The battle in the Kaishin Realm has ended.

The lies woven by Son Goten, with evidence based on reality and the future, caused Old Kai, God Jepitel, Son Goku, Vegeta, Son Gohan, Piccolo and all the others to be brought back to Earth by Son Goku with teleportation, and then they all returned with heavy hearts.

No one knew that the Earth would face many crises in the future.

The universe was even entering an inevitable end of destruction, and when one could almost predict the inevitable fate of death in three or four years, no one could remain calm.

"Hey, Vegeta!"

Before parting, Sun Wukong suddenly called Vegeta


Vegeta paused in mid-air and looked back at him.

The two looked at each other for a long time. In the end, it seemed that they didn't say anything, but in fact, they had clearly expressed their meanings.

"Humph, the inevitable fate of being destroyed?"

On the way back to the Western Capital, Vegeta snorted coldly. Even death would not make him bow his head. Even if it was an irreversible fate, his pride would urge him to move forward and crush that ridiculous predetermined fate.

"Unbeatable opponents from other universes?"

"I am the Saiyan prince, Vegeta!!"

Under the night sky, Vegeta roared in anger, venting his anger, and finally his figure was like a white rainbow across the sky.

""Wait for me! Dad!"

Trunks was dumbfounded as he looked at Vegeta who suddenly went crazy and left him far behind. He screamed and quickly increased his speed to catch up with him....

In another distant sky, Piccolo heard Vegeta's voice coming from afar, and finally a smile appeared on his solemn face. He might not like Vegeta's character, but Piccolo also admired his spirit of not admitting defeat and becoming more and more courageous.

"The Tournament of Power, a life-and-death showdown among the eight universes?"

"As a Super Namek, I won't just succumb to fate."

"After all, I am the big devil who wants to conquer the world!"


The wild laughter seemed to be encouraging himself, and also seemed to be announcing to the world the return of Piccolo, who once wanted to compete with the Saiyans and never admit defeat, or the great devil Piccolo.

Tien Shinhan clenched his fists and said nothing.

However, as a person with a sincere heart for martial arts, Tien Shinhan's bloodline, talent, and qualifications may limit his growth, but he is still a martial artist who would rather break than bend. Even if he knows that the future will be destroyed and he will die.

He will not succumb to fate.

At the same time, on the other side of the sea.

Listening to the two arrogant words coming from the sky, Yamcha looked at Krillin who was flying next to him awkwardly and said,"Krillin, don't you say something?"

"Eh, me? ?"

Krillin looked as if he was kidding me.

Not to mention that he had completely given up martial arts and training since the Cell incident seven years ago. Even if he hadn't given up, he wouldn't even be cannon fodder in front of the cosmic masters with seventh, eighth, and tenth dimensional combat power.

What could he say?

Just go up and get in the way?

"Wouldn't you be unwilling?"

"After all, you once aspired to surpass Goku."

Yamcha suddenly asked. Krillin was speechless for a long time.

He looked at the mountains, rivers, and oceans that passed by quickly with confused eyes.

Finally, he shook his head and said,"That was a long time ago. I am no longer the Krillin who was fearless, daring to fight, and only wanted to surpass Goku and everyone else."

"Now I just want to live a good life with my family"


Krillin didn't say the rest, but Yamcha already knew it.

If even Goten, Son Goku, and Vegeta can't defeat their opponents and reverse the ending of destruction that has been repeated countless times in Goten's dreams.

Krillin will cherish these last moments and stay with his wife and daughter until the end.

The two of them parted in the sky somewhere in the sea.

Perhaps only they themselves understand that it's not that they don't want to pursue stronger, pursue the strong, desire to surpass, and desire to become comrades who can continue to fight side by side with Goku and others.

It's that reality defeated them.

Bloodline, talent, aptitude, and understanding, these are the hurdles they can't overcome no matter how hard they try. It

's the reality that they have exhausted all their efforts but can't see much progress, and others have pulled them out of the gap that they can't catch up with in dozens of lifetimes in just a few days, so they have to bow to reality......

Baozi Mountain, Sun Family.

Goten, who was full of confidence in the Kaioshin Realm, mocked Gogeta and would never admit defeat, the first thing he did when he returned home was to succumb to reality, well, succumb to the oppression from his bloodline.

There was no way. In the eyes of his mother Chi-Chi, Super Saiyan = bad boy.

And Super Saiyan 3... is about the leader of a gang of bad boys?

In order not to be scolded when eating, Goten decisively returned to normal before entering the house, which surprised Goku and Gohan. It was only after Goten explained it in a low voice that the two of them looked like they had such a solution.

Because when Goku, who maintained the full power of Super Saiyan, brought Gohan back when Cell was involved, Chi-Chi often scolded him because of this incident.

But, obviously, Goten is not the protagonist today.

When Goten, Goku and Gohan entered the house, there were two other girls sitting in their house besides Chi-Chi who was in the main seat.

One is someone Goten is more familiar with, Satan's daughter Videl.

The other is Ireza, a beautiful classmate of Gohan and Videl.

"Eliza, Biddy���Classmates, why are you here?"When Son Gohan saw the two of them, he was obviously startled, and some unnaturalness appeared on his face.


What's going on.

Son Goten looked up at Son Gohan in confusion. This brother has always been smart, why did he suddenly act stupid today? How could it be...

Wait, something is wrong. It

's definitely wrong.

Son Goten felt like he seemed to have missed something, and quickly searched his memory frantically.

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