""Mom, I'm interrupting you for a moment."

Just as Chi-Chi was frowning over Son Gohan's future,

Son Goten suddenly stood up and interrupted the discussion about Eliza's family situation and how much dowry and betrothal gifts he should give. Chi-Chi, who was worried about how to raise the money, and Videl, who was also shocked, were also discussing the situation.


Chichi glanced at Sun Wutian and nodded, signaling him to say whatever he wanted to say.

Chichi's heart was now unable to accommodate other things. She was almost worried about her eldest son's future marriage.

"Mom, some of my words may hurt you, I hope you don't get angry"

"You seem to have fallen into a misconception because of your father."

Sun Wutian spoke without much hesitation. He had to change Chi-Chi's paranoid thoughts, otherwise the situation of the Sun family would only get worse. He didn't want his brother to live a mediocre life. He had the strength to destroy planets without eating beef, but he could only live on Earth as a cow and horse.


Qiqi still seemed a little absent-minded.

Sun Wutian didn't care and continued:"I have heard you complain many times about the past, about Dad, and how you kept telling your brother to study hard and not to repeat the same mistakes and become someone like Dad who can only fight but can't make money."

"Is there a problem?"

Qiqi heard this and looked at Sun Wukong, saying unhappily


"And there are big problems."

Sun Wutian ignored Chi-Chi's attitude and Sun Wukong's somewhat embarrassed expression, and continued:"I said, you have fallen into a thinking error, maybe it has something to do with Dad being too kind and naive."

When talking about Chi-Chi, Sun Wutian did not let Sun Wukong go.

But the responsibility that Sun Wukong should bear in this matter is really small. The one who chose to marry Sun Wukong and could even be said to be a fraud was his mother Chi-Chi, not Sun Wukong who was ignorant of life other than fighting.

If Chi-Chi hadn't blocked it, Sun Wukong might have ended up with Bulma. After all, the two grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and Sun

Wukong would not have to worry about the daily necessities in the future. He could devote himself to training like Vegeta now. But, as a child, Sun Wutian cannot blame his parents for this matter.

Otherwise, where would Sun Wutian be?

Therefore, Sun Wutian just mentioned it and quickly passed it over.

"What kind of misconception is this?"

Qiqi was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to be about to get furious, her voice became much louder.

Sun Wutian did not answer this question immediately, but looked at Sun Wukong:"Mom asked my brother to study hard, hoping that he would have a bright future."

"But what do you think is a future?"

"Is it to get into a good university and become a professor in a certain field?"

"Have a stable job and income? ?"

Sun Wutian's continuous questions caught Qiqi off guard. She was stunned there. Soon she reacted and said loudly:"Do you still want to say that Mom's idea is wrong?"

"If you don’t study hard, how can you get a good job in the future?"

"Without a good job, how can you make money to support the family in the future?"

At the end, Chi-Chi was almost spitting, and she was about to yell. Bidili swallowed her saliva. It was the first time she saw Chi-Chi's furious look. She was a little scared, but she was not a member of the Sun family, so she was not too scared.

Facing Chi-Chi's question, Son Goten was very calm, and even showed a smile on his face:"So, Mom asked my brother to study hard. The so-called, isn't it money?"

Studying and working are just processes.

Chi-Chi's ultimate goal is to hope that Son Gohan will make a lot of money.

This is Chi-Chi's idea of 'wanting her son to become a dragon'.

If it were placed on ordinary people, Chi-Chi could not say it was wrong, because this is the general situation in the world. But when it comes to Son Gohan and the Dragon Ball world, it is a big mistake.

Hearing this, Chi-Chi took a few deep breaths, and obviously realized her own loss of composure just now, and her tone softened:"Goten, you are still young and don't know the importance of money. When you grow up a little, you will understand"

"No, I know it very well."

Sun Wutian was speechless. This is the bad thing about being a child. It's obviously a serious matter, but the parents just start to make the child happy.

"Don't talk yet, just listen to me."

Sun Wutian interrupted what Chi-Chi was about to say and continued,"If this is what you think of as a success, then I am sure that you are totally wrong."

"If the purpose is just to make money, why do you have to force your brother to study and work?"

"With my brother's ability, he could easily acquire amazing wealth and become the richest man in the world, or even the richest man in the solar system or the Milky Way."

"But in the life you planned for your brother, your brother, who could have become a superior person, has to be ordered around like a dog by ordinary people who can be crushed to death by his finger, in exchange for the hard-earned money he earned through hard work?"

"Then find a wife and live an ordinary life like those office workers in the city?"

"Is this what you think success is?"

Sun Wutian asked a soul-searching question, and when Qiqi was stunned, he continued to pursue the victory.

"You always think that it is useless for dad and brother to practice martial arts, and they can’t make money no matter how strong they are, but…" Sun Wutian paused, pondered for a moment, and then continued:"In fact, they can make money easily."

"The deep sea on Earth that cannot be explored by humans is a huge treasure. With the strength of my brother and father, they can easily roam freely in it and plunder resources."

"The wealth earned in one day is definitely more than the annual revenue of many listed companies."

"With his father's connections, he only needs to contact the North King to find out which planet in the universe has a lot of gold and diamonds. He can instantly become rich enough to rival a country, a billionth of the wealth that his brother can never have even if he works from the time he graduates until he dies."

"Besides, there is Dragon Ball"

"The Dragon Balls on Earth are there. They were within reach for the older brother, right? In the seven years since Dad died in battle, if you asked your older brother to find the Dragon Balls in any year and make a wish, you would have gained endless wealth."

Son Goten didn't say in the end that if any of them wanted to dominate the world, collect protection fees, or rely on their powerful strength to conquer certain forces and plunder wealth, he only said some of the simplest ways to make money.

But he believed that what he said was enough for Chi-Chi to digest for a long time.

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