The strongest soldier

Chapter 98 Secret Appointment

"Forget it? And you, knowing the inside story, are still acting as an accomplice, making me worried to death. Just give me a good grade and come back. I don't ask for much, just don't be at the bottom. Come back and reward me based on your merits. Otherwise, the old account will be taken. The new accounts will be settled together, but this time you two cooperated well and hid everything from me. I believe other opponents have also been deceived. Perform well and don't let me down." The commander-in-chief said with a sullen face.

Luo Zheng and the captain breathed a sigh of relief, and after secretly exchanging glances, Luo Zheng quickly stood up to express his determination, but was stopped by the commander-in-chief with a wave of his hand. The commander-in-chief said seriously: "You brat, please listen carefully to me, go to the battlefield and do well." Performance, when you find that something is wrong, you can seize power. I will give you an order later. I believe everyone will have no objections. Wait a moment."

With that said, the commander-in-chief got up and went to the office desk, turned on the computer and got busy. Luo Zheng and the captain exchanged a look. The captain shook his head knowingly and told Luo Zheng not to think too much. Luo Zheng nodded. It was a blessing, not a curse, but a curse hidden away. But be patient and wait.

Not long after, the Commander-in-Chief prepared a document with his own signature and the official seal of the headquarters. Luo Zheng looked at the document. It was a letter of appointment. The content was very simple. He said that Luo Zheng's mediocre performance was due to the command of the headquarters. The purpose of requiring disguise is to confuse the opponent. From the moment Luo Zheng takes out this appointment letter, he can assume the position of captain and exercise his powers, allowing everyone to support and cooperate unconditionally without making any mistakes.

This appointment letter was equivalent to a secret decree. Luo Zheng did not expect that the Commander-in-Chief would trust him so much. He couldn't help but stand up gratefully, saluted solemnly, and said seriously: "Commander-in-Chief, please rest assured."

"I know a little bit about your situation, but it's a very important matter. Soldiers need their military exploits to speak for themselves. Do you understand?" the commander-in-chief said seriously.

"Yes." Luo Zheng looked solemn and answered quickly.

"Well, with this appointment letter, it will be much easier for you to move. It will be up to you then. As for the scholar, he will be the captain on the surface, which can have a very good deception effect. How to use it well? It's up to you to make full use of the benefits here." The commander-in-chief said calmly.

"Yes." Luo Zheng agreed, the captain also stood up, and the two of them excused themselves and left.

Back at the guest house, the scholar and others had already left. The captain closed the door and said, "Do you know why the commander-in-chief gave you a letter of appointment instead of talking to the scholar directly?"

"Scholars are formally appointed in public and are dismissed as soon as they are appointed. It is easy for young people to be confused. Even if they accept the appointment or dismissal, they will not feel comfortable in their hearts and will affect unity. The reason why the Commander-in-Chief gave me the appointment letter is because he hopes I take it out when the scholar makes a mistake, or the team is in trouble, and the scholar has no way to turn things around, so it's a matter of course." Luo Zheng said calmly.

"You've seen things thoroughly, so I won't worry about it." The captain smiled with satisfaction and said, "It's okay if you weren't the captain before, but now you can be the captain, tell me, what are you going to do? "

"The situation on the battlefield is unknown, so it's hard to say. In addition, I need to further study the abilities and specialties of other team members." Luo Zheng said with a wry smile.

"That's right. Different identities mean different perspectives on problems. Let's take your time and take your time. I'm going to rest." The captain said with a smile and went back to his room.

Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and went back to his room to study the information. I had never thought that I would be the captain before. When I looked at the information, I was more interested in understanding the situation of my teammates without going into details. Now it is possible to seize the class and seize power. As the captain of the team, I must make a detailed analysis of each person's ability. , comprehensive and in-depth understanding to facilitate command and amplify everyone's combat effectiveness.


Early the next morning, the participating team members gathered, led by the political commissar of the group army, and accompanied by the captains of each military region. Everyone took off on a military transport plane and rushed to the competition venue. Luo Zheng didn’t know where the competition venue was, and he didn’t tell him, let alone ask. When he saw five The face of the teenage political commissar changed slightly. From the political commissar, Luo Zheng felt a hint of hostility. Thinking that the political commissar's surname was Song, Luo Zheng's anger also surged up. The future of the brothers in the first team was almost ruined in the hands of this person. , he was almost fired.

On the plane, Luo Zheng saw that the political commissar did not look at him, but the captain sitting next to him had a worried look on his face. Luo Zheng didn't want to cause trouble, and he didn't want to make things difficult for the captain, so he suppressed his anger and closed his eyes to rest. Yes, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

I don’t know how long it took, but the transport plane landed. When everyone walked out of the cabin, they saw rows of tents set up in the open wilderness. Many soldiers were on guard around them. There were many military vehicles parked with radars on them, and some generals were gathering. Chatting and laughing together, so disharmonious.

In the distance, there are endless rolling mountains. The mountains are bare and desertification is very serious. The wind is sharp and the air is cold. Luo Zheng looked at this scene in surprise and couldn't help but wonder, where could this be? However, if everyone doesn't ask, Luo Zheng will not ask stupidly. He will naturally know what he should know. If he doesn't know, asking will be in vain and will only make others laugh.

Someone came over to greet them. Naturally, the political commissar led the team to attend to the affairs at the scene. Unfortunately, there were also the captains of each military region. The participating team members only needed to follow them. After some greetings, someone led everyone to a breakfast room. We stayed in the tents that were set up and asked everyone not to wander around.

Luo Zheng and several other participating team members walked into the tent. There were five beds inside. Everyone was not polite. They each chose a uniform and lay down to rest. The captains and political commissars of each military region went to the organizing committee. The scholar said calmly Said: "This place should be the competition headquarters. Have you discovered anything?"

"What can we find? A certain army is responsible for safety. The participating team members are probably the same as us. They are all staying in the tents and are not allowed to go out for air. After all, it is so cold outside. Whoever you like can go out. I want to sleep. , I don’t know if I’ll have to sleep next.” The farmer said nonchalantly.

"That's right, sleep. If there's anything going on the battlefield, there's no point worrying about it now." The gardener agreed.

"Amitabha, don't you want to know the strength of other players?" the monk asked, pronouncing the Buddha's name.

"So what if you know? Go to sleep." The gardener said dissatisfied.

Luo Zheng can see that this team is very harmonious on the surface, but they are not completely integrated into one. No one is convinced by each other. The only way to completely integrate into one is to fight. Only by experiencing life and death together and being tempered by the fire of war After training, the team can truly integrate.

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