The strongest soldier

Chapter 976 Discovering the enemy’s traces

This unexpected clue made Luo Zheng alert, and he immediately said to Blue Star: "Inform Hong Meihua and ask him to send people to keep an eye on Shanghai City. I suspect that the members of the Samsara Killer Organization will take the sea route and land from Shanghai City. The Beijing International Airport has already failed. It’s happened once, there’s no reason for them to take this route.”

"Take the sea route? Land in Shanghai?" Guishou's expression changed drastically.

"Inform the National Security Headquarters and ask their people from the Shanghai Branch to keep an eye on the port. In addition, notify the Military Department and ask the Shanghai Security Command to increase patrols and inspections at sea, and strive to block the Samsara Killer Organization at sea. Notify us immediately as soon as there is any news." Luo Zheng reminded quickly.

"Yes." Seeing that Luo Zheng attached great importance to this situation, Lan Xing did not dare to be careless and quickly passed the orders to the relevant departments without a moment's delay.

After conveying the order, Luo Zheng's uneasy mind calmed down and he said to Guishou: "Let's go in and see Li Chengfeng."

The two came to the room. Li Chengfeng was tied to a chair as always, with his hands and feet cuffed. Seeing Luo Zheng come in, Li Chengfeng squeezed out a smile and said, "Are you here to ask Ivy about this clue?"

"Well, I need to be more detailed." Luo Zheng responded.

"Ishii Fuji accidentally mentioned it when talking to our captain. I was there at the time, and said that if things go wrong, you can go to the Ivy Teng Martial Arts School in Shanghai to take refuge. You can take it there on your own territory. Our captain also casually agreed, and there was no such thing. Ask more, no one thought that you actually found the Sanhe Guild Hall at that time, and after the exchange of fire between the two sides, there was no energy to delve into the issue of Ivy." Li Chengfeng explained quickly.

"Oh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect such a coincidence, so he asked: "Besides your captain, you and another woman, are there any other agents from Sam Country?"

"Each team in the Strategic Intelligence Department has three people, the captain, and the other two, one male and one female. They are all the same, no more, no less." Li Chengfeng explained.

"This combination is quite interesting. Are there any other teams of yours in the capital? Luo Zheng asked.

"This is unclear. Only the captain is qualified to know. I don't have enough authority." Li Chengfeng responded.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and continued to ask: "How much do you know about the Samsara Killer Organization?"

"I've heard of the name, but I don't know the details." Li Chengfeng replied quickly.

Seeing that Li Chengfeng didn't know much, Luo Zheng thought for a moment and asked, "Is there anything else you need to tell me?" Li Chengfeng shook his head thoughtfully, and Luo Zheng continued, "Let me know anytime you think of it." He exchanged glances with Guishou and walked outside.

The two of them came outside and sat down on the sofa. Luo Zheng made himself a cup of tea to wake up. While thinking deeply, his intuition told Luo Zheng that the Ivy Stronghold in Shanghai City was not simple, but there were no clues and he had no way to start. He could only wait. , simply lie down and continue to sleep. The last shot hit the heart. Although it was not fatal, it caused excessive bleeding, weak body, especially drowsiness, and urgent need to rest and recover.

I don't know how long it took, but in a daze, Luo Zheng felt someone pushing him. He opened his eyes in surprise and saw that it was Lan Xing with an excited face. He couldn't help but said in surprise: "So happy? Did you win the prize? "

"Well, I won the prize, but it wasn't me, it was you." Blue Star said happily.

"What's this mess? What's wrong?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"You are right. There are indeed suspicious elements trying to infiltrate Shanghai by sea. On a Japanese international cargo ship, the coast guard boarded the ship for inspection and found three crew members acting suspiciously. They went to investigate, and the other party suddenly broke out and injured people. Fortunately, we were prepared, but one person was killed, another was injured, and three suspects were shot dead by the coast guard." Lan Xing explained with excitement.

"I really won the lottery. Whose boat is it? Have the identities of the three suspects been verified?" Luo Zheng said in surprise.

"I knew you would ask this. The three suspects have been verified to be members of the Samsara Killer Organization. The Drunkards and the others have confirmed that the ship is a freighter belonging to the Japanese pirate Ishii family. It often transports electronic materials between the two countries. The three suspects The molecule wears a silicone mask and has an Eastern face, but speaks with a stiff accent, like a Westerner, to attract attention." Blue Star quickly explained.

"Sure enough, the sea route is related to Japanese pirates. The Ishii family is extremely powerful. It is not difficult to hide a few people and infiltrate. If we were not alert in advance, I am afraid they would have been fooled by them. I don't know how many people have infiltrated into Shanghai." Luo Zheng said thoughtfully.

"Do you have an idea?" Lanxing asked in surprise.

"By the way, can the drunkards come?" Luo Zheng asked.

"I'm chasing several reincarnation killers in Sam's country, but I can't come." Blue Star replied quickly.

"Immediately arrange for me to go to Shanghai secretly. I need a silicone mask and a sniper rifle. In addition, notify Niu Gang and Shi Tao and they will also secretly infiltrate into Shanghai, gather at the hotel closest to Ivy, and move the highest floor of the hotel to Ivy. Book the direction for me, you can check immediately to see if there is a hotel." Luo Zheng looked serious and shouted.

"Yes." Lan Xing agreed, as if he felt a murderous aura coming towards him.

"Shall I go with you?" Guishou whispered.

"I'm only going to observe the command on site. I'll leave the battle to Shi Tao and Niu Gang. Your arm is injured, so you'd better take good care of it. Are you afraid that there won't be any battles in the future?" Luo Zheng understood Gui Shou's thoughts and smiled bitterly. advised.

"It's okay, I might as well take a look." Guishou insisted.

"Manpower is also needed here, so you should stay and interrogate the other prisoners with Brother Shandiao. Maybe there will be unexpected gains. In addition, you two will help me interrogate Ishii Fuji again and focus on questioning the Death Killer Organization. The internal situation at the headquarters may be useful in the future.”

Seeing that Luo Zheng insisted on not letting him go, Guishou said with concern: "Okay, be careful."

"Don't worry, I feel that this mission is coming to an end. After killing the Samsara Killers and destroying their intention to rebuild the branch, we should withdraw our troops. I am looking forward to a month's vacation. Think carefully about where we can go to relax. , it’s best to take your family with you and tell me when I come back.” Luo Zheng said comfortingly.

"Then what else is there to say? Go to the island for vacation, beach, beauties, and bikinis." Guishou said with a smile.

"I'll go too." Lanxing smiled, tapping the keyboard quickly.

"Okay, I'll show you my brother in a bikini then." Guishou said with a smile.

"Are you going to die?" Blue Star glared at Guishou dissatisfiedly.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and the tense atmosphere of the war eased a lot. Luo Zheng clenched his fists and secretly thought about the next action plan. How can we wipe out the Samsara Killer Organization in one fell swoop? The other party doesn't know that Ivy's stronghold has been exposed. Can this be taken advantage of?

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