The strongest soldier

Chapter 968 Airport Arrest

As night falls, the lights begin to turn on, and the capital quickly enters another kind of prosperity. Neon lights flash, and the streets are bustling with traffic. In the customs entry and exit hall of the international airport, Hong Meihua is sitting quietly in a cafe on the second floor, dressed in casual clothes, quietly watching the airport. A stream of people came out, slowly stirring the coffee in their cups with a small metal spoon, looking calm.

After a while, Hongmeihua saw several people coming out of the diplomatic channel. The leader was the Deputy Ambassador of Sam Country to China, followed by a beautiful blonde assistant, followed by two young people in their thirties, carrying boxes and suits. Leather and leather shoes, dressed as an entourage.

"You think you can get away by pretending to be a deputy envoy and walking through the diplomatic channel? I've been waiting for you for a long time." Hong Meihua sneered, put down the stirring spoon, put the button-sized headset into her ears, and said softly: "First Group, action, goal, Sam State’s deputy envoy to China who came out of the diplomatic channel.”

At this time, a tour group suddenly appeared. The leader was holding a small flag, followed by seven or eight young men and women, pushing a luggage cart. The leader ran forward in a panic, shouting: "Let's go." Give way, please give way, our plane is about to take off, thank you, please give way."

The team rushed over quickly and went straight to the deputy envoy and his entourage who were coming out of the diplomatic channel. They moved very quickly and the carts made a clattering sound, which attracted the attention of many people and also attracted the attention of people coming out of the diplomatic channel. Perhaps they did not want to cause trouble. , quickly get out of the way.

The people in this tour group looked very anxious. They pushed the cart quickly, moving left and right, as if both sides were giving way to each other. The deputy was unable to dodge and was knocked to the side. The leading tour guide quickly stopped. , asked with concern: "I'm sorry, is it okay?"

"It's okay, you can go." The deputy said dissatisfied.

The tour guide looked worried and asked with concern: "Are you injured? Do you need to be sent to the hospital?"

"Let's go." The deputy said dissatisfied, frowning, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, but in full view of the crowd, it was not easy to have an attack, so he had to endure it.

Hong Meihua looked at this scene calmly, smiled, and whispered: "Team 2, come on."

Two policemen, a man and a woman, suddenly ran up to them. The male policeman shouted loudly: "What's going on with you?"

The tour guide quickly explained: "I'm sorry, my groupmate accidentally bumped into this person. It was our fault. We walked too fast. We are willing to bear all the consequences."

"Consequences?" The male police officer looked at the deputy in confusion and asked, "Are you injured? Take out your ID cards and come to our bureau to coordinate."

"No need, we are the staff of the Embassy of Sam Country in China and we are in a hurry. Forget about this small matter." The deputy said with a frown, his eyes becoming serious.

"Embassy staff? That's an international incident. We can't handle it. We need to report it." The male policeman said seriously with a businesslike expression.

"Bullshit staff, they look like drug dealers to me." A member of the tour group suddenly shouted.

"You can't just say what you say." The female police officer came up and shouted.

"Wouldn't it be clear if he was a drug dealer? Look at his suit pocket. It was hit by a cart just now. Why is there white powder on the edge of the pocket?" A member of the tour group pointed at the deputy envoy dissatisfied.

The female police officer and the male police officer immediately became alert. They took two steps back and looked at the deputy's pocket. Sure enough, they found powder. The male police officer quickly drew his gun and shouted loudly: "Put your hands up, don't move, and accept the inspection." The female police officer Then pick up the walkie-talkie and call your companions.

After a while, several policemen rushed up and surrounded the four deputies. The deputy immediately realized that they were coming for him, so he turned around and ran away. The policemen were on guard and held them down. Someone stepped forward. Help, put handcuffs on the deputy envoy, the blonde assistant ran up with a cold face and shouted: "I am the secretary of the Embassy of Sam Country in China. Is this how you treat friendly countries? This is my ID. I hope you can give me an explanation." ."

A policeman came forward to take over the work certificate and checked it. The certificate was indeed genuine. The certificates of the other two young men were also checked and they were all genuine. A policeman who looked like a leader walked up to the deputy, looked at him up and down, and asked Said: "It's okay, why are you running? Identity."

"I've got the ID," the blonde beauty shouted.

The leading policeman took it over for inspection with a cold expression. The ID was also genuine, and the photo was exactly the same as the person he was. The leading policeman looked at the deputy, then suddenly moved like lightning, rubbed the deputy's face vigorously, revealed a silicone mask, and tore off the mask When he came down, another face was revealed. When the surrounding passengers saw this scene, there was an uproar.

"How do you explain this?" The leading police officer shouted coldly: "Take him away."

The blond beauty secretary and the other two staff members were dumbfounded, their faces changed drastically, and they obviously didn't know that the deputy was fake, so they followed the police and left dejectedly.

"A fight with me?" Hong Meihua watched this scene calmly, smiled calmly, continued to stir the small spoon, causing the coffee in the cup to rotate, and said into the headset: "Bring them all to the stronghold for careful review. Be sure to ask them about the true purpose of their trip.”

"Sister Hongmeihua, my sister and the others are back and want to ask you about the situation there." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

"I caught a fish, I don't know if it's big enough, and there are no clues about the reincarnation killer. It seems that these bastards are determined to change their minds and have no plans to leave. How are they?" Hong Meihua asked softly and calmly.

"I caught Ishii Fuji, this is a big fish." Blue Star said excitedly.

"It is indeed a big fish." Hong Meihua also sighed: "With him, we can master a lot of information, which will be of great benefit to subsequent operations. It depends on the actions of Guishou and the others tonight. I don’t know how many fish and shrimps we can catch when we lower the net, but I guess it should be pretty good. We finally regained some face and took the initiative.”

"Yes, these bastards are too arrogant. They caused chaos in the capital and assassinated senior engineers. Fortunately, we captured many of them. Now that Ishii Fuji has been obtained, you have caught another big fish. The country can finally regain some face. You have to Otherwise, I don’t know how to explain it." Blue Star said with some emotion.

"Is everyone okay?" Hong Meihua asked with concern.

"Brother-in-law and Brother Shandiao were slightly injured, not fatal, but I'm afraid they have to stay in the hospital for half a month." Lanxing replied casually, suddenly became surprised, and shouted: "No, there is something wrong with Guishou. ,Request support."

"What's going on?" Hong Meihua was shocked, stopped stirring the spoon, and her face became solemn.

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