The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1274 Is this a human leg?

Immediately, Peng Mengyao and Tranquility left the villa together, while Ye Long walked out with the two beauties!

When they came to the courtyard of the villa, Peng Mengyao and Tranquility boarded a cool red and coquettish Ferrari sports car together!

After the two got into the car, Ye Long looked at it, and found that there was no place for him, because the sports car had two seats, and it happened that Peng Mengyao and Tranquility had a seat for each of them!

"Hey, miss, how can I get there?" Ye Long spread his hands depressed and said.

"No, I don't even see it. There are a few bicycles over there, Giant's, just choose one!" Peng Mengyao calmly pointed to several bicycles not far away.

After hearing this, Ye Long's head was full of black lines. Did she make a mistake, she drove a Ferrari and let herself ride a bicycle?

This awesome bike can't keep up with Ferrari!

"Forget it, brother, let's run behind!" Ye Long spread his hands and said with a sigh.

"Are you running behind?" Peng Mengyao thought she heard Ye Long's words wrongly when she heard Ye Long's words.

"Yeah, I'm sure I can't catch up with a bicycle!" Ye Long nodded and said.

"Then you mean you can catch up by running?" Peng Mengyao asked.

"It shouldn't be a problem, after all, Ferrari can't run very fast!" Ye Long said calmly, but, to the ears of others, it was full of pretending.

When Peng Mengyao heard Ye Long's words, she laughed directly, and said, "Ye Long, you will die if you don't brag?"

"Bragging? How can I be bragging?" Ye Long was a little helpless, and he was clearly telling the truth.

"Hmph, I've never seen you bragging so clearly. If you can catch up, then go for it!" Peng Mengyao naturally didn't believe Ye Long's words.

Peng Mengyao has never seen someone who can catch up with Ferrari with two pairs of feet, this is an international joke!

There is no truth at all, it can be said that Ye Long can't brag!

"Then you're ready!" Peng Mengyao chuckled and started the car.

There was a roar of high-speed engines, and Peng Mengyao drove her Ferrari straight away!

Ye Long moved his body a bit, and followed him with a stride!

"Yaoyao, do you think that guy can really catch up with our Ferrari?" Tranquility asked while sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

Peng Mengyao smiled and said, "Jingjing, do you really believe that guy's bragging? This is a Ferrari, not a tractor. Even if you lend him two legs, he can't catch up!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Peng Mengyao couldn't help but cast a glance at the mirror!


After seeing an illusory figure appearing in the mirror, Peng Mengyao not only sat up straight, but also stared at the mirror again with wide eyes!


It's Ye Long!

At this moment, Peng Mengyao was stunned. She would rather believe that her eyes were blurred than that the illusory figure behind her was Ye Long!

Do you want to be so perverted?

Are you really catching up?

"Yaoyao, it's Ye Long!" Tranquility said in surprise after seeing the figure in the mirror.

"I don't believe it anymore, he can really catch up with Ferrari!" Peng Mengyao was a little unconvinced, and not only stepped up the accelerator.


There was another strong roar of the engine, and Peng Mengyao drove the Ferrari straight out. The speed increased to 200 yards in an instant, and she felt as if she was about to fly!

The speed increased, but Peng Mengyao found out that Ye Long hadn't been thrown away!

Not only did he not get rid of Ye Long, but also Ye Long has slowly caught up!


It is really unimaginable that human legs can run so fast!

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, even if you were killed, you wouldn't believe it!

"Yaoyao, he really caught up!" Tranquility said in surprise.

"Hey, Miss Peng, don't drive the car so fast, it's prone to accidents!" Ye Long was already side by side with the Ferrari.

Now Peng Mengyao was surprised and ashamed, and then slowed down, because walking ahead, it was the city center!

When we arrived in the city center, the car obviously couldn't drive so fast!

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

After the car slowed down, Peng Mengyao couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's a human!" Ye Long replied while running.

"Then how can you run so fast?" Peng Mengyao asked.

"Of course it's strength. If you don't have strength, how can you be your bodyguard, right?" Ye Long said with a grin.


Peng Mengyao snorted softly, but said nothing else!

Of course, Peng Mengyao already understood that Ye Long was not an ordinary bodyguard, he was different from the previous bodyguards, so the method of dealing with him had to be different too!

Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of a high-end western restaurant!

After the car stopped, Peng Mengyao and Tranquility opened the door and got out of the car!

After getting down, Tranquility immediately ran to Ye Long, looking directly at Ye Long's legs!

It's unbelievable, how did Ye Long's legs do it!

"Jingjing, do you want to eat? I'll eat it myself!" Peng Mengyao said with a dry cough.

"Eat, here, here!" Tranquility responded, and then entered the western restaurant with Peng Mengyao.

After entering the western restaurant, Ye Long followed behind and walked in too!

Now Ye Long is also hungry, so he happened to have a meal with Peng Mengyao. The food in the high-end western restaurant is naturally more delicious!

After arriving at the restaurant, Peng Mengyao and Tranquility came to the second floor together!

The second floor is VIP, the environment is more elegant and quiet!

Immediately, Peng Mengyao and Tranquility found a seat and sat down!

But Ye Long also sat aside consciously!

"stand up!"

As soon as Ye Long sat down, Peng Mengyao ordered to Ye Long.

"Uh...what's the matter?" Ye Long asked suspiciously.

"You are my bodyguard. My best friend and I are having dinner together, and you can't sit down!" Peng Mengyao said very directly.

"Then what should I do?" Ye Long asked, spreading his hands.

"Didn't you watch movies when you were a kid? You are a bodyguard, so of course you stand aside to protect our safety!" Peng Mengyao said.

"But there's no danger around?" Ye Long said.

"That's not possible, just go standing!" Peng Mengyao said.

"All right!"

Ye Long could only curl his lips helplessly, and then stood up!

After a while, Peng Mengyao's order was brought out!

Steaks, lamb chops, and a variety of desserts!

When Ye Long saw it, he not only swallowed his saliva!

However, Ye Long discovered sadly that he did not have his share!

"Hey... This Miss Peng may not be too unreasonable, right? She doesn't have her own share?" Ye Long was very unhappy.

I'm hungry, but I don't have any of my own!

"Hey, Miss Peng, where's ours?" Ye Long grinned and asked in a low voice.

"Yours? If you want to eat, order it yourself, but I won't pay the bill!" Peng Mengyao spread her hands and said.

"But I have no money!" Ye Long spread his hands and said.

Of course, Peng Mengyao expected that Zhun Yelong had no money, otherwise it would be impossible to wear such shabby clothes!

My jeans have turned white after washing!

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