The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1200 Reach Chifu Island!

Li An also knew how dangerous this jump was. If the sea was not deep enough and there were hidden reefs, he would be almost dead!

The coastline near the cliff is the most dangerous!

"Brother, let me come. I have been swimming since I was a child in the countryside. The water is good, so there is absolutely no problem!" Da Zhuang stepped forward and said.

"It doesn't matter whether the water quality is good or not, just obey the order!" Ye Long looked serious, and then came to the edge of the cliff.

Ordinary times are normal, actions are actions, organized and disciplined actions must obey orders unconditionally!

So Ang Lee and Da Zhuang didn't talk too much!

Looking at the tsunami more than ten meters below, Ye Long jumped forward without any hesitation, and jumped down!


Ye Long's body plunged into the sea water like a grenade, and then there was a wave of spray!

Because of the drop, Ye Long's body plunged directly into the sea water to a depth of more than five meters, but fortunately, the sea water was deep enough and there were no reefs, so it was a false alarm!

For Ye Long, the most dangerous enemy is not the opponent, but the environment!

The power of nature is endless, and it may kill you at any moment!

Slowly surfacing, Ye Long took a waterproof light and shone upwards, and made a signal, because the voices were not heard from below, and the most convenient and appropriate way was to make a signal!

After finishing the signal, Da Zhuang and Li An jumped off the cliff one after another!

After jumping off, the three of Ye Long swam to Chifu Island!

It takes four nautical miles from here to Chifu Island, and the sky is dark, so it is a big challenge for Ye Long and Li An Dazhuang!

Because in sea water, swimming for a long time is a very exhausting thing!

It is not bad for ordinary people to swim a few hundred meters, let alone a few nautical miles!

Moreover, in this sea, if you are unlucky, there will be sharks appearing, and you will die at any time!

Half an hour later, everything went well, and the three of Ye Long approached the shore and landed on the edge of a reef!

Now that Ye Long has entered Chifu Island and entered their territory, he must be careful!

After going ashore, the three of Ye Long took off the diving equipment and found a place to put it away, and then walked to the island!

According to Ang Lee's map, the base of the Siberia training camp is on the south side, while Ye Long's infiltration location is on the north side, so this side is safe for the time being!

Finding a relatively secret place, Ye Long and the three sat down!

Swimming consumes a lot of their physical strength, what they have to do now is to recover their physical strength as soon as possible, so that they can have as much confidence as possible when they act!

Opening the can of compressed beef that they brought with them, Ye Long and the three began to eat!

Compressed canned beef is easy to carry. When Yelong is traveling together, especially when he is in the jungle, the most convenient food to carry with him is compressed canned beef!

Compressed canned beef can compensate the energy needed by the body in the shortest time!

After resting for half an hour, Ye Long looked at the time, it was already past one o'clock in the morning!

One o'clock in the morning is the time when people are in the most sleepy and tired state, and their vigilance is the weakest. Acting at this time is undoubtedly striving to maximize the benefits of the action!

The purpose of this operation is for Ye Long to use the easiest method to find Hongye and rescue Hongye!

Of course, with the energy of the three of them, it is impossible to wipe out the entire Siberia training camp base!

A place that is difficult for a country to destroy, how can it be possible with only three people?

"Get ready and act!" Ye Long said.

Immediately, Ye Long took Li An Dazhuang and the other three to lurk on the south side of Chifu Island!

Although Da Zhuang had never experienced this kind of action, after three months of Li An's training, he didn't mean to hold back at all. After all, Li An's training was not ordinary training, it could be called devilish training!

With great ability, he can be called a superb special soldier!

After lurking and walking for about half an hour, the three of Ye Long had slowly approached the training camp base!

Suddenly, there was a "bang bang bang" gunshot not far away!

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the three of Ye Long quickly hid in place, and everyone's hearts were raised in their throats!

Could it be found?

After lurking, the gunshots continued, and Ye Long soon discovered that it was just a false alarm!

Because it is dark night and there is no light around, it is difficult to be found!

"They should be training!" Ye Long said lying in the grass.

Now Ye Long and the others are already in the middle of the island, and the southernmost side is the training base!

"Boss, we don't know the location of Sima Hongye. The security here seems to be a bit tight. Why are we lurking?" Li An asked.

"Take the night vision binoculars, I'll check the situation!" Ye Long said.

Li An nodded, and then handed the night vision binoculars to Ye Long!

And night vision binoculars are a must-have for night operations. No guns, no weapons, but no night vision goggles, because night vision goggles are the foundation of observing all actions!

Ye Long took the night vision binoculars and looked not far away, I wiped...

Seeing the scene in the distance, Ye Long was not only stunned!

Sure enough, this is exactly the brutal night training in the training camp!

At this moment, in a field enclosed by iron nets, there were three horses, one of which was a big man covered in blood, as if he had just experienced a brutal battle!

And the other group is a group of strong foreign men holding guns standing in a circle, who seem to be training camp instructors or the like, and in the circle, another group is a group of muscular strong men with naked upper body!

A dozen strong men surrounded them, and around them were dozens of strong wolfhounds!

Dozens of strong wolfhounds showed sharp fangs, green eyes, and bristled hair, staring fiercely at the dozen strong men, assuming an offensive posture!

Ye Long knew some of the training methods of the Siberia training camp, and at this moment, it was a fight between humans and wolf dogs, which was one of the cruel training programs!

The reason why these projects are cruel is not to fight with strong and ferocious wolf dogs, but after the fight, some strong men who are seriously injured will not receive treatment, but will be shot to death directly!

This is the cruel training method in Siberia, and those left behind are all strong men who have been tempered by life and death!

"Go ahead, they are training!" Ye Long said.

Immediately, the three of Ye Long got up and walked towards the training camp step by step!

Without further training camp, the three of Ye Long would be more dangerous!

When there was still about 100 meters away from the training camp, Ye Long had already spotted the sentry post!

And the sentries here are different from the sentries in other places, they are amazing!

Just a sentry post, if you leave here, you will be a strong man in the underground world!

"Get rid of him!" Ye Long said, looking at the guard post not far ahead.

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