The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1140 Let You Drink Your Enough!

The two youths had green-brown tattoos on their bodies. At a glance, they were guys who liked to mess around, otherwise it would be impossible for them to have the habit of molesting beautiful women halfway!

After seeing Fang Qinghan, the eyes of the two youths brightened first, and then a wretched smile appeared on their faces!

This wretched smile makes people want to step forward and slap him twice, and straighten his distorted face!

The eyes of the two young men flickered, obviously they were attracted by the beauty of Qing Han!

"Little girl, are you going to go swimming? Aren't you lonely? Let the two elder brothers accompany you!" The two young men showed obscene smiles, and their eyes glanced at a certain position of the Qinghan beauty from time to time.

Moreover, these wretched behaviors appeared to them aboveboard, not only aboveboard, but also super awesome, and they didn't pay attention to Ye Long next to him at all, treating Ye Long as air!

This made Ye Long who was standing on the side very upset. Could it be that these two idiots ignored their own existence?

Ye Long was not in a hurry to speak, let them pretend to be b first, Ye Long watched quietly from the side, and when the pretense was over, he was making them look good!

Fang Qinghan glanced at the two youths in front of him in disgust, ignored them, and wanted to go around from one side!

"Ai, beauty, where are you going..." The two young men smiled wretchedly, and once again blocked Fang Qinghan's way with a dodge.

Fang Qinghan wrinkled his beautiful eyes, and said to the two youths in a cold voice, "Please get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way? Hehe, it's okay to get out of the way, then you have to fall into the arms of the two of us!" The two young people said with wretched smiles.

"Shameless!" Fang Qinghan said in disgust.

"That's right, we are shameless, little beauty, are you here to travel from other places? If you are dissatisfied, say that in the area around Hainan's ring city, the girls we two have come to fancy haven't escaped from our palms yet!" A young man rubbed his hands, his tone extremely arrogant.

"Then what do you want?" Fang Qing asked coldly.

"I don't want to do anything, let's be honest, the two buddies have taken a fancy to you, let's go for a swim first, and then sleep with us!" The two young men said bluntly.

This behavior is extremely arrogant!

Even an arrogant guy can't say such things directly, right?

Of course, the two young people also assumed that Fang Qinghan was an outsider, so what are they afraid of in their own territory?

That's why Fang Qinghan, who dared to act so recklessly, said these words. If they were locals, the two young people would never dare to do so!

Everything is on the side of the road around the city, so how can someone who is so beautiful have no strength?

"Shameless!" Fang Qinghan cursed again coldly.

Ye Long stood beside him, took a step forward, and grinned. He didn't know if the two young men were blind or what, they had been ignoring Ye Long from the beginning to the end!

Of course, they will pay a heavy price for ignoring Ye Long like this!

"You two idiots, are you finished?" Ye Long stepped forward and looked at the two young men with a smile on his face.

After Ye Long spoke, the two young men set their sights on Ye Long!

The two young men looked at Ye Long from top to bottom, and then snorted softly. Obviously, they didn't mean to take Ye Long seriously!

"Small-nosed bastard, if you are sensible, get out of here quickly, lest our two brothers get angry and beat you and you can't take care of yourself!" The two young men rubbed their fists and said, this posture seemed to beat Yelong to the ground.

Ye Long looked at the two young men, and not only sneered, these two idiots can't pretend to be b!

But at this moment, Ye Long took a step forward and quickly punched, directly hitting the abdomen of the two young men who were rubbing their fists!

The two youths blushed, snorted, and fell to the ground, covering their stomachs with their eyes wide open!

"Remember, this is called strength pretending. Before pretending to be strength, you need strength, otherwise you will end up!" Ye Long sneered, stepping on the young man's chest.

Seeing this, one of the youths who hadn't been trampled wanted to get up from the ground, but just as he stood up, Ye Long kicked him to the ground again!

Just like that, the two youths were completely exhausted by Ye Long's kick!

Immediately, Ye Long squatted down, looked at the two young men and said, "You're not so awesome, you still want to pick up girls with this little skill? Didn't your heads get kicked by a donkey?"

The two youths had ferocious expressions on their faces. They wanted to punish Ye Long, but now they were indeed punished!

"Just wait, we will return it, you can't afford to mess with us in the area around the city!" Two young men threatened Ye Long.

Hearing the words of the two young people, Ye Long shook his head helplessly, and said to the young people, "Didn't I tell you that you can pretend to be b, but there must be two words before it, strength!"

"We have the strength. If you hit us, it's like hitting our elder brother's face. You just wait to die!" The two young men still had the posture of being dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water. What they said meant that they wanted to kill Ye Long.

"Okay, don't you guys want to swim? Then I will satisfy your wishes. It's meaningless to beat you like this, it's too boring!" Ye Long grinned and thought of a more interesting game.

After Ye Long finished speaking, he stood up and directly grabbed their ankles, dragging them into the sea like a dead dog!

The two young men wanted to struggle, but under Ye Long's hands, there was no room for struggle!

"Come on, my brother will let you swim your fill!" Ye Long said while pressing the backs of the two young men's heads at the same time, and directly pushed them into the sea water.

After pressing in, Ye Long kicked out again after a few seconds, and then Ye Long began to repeat the same action!

Push in, pull out, push in, pull out!

At first, the two young men could bear it, but in the end, Ye Long pressed him down once and took a sip of sea water!

Ye Long pushed their heads in for a minute, and then pulled them out. Then Ye Long looked at the two of them and grinned, "Do you feel good?"

As for the two young men, they kept spitting water out of their mouths, choking so much that they felt as if they were going to die. They were tossed by Ye Long, and their stomachs were filled with sea water!

"Hey, depending on the situation, you haven't had enough. It's good. Then I'll let you drink as much as you want. After you're done, go straight to the hospital and sleep. It's perfect!" Seeing that the two guys didn't speak, Ye Long directly Press their heads under your hands.

Immediately, a burst of blisters appeared from the constant "gurgling" in his hand!

For about a minute and a half, there was no movement from the two young men. They must have had enough water!

Seeing that the two guys were not moving, Ye Long stretched out his hand to grab them, and threw them to the beach. As for whether anyone called for emergency treatment, it doesn't matter about Ye Long!

No matter what, it would be impossible for these two guys not to stay in the hospital for two days!

As for whether their eldest brother will cause trouble, do you think Ye Long will take it seriously?

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