" Nina leaned on Ye Long's shoulder, eyes dazed, and said calmly.

"Of course there are credible men in the world. For example, there are good men and bad men in the world. When you meet a bad man, you can't think that everyone in the world is bad, right?" Ye Long slowly put his hand on Nina. shoulders.

In this situation, Ye Long must give Nina the most gentle care, because now Nina is the weakest defense in her heart!

As long as you impress her, half of the work is done, being rejected before is nothing at all!

No matter what you do, you must have a persistent heart. This is the case with girls, life, work, and study!

As long as you are willing to persevere and work hard, nothing is impossible!

Nina leaned on Ye Long's shoulder and said softly, "But I don't think there is a trustworthy man in the world. He loved me so much and swore to me, but he still betrayed me in the end!"

"Beauty Nina, love is like a journey, you only stay in a beautiful scenery, you will think it is beautiful, it is the most beautiful scenery in the world, but it is not, because you have never seen other beautiful scenery, love is the same So, don't look at other men with the same eyes because of a man you think is perfect, since he betrayed you, then he is a scum and not the best!" Ye Long looked at Nina and comforted him.

"Maybe I haven't let it go yet!" Nina's voice was a little choked up, "We have been in love for fourteen years, and we have been in love since junior high school. He once proudly said that the proudest thing he has done in this life is to be with me Fourteen years, but I never thought that he would leave me in the end!"

"Don't worry, you are so beautiful, you will definitely find a man who loves you!" Ye Long said.

Nina laughed and cried, tears already wet Ye Long's shoulders, "Now I don't want to love, let alone dare to love!"

"When you meet someone you really love, you may let go of these things. In short, don't be too sad!" Ye Long comforted.

Nina wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "It's okay, come on, let's drink!"

"Still drinking?" Ye Long looked at Nina and asked.

"Drink, when I'm completely drunk, maybe you'll have a chance!" Nina's eyes were confused and her bright red lips were sexy and charming.

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