The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1106 Bear duel in primeval forest!

"Brother Long, let's stop the car in front!"

After the car drove for a while, Xiao Yu said to Ye Long.

At this moment, the car has come to the outside of the primeval forest!

Ye Long nodded, and then stopped the car!

"Brother Long, wait a minute. We may lose signal when we enter the primeval forest. I need to crack the super receiver in the area where Bloodthorn is connected to the network!" Xiaoyu said.

"Trouble?" Ye Long asked.

"Hee hee, this may be very troublesome for others, and it is basically impossible to crack it, but for me, it is very simple!" Xiao Yu said.

Immediately, Xiao Yu crackled and typed a few times on the keyboard, and it was completely done in three or four minutes!

"Okay, let's go!" Xiao Yu said.

Immediately, Ye Long opened the car door and got out of the car with Xiao Yu and Mu Mei!

Of course, when entering the primeval forest, equipment and protective measures must be taken well, otherwise they will be killed by beasts in the primeval forest, various harmful poisonous insects and the like before they find the blood thorns!

Therefore, Ye Long and the others coated their bodies with sulfur to avoid being bitten by snakes and other poisonous insects!

After everything was ready, Ye Long, Mu Mei and Xiao Yu came to the side of the virgin forest!

Because almost no one enters here, there is no entrance. Outside, there is only a sign saying, "Primitive forest, fierce beasts are infested, no entry!"

Of course, Ye Long and the others ignored the warning signs and walked directly into the primeval forest!

Once inside, there is no way to go. The inside is densely covered with towering trees, branches and vines, like entering a cage, and the sunlight cannot shine in. It is completely different from the sunny outside!

And inside, it's very damp, with the sound of all kinds of bugs!

With a sickle in his hand, Ye Long opened the way ahead, because almost no one entered and there was no way, Ye Long wanted to open a way, at least to make it easier for Mu Mei and Xiao Yu behind!

In this primeval forest, you can no longer use the compass to find the direction, but rely on the latitude and longitude of the earth on Xiao Yu's computer to find the direction. If you don't have Xiao Yu, a master hacker, you can't do it at all. Go inside and you will definitely get lost!

After walking forward for about ten minutes, Ye Long stopped suddenly!

"Brother Long, what's the matter?"

Mu Mei from behind asked.

"There is a situation!" Ye Long said with a bit of pain, and then pointed to a place ten meters away in front of him.

Following the pointer, Mu Mei and Xiao Yu looked forward together!

"Ah..." Xiao Yu cried out in panic when she saw what was in front of her.

In front, a brown bear was swaying from side to side. Ye Long just wanted the bear to pass by quietly.

But the scene of egg pain happened. Just now, Xiao Yu yelled in panic, which directly attracted the attention of the bear in front!

The brown bear turned his head and looked at Ye Long. The green eyes gave off a terrifying feeling!

Immediately, this somewhat irritable bear growled, raised its front paws abruptly, and slapped a big tree in half, as if swearing its dissatisfaction with Ye Long's invasion of its territory!

One can imagine what it would be like to slap a bear on someone!

"Long...Brother Long, what should we do?" Xiao Yu said in a panic.

At this moment, the bear is walking towards this side step by step!

It's not the first time I saw Xiong Xiaoyu, but it was all in the zoo. The bear in the zoo is very cute and cute, but now I see it face to face, it's not the same thing, it gives people a kind of spooky feeling!

Especially the huge body, and the eyes with green light, it looks terrifying!

You must know that this is a primeval forest, and all the beasts are adhering to the most primitive wildness!

"Mu Mei, protect Xiao Yu, leave it to me!" Ye Long said with a serious expression.

This bear standing more than two meters high is not an easy guy to deal with. Its four legs are as thick as the trunks of four big trees, and the claws on the bear's paws are extremely sharp. It's very easy to open the intestines and break the stomach!

More importantly, the bears here are the most primitive and wild, extremely ferocious!

"Brother Long, then be careful!" Mu Mei said.

"Don't worry, I have dealt with it before, but now this bear looks a little more ferocious!" Ye Long said.

When the master old man took Ye Long into the primeval forest for training, he had encountered bears before, and Ye Long had killed them too, but the ones he killed before were just grown-up bears, unlike this one, which is so big, at least a mature man!

And this is a brown bear, even more ferocious!

However, Ye Long has a history of killing bears, so he still has some experience!

Mu Mei takes Xiao Yu back a step, after all Xiao Yu doesn't know kung fu, Mu Mei still has to protect Xiao Yu!

Letting this bear hurt Xiao Yu casually would have serious consequences!

Just now, the bear's mightiness has already been shown. A slap across the middle broke a big tree. This kind of explosive power makes people have to be careful!

The bear was walking towards this side step by step with its fat body dangling. Ye Long knew very well that despite his fat body, the bear's reaction speed and running speed were super fast, and his impact and explosive power were very fierce!

Seeing the bear coming, Ye Long pulled out the Swiss Army Knife from his waist!

To deal with this kind of guy, ordinary daggers are useless at all, and the fur is so thick that you can't even pierce it in. Therefore, the Swiss Army Knife is the best weapon!

The bear stopped when it was two or three meters away from Ye Long, and Ye Long was ready to attack with a saber in his hand!

In terms of body size, strength, explosive power, and ability to resist blows, Ye Long is weaker than the adult bear in front of him, but the only thing is that Ye Long has an IQ!

Sometimes, IQ is definitely a scary thing, he can deal with an enemy bigger than you!

Ye Long knew that he couldn't fight recklessly with this bear. If he fought recklessly, even if there were ten of them, he couldn't compare with it!

The bear looked at Ye Long, walked around in a circle, then opened his mouth, and then rushed towards Ye Long!

Seeing the bear rushing forward, its thick body showed a sense of strength, Ye Long felt the ground tremble!

Immediately, Ye Long dodged and jumped directly onto the tree!


The bear slapped it fiercely, and the big tree was cut in half!

And Ye Long, dodging again, stabbed at the bear with a dagger!

Now it's not easy to use fists and kicks on this bear, so you can only use a dagger to hurt it!

"I wipe..."

As soon as Ye Long rushed in front of the bear, he saw a slap as big as an iron plate slapped towards him!

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