The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 102: Incompletely Evolved Humans

Gui Lao Qi looked at Ye Long with some fear, he had tried the feeling of being stepped on and broken his bones last time, it would definitely not feel good!

"Ye Long, sit down first, if you have anything to discuss, don't be rough!" Sister Mei looked at Ye Long and said.

Ye Long gave Sister Mei a coquettish smile, Ye Long definitely wanted to give Sister Mei the face, and then Ye Long sat down!

Looking at Ye Long who sat down, Gui Laoqi secretly heaved a sigh of relief!

If Ye Long made a move, he would definitely be ruthless again!

"Seventh brother, I am sitting here and talking with you sincerely, I hope you are also sincere!" Sister Mei said, looking at Gui Laoqi.

Of course, both parties are understanding people. Although Sister Mei didn't make it clear in her words, Gui Laoqi understood the meaning. If he kept asking for more money, he would only have to wait to be dealt with by Ye Long. In the end, he might be dead. You can't get any money!

There is no way, whoever is stronger will have the final say, this is society!

You have no ability, and you have no right to speak at all!

Rules are made by rich people for poor people, not by poor people for rich people. Strength, money, these are the rules in society that are not rules!

Gui Laoqi knows this truth well!

He can't do anything to Ye Long himself, but Ye Long can do anything to him, so what Ye Long said is the rule!

Not convinced?

If you don't accept it, I will beat you until you are convinced!


Then you can be arrogant and see if you have the qualifications to be arrogant!

"Okay, then three hundred thousand!" Gui Laoqi nodded and said.

"Hey, it's too late. I can only give you one hundred thousand now!" Ye Long said while sitting next to Sister Mei.

I just offered him 300,000 yuan but didn't accept it, and now he still wants 300,000 yuan? ,

There is no way!

Giving him 100,000 Yelong was still a favor for Sister Mei, otherwise she wouldn't have given him a single point!

"You..." Gui Laoqi stared at Ye Long with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Haha, you seem to be unconvinced? It's okay. It doesn't matter. If you are not convinced, just say it and I will convince you!" Ye Long looked at Gui Laoqi and sneered.

"Okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand!" Gui Lao Qi nodded in agreement. This time Gui Lao Qi had no choice but to admit defeat, and one hundred thousand yuan was nothing to do with, it was just a formality.

Sister Mei glanced at Ye Long and said nothing more. She couldn't disagree with Ye Long, right?

So one hundred thousand means one hundred thousand. Compared to Gui Lao Qi, Sister Mei cares more about Ye Long’s thoughts!

Sister Mei handed the contract prepared in advance to Gui Laoqi. As long as Gui Laoqi signed the contract, Guimei KTV would have no connection with Gui Laoqi, and the previous contract would be invalid!

After Gui Laoqi took over the contract, he signed it directly!

After signing, Gui Laoqi looked at Sister Mei and said, "It's already signed. Just put the money on the card number you know. I won't give it away!"

Gui Laoqi was unhappy and issued an eviction order, but he couldn't express his dissatisfaction directly. He was deliberately suppressing it. Small impatience will mess up the big plan. People who do big things won't care about these small details!

Now that they had parted ways, Sister Mei had nothing to say. She immediately picked up the contract, put it in her bag, and said to Ye Long, "Ye Long, let's go!"

"Let's go!" Ye Long nodded and walked out of the office with Sister Mei.

And Gui Laoqi, who was holding back his anger in the office and had nowhere to vent, finally broke out, picked up the water glass on the table and threw it to the ground!

Suddenly, there was a sound of smashing things in the office!

"Ye Long, Amei, I won't let you have it easy!" Gui Laoqi clenched his fists and roared dully.

Now Gui Laoqi already hates Ye Long and Sister Mei to death in his heart. He thought he could control them easily before, but Gui Laoqi now realizes that he thought wrong!

Anyway, in this situation, you are either a friend or an enemy!

As for Ye Long and Sister Mei, they were in a good mood and chatted out of the ghost KTV!

Arriving at the parking lot, Sister Mei opened the car door and got into the car with Ye Long!

After getting in the car, Sister Mei started the car and started to move forward!

At this moment, a BMW roared past Meijie's car!

"Driving so fast in the parking lot, I want to die, I really have no quality!" Sister Mei said a little angrily.

Ye Long couldn't help but glanced at the BMW. The BMW parked in the parking space elegantly, and then a strong man stepped out of the car!

"Huh?" Ye Long looked at the strong man who got out of the car and seemed to notice something. Isn't this strong man the guy who played **** with Red Rose in the suburban leisure club? He seemed to be called Mao Sheng, Ye Long has an impression, this guy's chest hair is particularly abundant!

Ye Long was a little puzzled, why did Mao Sheng come here?

Are you coming to the bar to play?

However, the thoughtful Ye Long soon realized something was wrong. The leisure clubs in the suburbs were dozens of times better than this bar!

Moreover, the quality of the leisure club is dozens of times higher than that of the bar, not to mention the fact that there is a red rose who knows how to play ****. Why does Mao Sheng have to come all the way here to play?

Therefore, Ye Long felt that there was something wrong with this guy Mao Sheng!

"Sister Mei, wait a minute, I'm going to do something!" Ye Long said to Sister Mei.

"What do you want to do?" Sister Mei asked.

"I can't understand a sentence or two. I will explain it to you when I have time!" Ye Long said, then opened the door and got out of the car.

At this time, Mao Sheng, wearing a pair of big sunglasses and a black suit, walked directly into the bar!

Ye Long followed behind and walked into the bar as well!

After Mao Sheng entered the bar, he walked directly upstairs without stopping!

The layout of Gui Lao Qi's bar is very special. If you want to go to the disco to dance and drink, then just go inside along the lobby. The disco is on the first floor!

And if you want to find a private room to sing, let a girl accompany you for drinks, etc., then you have to go to the third or fourth floor. If you want to open a room to do things, the inspection is too strict, so you have to go out and solve it yourself!

So the problem came out. The first floor and the third floor are directly separated by the second floor. To get to the third or fourth floor, you need to take an elevator.

And the second floor doesn't have any entertainment measures, it's Gui Laoqi's office!

Mao Sheng goes to knitting?

Obviously, Mao Sheng definitely knew Gui Laoqi!

Ye Long decided to go up to find out. He wanted to see what an unevolved human was doing. However, there were bodyguards guarding the stairs. It was obviously impossible to go up directly!

If they were defeated directly, Gui Laoqi or Mao Sheng would definitely be shocked!

Of course, Ye Long is not afraid of them targeting him, but he is afraid of arousing the enemy. Originally, the two guys conspired to do nothing good, but they stopped because of arousing the enemy. In that case, it would not be worth it!

"Yes!" Ye Long stroked his chin and thought of a good solution.

Immediately, Ye Long turned around and left the bar!

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