The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1037 Granny Meng is Arrested!

"You, you actually cultivated to the ninth level of Jade Girl's Heart Technique?" Granny Wang looked at Yinyue and asked in disbelief.

Because Granny Wang knows that Yin Yue has the Jade Girl's Heart Technique in her hands. Except for the ninth level of the Jade Girl's Heart Technique, Yin Yue's kung fu cannot defeat her. Only by cultivating to the ninth level can she defeat herself so easily!

Yinyue's performance horrified Grandma Wang!

Yinyue looked at Granny Wang and said, "Yes, I have cultivated to the ninth level of the Jade Girl's Mind Technique, where heaven and man are one, so all your plans have come to nothing!"

Grandma Wang's face was full of shock, her eyes were a little vague and she shook her head. There were only two words in her mouth, "Impossible, impossible!"

Granny Wang herself knew that Yin Yue held the Jade Girl's Mind Technique, but she didn't care too much about it!

Even if Yinyue has the Jade Girl's Heart Technique in her hands, she can't make big waves. To be the leader, you must not only have the Jade Girl's Heart Technique, but also have to complete the entire set of levels of the Jade Girl's Heart Technique!

Because the ninth level of Jade Girl's Heart Technique is quite difficult to learn, it would be very difficult to learn this kind of martial arts that can reach the pinnacle of academic achievement. Without twenty or thirty years of attainment, it is basically impossible to learn it!

So she doesn't care!

However, now Yinyue has learned it!

Granny Wang never expected this result, it was completely beyond her expectations!

You must know that this is the essence of the Jade Girl Sect's martial arts. You can't be too strong if you are strong. It can be said that no Kung Fu can compare with it!

"You, how could you break through the ninth level of Jade Girl's Heart Technique?" Granny Wang looked at Yinyue and asked in disbelief.

Yinyue smiled and said to Granny Wang, "Why can't I break through the ninth level of Jade Girl's mind?"

"Impossible, impossible. The Jade Girl's Mind Technique is very difficult to learn. It's absolutely impossible. Come on, come here and catch this traitor of the Jade Girl Sect!" Granny Wang started to say with a slightly crazy expression.

Although she knew that Silver Moon had broken through the ninth level, she just didn't accept this reality!

Immediately, Granny Liu and Granny Song, who were not far away, jumped up and attacked Yinyue directly!

The two eldest mothers-in-law are all in one body, and their power is so powerful!

However, although Granny Liu and Granny Song were very skilled, they were still vulnerable to Yin Yue!

There is a huge gap between them and Yin Yue, who has successfully cultivated the Jade Girl's Heart Technique!

The Jade Girl's Mental Technique itself is the essence of the Jade Girl's martial arts. All martial arts secrets are formulated based on the Jade Girl's Mental Technique. How can they defeat Yin Yue?

Yinyue exchanged a few blows with Granny Liu and Granny Song, and soon knocked them to the ground!

At this moment, everyone was shocked!

Yinyue, with her own strength, can defeat three of the four guardians of the Jade Girl Sect. How awesome is this strength?

"Up, up!"

Grandma Wang angrily ordered the disciples of the Jade Girl Sect!

It can be said that Granny Wang's mood has been messed up!

Immediately, the disciples of the Jade Girl Sect gathered around one after another!

"Jade girl's mind is here, who dares to mess around!"

Yin Yue proudly took out Jade Girl's Heart Technique from her arms. This posture was majestic and had the feeling of a heroine!

"Whoever sees a jade girl's mind is like seeing the head of the sect!"

Yes, the Jade Girl Sect does have this rule. The Jade Girl Mind Technique is not only a martial arts secret book, but also a status symbol!

Holding the Jade Girl’s Mind Technique is like meeting the leader. This is also the rule of the Jade Girl Sect!

From this, it also reflects the nobility of Jade Girl’s mind, just like a magic weapon!

Upon seeing this, a group of Jade Girl Sect disciples stood still!

"What are you doing in a daze? Take action quickly. This Jade Girl's Mind Technique was stolen by Yinyue from the Jade Girl Sect a few years ago. There are no rules and regulations. Catch her!" Granny Wang ordered coldly.

After hearing this, the disciples of the Jade Girl Sect gathered around Yinyue again. Obviously, they still listened to Granny Wang's words more!

Seeing the disciples of the Jade Girl Sect coming around, Yinyue said nothing. The hair on her back was gently lifted, and she slowly gathered all her inner strength!

Soon, a strong air current slowly surrounded Yin Yue's body, and then concentrated on one point!


A violent sound!

A wave of air scattered in an instant, forming a strong air current and rushing towards the surroundings!

Immediately, the disciples of the Jade Girl Sect who had leaned forward one after another were not only shocked by the air wave scattered by Yinyue, they took a step back!

This move is full of the Queen of Silver Moon!

There is a powerful and indelible aura all over his body!

"I have completed all the mental techniques of the Jade Girl Sect through cultivation. According to the rules of the Jade Girl Sect, those who have cultivated the Jade Girl Mental Technique are candidates for the leadership. Who dares to mess around now?" Yinyue spoke in a calm voice, but filled with a powerful force. Deterrent, giving people an irresistible taste.

This is the power of the aura, very strong, very powerful!

Don't allow others to have the slightest taste of resisting doubts!

The hearts of a group of disciples of the Jade Girl School were directly forcibly suppressed by Yinyue with her own strength!

With regard to the explosive power shown by Yinyue, who would dare to resist?

You must know that Yinyue has already cultivated the heart method of becoming a jade girl!

The Jade Heart Method is the essence of the Jade Girl School. It is not only a martial arts method, but also the soul essence of the Jade Girls!

"Go up, go up for me!" Grandma Wang ordered.

However, at this moment, Grandma Wang's order seemed to have no effect at all, and the disciples of the Jade Girl School who were standing still did not move!

Because in their hearts, the jade girl's heart method, let alone the person who has cultivated into the jade girl's heart method, has an incomparably noble status!

Because Jade Girl’s mind is the symbol of Jade Girl Sect!

It is also a necessary condition for inheriting the position of leader!

Grandma Wang's face turned very ugly when she saw that her order didn't work!

As for Yinyue, she looked at Granny Wang with a very cold expression!

"Grandma Wang, back then you framed my master and killed him. Today I will avenge you!" Yinyue said to Granny Wang.

"You want to kill me?" Grandma Wang said.

"That's right, I just want to kill you!" Yinyue said coldly.

"I am one of the four guardians of the Jade Girl Sect, what right do you have to kill me?" Granny Wang said, staring at Yinyue closely.

"Just because I am my master's apprentice, and because you do things that have plans for the Jade Girl Sect, I will kill you!" Yinyue said in a cold voice.

"Hehe, want to kill me? Let me tell you, it's not that easy, come and bring me Granny Meng!" Granny Wang sneered and ordered.

Hearing Granny Wang's words, Yinyue not only wrinkled her beautiful eyes!

Immediately, from the back of the hall, Granny Meng was escorted up by several disciples of the Jade Girl Sect!

Granny Meng's face was very pale, and it looked like she had suffered serious internal injuries!

"Grandma Meng!"

Yinyue not only flashed a trace of tenderness on her face, but also cried out very worriedly.

"Hehe, Yinyue, now that Granny Meng is in our hands, do you think you still want to kill me?" Granny Wang said to Yinyue with a smile.

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