The strongest soldier

Chapter 970 Supporting Ghost Hands

"Boohoo!" There were two more screams, as if they had the power to tear everything apart.

The taxi door opened, and a body rolled out of it. Then Hong Meihua saw someone coming out of the car, and she ran away. If there was no chance of letting go, she raised her hand and fired three times. They couldn't get together more than four or five meters away. He was shot three times in the back and fell to the ground on the spot.

Speaking of which, these three people were also unlucky. In order to pass the security check smoothly, the three of them did not carry weapons. They were ambushed by snipers and Hong Meihua. Without the taxi driver as a hostage, they could only be beaten. After Hong Meihua succeeded, he slowly got up. Come, look at the taxi warily. There is another person inside. He was shot in the head and is already dead. Hong Meihua quickly steps forward and checks the body that rolls out of the car. He is also dead. Then he looks at the body that was rolled out of the car. The person who was shot was already dead, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

The taxi driver got up nervously and saw the three corpses. His face was pale and his whole body was shaking. He was speechless. He looked at Hongmeihua in horror. Hongmeihua gave a bitter smile and said, "Don't be afraid. I am a policeman. These are Criminal, I don’t care about you, if the car breaks down, it’s mine.”

"Police?" When the taxi driver heard this, he waited in a panic.

"Ask someone to come over and clear the place." Hong Meihua said into the headset.

When Blue Star agreed, Hong Meihua drove the hit car and drove straight to the ghost's house. On the way, Hong Meihua asked about the situation of Gui Shou and others, and learned that the action team of the Human Intelligence Brigade had already rushed over, but Gui Shou The others still had no news, so they couldn't help but look solemn, and they increased the accelerator and rushed.

Ten minutes later, Hong Meihua came to the downstairs of the Ghost House Building. She saw that the surroundings were full of police and martial law was in place. Many citizens were watching. The upstairs was quiet and motionless, which was weird. Hong Meihua looked solemn and parked the car. , a police officer came to dissuade her, and Hongmeihua showed her ID and asked: "Who is in charge here?"

After a while, a fat policeman came over and introduced himself as the deputy director of the District Public Security Bureau and the temporary person in charge of the scene. After some questioning, he learned that the action team had entered the building, but the murderer was still inside. The specific situation was unknown and the signal was blocked. The device has not been found yet and cannot be contacted. We are preparing to organize manpower to go in for support.

Upon hearing this, Hong Meihua quickly pulled out her pistol and said: "There are many residents inside the building. We must pay attention to everyone's safety, increase the security range, and check the surrounding commanding heights. I suspect that the murderer has snipers ambushing in the surrounding high-rise buildings. Move quickly." point."

"Yes." The deputy director saw Hong Meihua's ID and knew that Hong Meihua's identity was not simple, so he agreed.

"Evacuate the crowd, I'll go in and take a look." Hong Meihua said, looking at the building warily, and hurriedly walked inside, holding the pistol tightly in her hand.

After a while, Hong Meihua came to the lobby. There was no one in the lobby and it was very safe. Hong Meihua thought for a moment, opened the fire door and rushed up vigilantly, while asking through the headset: "Can you hear me?"

There was only the sound of sound waves in the headset. Hong Meihua looked solemn, quickened her pace, and climbed to the fifth floor in one breath. When she heard someone shooting on the fifth floor, Hong Meihua thought that it was the action team and the murderer who were fighting, and continued to move forward without stopping. Running upstairs, when she reached the tenth floor, Hongmeihua saw a member of the action team and asked hurriedly: "What's going on?"

"The murderer may be hiding in every corner of the building. The number of people is unknown. It is found that the murderer is also lurking in the residents' houses. It is difficult to eliminate them. There are at least two murderers hiding in the upstairs corridor and they cannot be attacked." The team member said quickly, with a look of guilt on his face. Eyes flashing with anger.

"How many of you are here? Where are the others?" Hong Meihua asked coldly.

"Ten people came. The others went after the murderer and have not returned yet. The three of us are responsible for attacking upstairs. Two brothers have died in the battle upstairs, one of whom is the captain." The team member quickly explained, his face turned pale.

Hongmeihua remembered hearing that everyone said that Luo Zheng’s family lived on the thirteenth floor. In other words, the third floor above was the main defense area for the murderer. She looked stern and shouted: "Okay, you go out immediately to find the deputy director in charge of the command, the armed police." We and the special police have all dispersed to check the main road. There are not enough police, but we should still have weapons. We should find a way to bring over a batch of tear bombs and gas masks."

"Yes." The team member quickly agreed and hurried down.

Ten members of the action team were diverted by the murderer, and only three of them were left to attack. The other seven were not found, and there were only a few gunshots. It seemed that the murderer was not only powerful in combat, but also familiar with the terrain and zigzag structure of the building. , the area is large enough, and if the murderer hides in a resident's home, the situation will be even more complicated.

"The signal jammer must be killed, otherwise we will not be able to communicate with each other." Hong Meihua took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down and made a decision, but the jammer was not found. Hong Meihua raised her head to observe vigilantly, thinking that the jammer should be upstairs. Focus on protection.

Thinking of this, Hongmeihua walked upstairs without hesitation. She took every step extremely carefully. Her whole body was tense and ready to deal with it at any time. Suddenly she saw a black shadow shaking upstairs. She couldn't help being shocked and quickly The explosion was repelled, followed by two gunshots. The bullets hit the concrete floor and sparks flew everywhere.

Hong Meihua looked at the crater on the ground and was secretly shocked. That was exactly where she was standing just now. The murderer could accurately hit the target without having to aim at all. This showed that he was very powerful. Hong Meihua was not a combat member and his combat effectiveness was not very strong. He hesitated for a moment. , fired three shots at it.

The gunfire did not trigger a counterattack, and there was not even a sound. It was as if there was no one above. Hong Meihua's face became solemn, and she did not go up any more. Instead, she hid at the corner of the stairs and waited patiently. After waiting for a while, there was a sound coming from behind her. There was the sound of footsteps, and Hongmeihua looked around cautiously, and found that it was several policemen who hurried up under the leadership of the previous team member, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Report, bring the weapons." The team member saluted with a stern expression and said.

"Attack." Hong Meihua shouted calmly.

The team member skillfully put on the gas mask, took the tear bomb and threw it upward. After waiting for a while, the team member signaled other police officers to take cover, then strode up the stairs and soon reached the fire escape. After opening the fire door, several rounds of bullets were fired. The team members quickly dodged and threw tear gas canisters into the aisle inside. They closed the fire door and waited.

"Hold on, the others are following me." Hong Meihua shouted loudly, taking the lead in rushing upstairs.

Someone hit the fire door and kept shooting with guns. The fire door was made of iron, thick and strong. The team members leaned against the door and held it firmly. Hong Meihua rushed up with other policemen, and two policemen stayed behind to help hold it. Hold the fire door, and the action team members chase him upstairs.

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