The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1061 Arrogant scene

"Little villain, do you have something to hide from me?" Sister Mei asked while looking at Ye Long.

"No, Sister Mei is not an outsider, so how can we hide anything from you!" Ye Long said naturally, spreading his hands.

"Then why did the Li family arrest me?" Sister Mei asked.

"Because the Li family wants to use you to deal with a mysterious army in the capital, they want to arrest you, but I haven't figured out the specific reason, but don't worry, this matter will come to fruition soon, because the people of the Li family are Censorship, I told them, let me know as soon as there is news, and your identity will be clarified at that time!" Ye Long explained to Sister Mei.

Sister Mei nodded in agreement when she heard Ye Long's explanation, and said, "Okay, I hope I will know about my identity at that time, it's just that I didn't know before, but now that these things are mentioned, then Be sure to figure it out!"

"Don't worry, the people over there said that not only can you confirm the identity of your father, but also your mother's identity!" Ye Long said.

Hearing Ye Long's words, sister Mei's eyes lit up, she looked at Ye Long and asked, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, when did my brother lie to you!" Ye Long said with his hands spread out.

Sister Mei's identity has been confirmed, and Ye Long also knows the identities of Sister Mei's parents, so she must tell her all these by then!

"Little rascal, it seems that you didn't go in vain this time!" Sister Mei said with satisfaction.

Ye Long coughed dryly, and said with a smile, "Of course, what's wrong with Meijie, for the sake of seeing such hard work, I will apply to live in your house tonight, will you agree to the approval?"


Sister Mei flatly refused.

Ye Long curled his lips and said, "Fuck, sister Mei, do you want to do this?"

"You little rascal, you're thinking about how to take advantage of sister Mei, right?" Mei sister looked at Ye Long and said.

Ye Long smiled coquettishly, leaned his head directly on Sister Mei's shoulder, and said, "Who made Sister Mei so attractive? If you don't take advantage of it, you're saying, who else would dare to take advantage of Sister Mei except us?" Cheap?"

Ye Long's last sentence is quite reasonable, except for Ye Long, there really is no man who dares to take advantage of Sister Mei!

In the past, Sister Mei was respected by everyone in Ninghai City, but now, of course, she is a queen-level figure in Ninghai City!

Regardless of whether it's right or wrong, who hasn't heard of the name Meijie?

"Virtue!" Sister Mei patted Ye Long's head, but she didn't push Ye Long away.

In Sister Mei's eyes, Ye Long is just a living treasure. When Ye Long is together, there will never be a time when he is unhappy!

Of course Ye Long is very important in Sister Mei's heart!

With Ye Long around, Sister Mei seems to feel that there is no room for any man in her heart!

The car arrived at the entrance of Longmei Bar, Ye Long got out of the car, and then went upstairs with sister Mei to the upstairs office of the bar!

When he came to the office, Ye Long sat down and lit a cigarette conveniently, feeling extraordinarily comfortable!

Sister Mei poured Ye Long a cup of coffee, and then sat beside Ye Long!

Ye Long put his arm on Sister Mei's shoulder quite naturally, and said, "Sister Mei, don't wait to have sex tonight, just come to the office and have an office style!"

When sister Mei heard what Ye Long said, she punched Ye Long and said, "Little villain, do you still want to be punished?"

Ye Long grinned and said, "Ahem, just kidding, kidding!"


Sister Mei rolled her eyes at Ye Long.

Ye Long flirted with Sister Mei in the office for a while, then couldn't bear it anymore and left Longmei Bar!

Because I flirted with sister Mei for a while, and there are several other beautiful girls waiting for me to flirt!

Ye Long is not flirtatious for a moment, he is not comfortable for a moment!

After leaving the bar, Ye Long got on his big Hummer!

Immediately, Ye Long drove his big Hummer, put DJ on and drove to the police station in DC area!

Now that the police flower girl has recognized the relationship with him, it is just around the corner to overthrow the police flower girl!

And more importantly, Leng Pingshan doesn't urge him to get married now, Ye Long is happy!

Driving all the way, Ye Long came to the DC police station!

When he was about to arrive at the police station, Ye Long was stunned by the scene at the door!

On the side of the road in front of the police station, there are two luxury Mercedes-Benz cars parked!

In the middle of the car, pulling a red blessing!

There are several eye-catching big characters printed on the red blessing!

"Officer Leng, I love you, marry me, I will love you forever!"

A few big characters are very conspicuous, and of course the two luxury Mercedes-Benz cars parked are also very conspicuous, as if to show the financial resources of the suitor!

Ye Long looked at the words on the red blessing and felt a little upset. Isn't this so-called cold police officer a police girl?

What a blatant, dare to pursue a police girl at the gate of the police station so blatantly?

If Ye Long doesn't encounter this kind of thing, he will think it. If he encounters it, he will naturally talk about it!

Immediately, Ye Long parked the car to the side of the road, opened the door and got out of the car!

After getting off the car, Ye Long walked over to the Mercedes-Benz!

Around the Mercedes-Benz, there were a few big men in black suits standing there, very imposing!

With a cigarette in his mouth, Ye Long asked, "Hey, which rich man is chasing a girl here?"

A big man wearing sunglasses glanced at Ye Long, and replied in a very arrogant tone, "My young master, if you want to watch the excitement, look aside, so as not to hurt the scenery here!"

"Did it hurt the scenery here?" After hearing this, Ye Long not only sneered, did this mean that he was very frustrated?

"Oh, so, brother not only wants to watch the fun, but also wants to join in the fun!" Ye Long said with a grin.

"What do you want to do?" The big man in sunglasses not only stared at Ye Long but said.

"Don't do anything, let's join in the fun!" Ye Long said, and then picked up a brick from the ground.


With a loud shattering sound, Ye Long directly shattered the front window of the Mercedes-Benz with a brick!

Seeing this, several big men in sunglasses immediately became angry and immediately surrounded Ye Long!

"Stinky boy, do you want to die?" Several big men in sunglasses pointed at Ye Long in displeasure.

Ye Long's behavior was completely beyond their expectations, he never thought he would dare to make trouble here, it's so audacious!

"Hey, I don't want to die, but I want you all to die!" Ye Long sneered, then dodged, and the figure stood on the spot and disappeared.

Immediately, there was a "bang bang bang" sound!

Ye Long was lazily talking nonsense to a bunch of idiots, he picked them up and threw them on the car!

Therefore, the two cars were directly smashed by a group of big guys with their bodies!

And this group of big men, rolling to the ground is also painful and howling ghosts and wolves!

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