The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1264 Chatting alone with Sister Mei

If you have money, you can't have everything, but you can't have everything without money!

Ye Long didn't do this when playing with women, because these three views are not right, it's just a physical transaction, without love!

The result is a negative adverse effect!

But now Ye Long is full of love and responsible for all the prerequisites!

This is the reason why Ye Long has the same behavior as other men, but produces different effects, values, and thoughts on doing things are different!

If Ye Long is really the kind of vulgar person he looks on the surface, wouldn't all of them suffer from so many beautiful disciples of the Jade Girl Sect?

After the double cultivation, Ye Long hugged the smooth skin of the beautiful silver moon, and smoked a cigarette comfortably!

Looking at the time, it is already past five o'clock in the afternoon. I don't know, how is the chat between Long Lao and Mei Jie going?

If this matter is settled, it can be regarded as fulfilling one of Ye Long's concerns!

Hope it turns out good!

Immediately, Ye Long and Yinyue beauty got intimate again, and then reluctantly got up and got dressed!

After getting dressed, Ye Long and Beauty Yinyue went out for a walk together!

The Jade Girl School, deep in the back of the mountain valley, has not suffered artificial damage, and is a natural beauty!

"Beauty Yinyue, have you ever thought about getting out of here and living in the present world?" Ye Long looked at Beauty Yinyue and asked.

Beauty Yinyue shook her head and said, "I don't want to, how nice it is to stay here, carefree, without you cheating, and a relaxed life!"

"That's right, staying in this kind of place is indeed a good place for self-cultivation!" Ye Long nodded in response.

"Then Brother Long, do you want to stay here for a long time?" The beauty Yinyue looked at Ye Long eagerly.

Ye Long smiled bitterly, spread his hands and said, "I want to stay here and live a carefree life, but my identity is destined not to allow me to be like this. The country needs to be stable, and the bad guys need to be eradicated. I have that kind of heart." , there is no such blessing!"

Beauty Yinyue nodded with some disappointment, and said, "It would be nice if you could visit the Jade Girl School often!"

"Of course, after all, we are also the head of the Jade Girl School!" Ye Long said with a grin.

After chatting for a while, Ye Long and Beauty Yinyue returned to the middle hall of the Jade Girl School!

When Ye Long came back, Sister Mei and Long Lao had also returned!

Looking at the situation of the two of them, it seems that there is nothing wrong!

"Brother Long, I'm going to prepare dinner for you, you guys talk first!" said the beautiful silver moon.

"En!" Ye Long nodded.

"Old man, Miss Mei!"

Immediately, Ye Long yelled and walked in.

After passing by, Long Lao glanced at Ye Long and said, "Aaron, sit down first!"

Ye Long nodded, then sat down, "How are you two?"

"It's all right now, Meier can understand me, I'm very happy!" Elder Long said with some gratitude in his heart.

"It's fine, it's fine!" Ye Long also soothed his inner emotions.

Of course, Ye Long was still worried that Sister Mei would blame him, even if he didn't say it, he would inevitably not!

After all, I hid Sister Mei!

"Aaron, let's talk about your affairs!" Long Lao looked at Ye Long and asked.

"What's our matter?" Ye Long asked suspiciously.

"Meier asked me about your parents, she wanted to help you find your parents!" Long Lao said.

Ye Long was a little moved when he heard the old man's words. He didn't expect Sister Mei to care so much about him. At this time, he still wanted to find parents for him!

Fortunately, Ye Long is not a hypocritical person, otherwise his eyes would be filled with tears!

"I don't have any clues at all. The only clue is my beggar adoptive father. He is also dead. Maybe my parents are finished now!" Ye Long smiled wryly. Hold out any hope of finding them.

"Aaron, I have something to tell you, your parents are still alive!" Elder Long looked at Ye Long and said.

Long Lao's words were like a little flame in the vast stars, directly igniting that little hope in Ye Long's heart!


His parents are still alive?

"You said my parents are still alive?" Ye Long looked at Long Lao in surprise and asked.

Long Lao nodded and said, "That's right, he's still alive!"

"How do you know? Do you know my parents?" Ye Long was not only puzzled.

Mr. Long shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I have investigated and your DNA can be matched in the database, but in the second year after I adopted you, all the DNA data related to you disappeared, so I It is concluded that your parents are still alive, and I conclude that your life experience is very extraordinary, and your parents must not be ordinary people!"

"Really?" Ye Long was a little surprised, and an urge to seek the truth spontaneously arose in his heart.

The reason why Ye Long was unwilling to look for his parents before was because Ye Long thought it was futile. After all, there was no trace of clues, and it was not certain whether his parents were dead or alive!

But the old man's words directly ignited the hope in Ye Long's heart!

"Of course it's true, can I still lie to you, Aaron, I always thought that you are not an ordinary person, otherwise, there are so many people in the world, why would I ask you to be my apprentice? From what I see From the first moment I saw you, I could see that you are extraordinary, and you will definitely be able to do something in the future!" Long Lao looked at Ye Long and said.

"Can I really find my real parents?"

This is what Ye Long is most concerned about!

"Whether I can find it, I don't dare to say for sure, and I don't dare to promise you, but I know that if you don't look for it, you will never find it!" Long Lao said seriously.

"Well, since my parents are still alive, it's okay to look for them!" Ye Long replied.

At this time, Sister Mei not only glanced at Elder Long, but of course, all of this was a story that Sister Mei and Elder Long discussed together!

Because Sister Mei could tell that Ye Long didn't have the confidence to find his biological parents. The reason why he didn't have confidence was more because Ye Long didn't know whether his parents were alive or dead!

Therefore, after discussing with Mr. Long, Sister Mei made up a story with a trace of clues to arouse Ye Long's enthusiasm for finding his parents!

This is just like Ye Long deceiving Sister Mei before, it is a white lie!

This white lie worked very well, Ye Long's heart was full of urgency!

After all, who wouldn't want to see what their biological parents looked like?

After the dinner was ready, Ye Long and the others sat together to have dinner!

And Elder Long and Sister Mei have completely harmonized the relationship between father and daughter!

After dinner, Ye Long, Mei Jie and Long Lao bid farewell to the Jade Girl Pie!

After leaving, Ye Long drove back to Longlao's villa!

"Dad, I want to have a private chat with Aaron, it's getting late, you should go back to your room and rest first!" Sister Mei said, looking at Elder Long.

"Okay, let's go to rest, you guys talk!" Long Lao nodded, and then entered the villa.

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