The strongest soldier

Chapter 965 Trying to bribe

The sudden shout startled Ishii Teng and the bodyguard, and they stopped immediately. In their minds, Luo Zheng and Shan Diao were dead. There was only one opponent, and that was Lan Xue. This sudden voice will The two of them were completely shocked. Ishii Teng exchanged a look with the bodyguard with a look of disbelief on his face, and looked around vigilantly.

When Lan Xue heard Luo Zheng's cry, she immediately understood that it was Luo Zheng who was willing to reveal his identity to save herself. She couldn't bear to see her die first, and was shocked and happy inside. What was shocking was that Luo Zheng would die at any time. A Anyone who has no strength to move is a fixed target that can be dealt with with a single shot. What makes him happy is Luo Zheng's love for him.

"Come on, a fair duel." Lan Xue also took the risk, suddenly appeared from behind the boulder, and roared loudly, she could not bear to see Luo Zheng die first.

The sudden exposure of Lan Xue startled Ishii and Fuji. They almost instinctively raised their guns and aimed at them. Their fighting instinct made them quickly make the decision to shoot. On the battlefield, any hesitation and pity are cruel to oneself. , Ishii Fuji and the bodyguard will naturally not make such a wrong decision.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot, a very strange shot.

Lan Xue instinctively shrank her body like lightning. She was surprised to find that she had not been shot. She couldn't help but quickly detoured to the other side of the boulder in surprise, and quietly looked around. It turned out that there was no one where Ishii Teng was standing, and another bodyguard was lying on the ground. On the boulder, his head was shot, and blood was pouring out. Lan Xue was suspicious. He looked around and couldn't figure out who had fired the shot just now.

Not long after, Lan Xue spotted the figure of the mountain eagle, which was sticking its head out from near the murderer who was killed by Luo Zheng's flying knife. He was holding a Type 03 automatic rifle in his hand. Lan Xue thought that he should have been killed by Luo Zheng. The gun used by the murderer, the shot just now was fired by the mountain eagle, and he was immediately overjoyed. No wonder there had been no movement just now. It turned out that he quietly approached the corpse and snatched the opponent's weapon.

Shan Diao's critical moment shot completely changed the situation of the battle. Ishii Fuji was afraid of the gun in Shan Diao's hand and did not dare to move. He hid behind the boulder and shouted coldly: "You are definitely not ordinary special forces. Who are you?" ?”

"We will know after you are captured by us." Lan Xue said coldly, and quickly went back up. There was a mountain eagle with a gun on guard. Lan Xue felt much more relieved and came to the place where the guns were originally hidden and disassembled. The weapons and equipment were all here. , it was too urgent during the battle just now, so I didn’t bother to get it.

"Let me live, and I'll give each of you 10 million." The other party shouted coldly.

Lan Xue quickly maintained the pistol and shouted: "Ishii Fuji, right? If you want to bribe us, there is no way."

"Don't talk big words too early. Everyone has a price, and so do you. What I'm talking about is not Huaxia coins, but rice gold. It can be converted into Huaxia coins for almost 100 million. I can deposit it into any account you designate, and I will release the money when it arrives. Everyone is fine. Since you know my name is Ishii Fuji, you should know my worth and reputation. I will do what I say, so what do you think? I'll give you a good time if you can." Ishii Fuji yelled loudly, his tone was cold and without any emotion.

"How can we trust you?" Lan Xue asked coldly, intending to delay.

"You don't need to believe me. If you have enough money to release me, two of my men have been killed by you, which is enough to explain to the superiors. How much monthly allowance do you have? With this money, you will have no worries for the rest of your life. Of course , if you are willing to come and work with me, the annual salary is 10 million, the same rice gold, how about it?" Seeing the opportunity to bribe, Ishii Fuji shouted loudly, with a little more expectation.

"It sounds very tempting, but I'm worried about Mingminghua. Who doesn't know that you are the vice-president of the Triad Society? After you are free, it will not be easy to kill us." Lan Xue continued, while quickly protecting his hands. The loaded gun and its spare parts have all been wiped clean, oiled, and assembled completely. It's time to wait for the bullets. The bullets have also been soaked in water. To ensure nothing goes wrong, Lan Xue wipes them with a special cloth.

"No, if I can get the allegiance of you two, I swear to treat you as my right-hand man. Those who work in our profession will die at any time and need the protection of strong people, especially strong ones like you. I know this very well, naturally. I don’t know how to burn bridges across rivers, that’s not good for me.” Ishii Fuji continued to swim.

At this time, Lan Xue had already maintained the bullet well and rammed it into the pistol. After loading the bullet, Lan Xue pointed at the sky and pulled the trigger.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Three shots were fired in a row, and three bullets shot into the sky. With a scream and Lan Xue's expectation, they penetrated the clouds and disappeared.

Ishii Teng looked at the sky with some doubts, wondering why Lan Xue wasted bullets. He suddenly thought of something and asked incredulously: "What are you doing? Is there anyone else near you? This is impossible."

"Of course it's possible. If you lose, don't think that Sam's country's satellite surveillance can know our situation well. Two hours ago, our people were broken into pieces, pretending to be locals and infiltrated near the canyon. In the past two hours, You should be hiding in the canyon and have not contacted the outside world at all. Even if you did, you would not know the situation. Surrender." Lan Xue said coldly.

"You can give me a price before you are willing to let me go." Ishii Fuji continued unwaveringly.

"This is impossible." Lan Xue shouted coldly.

"Be careful, he's about to run away." Luo Zheng gradually gained some strength. When he heard this, his heart tightened and he quickly warned, but his voice was too low and was covered by the roar of the waterfall.

"Give you a minute to think about it. We are all here, and surrender is the only chance." Lan Xue said coldly, and cautiously put his head out to observe. The instinct of fighting made Lan Xue realize that the other party would not give in easily. Will never give up until the last minute.

"Bang bang!" Suddenly two gunshots rang out. The sound was very familiar. Lan Xue knew it was a Type 03 automatic rifle. Ishii Fuji also used this gun. It should have been seized during a sneak attack on the reconnaissance platoon. Lan Xue didn't know. The two shots just now were fired by Ishii Fuji or the mountain eagle. He quickly retracted, concealed himself, and asked loudly: "What happened?"

"The other party is trying to run away." The voice of the mountain eagle came faintly, obviously a little far away.

Lan Xue vaguely heard it and couldn't help being shocked. She quickly looked up and found that the mountain eagle was aiming forward, with an anxious expression on its face. She probably didn't have a chance to shoot. Lan Xue knew that the mountain eagle had a serious cold and was weak. It could touch It was already a miracle that he came up to help. It was impossible to have the energy to pursue him. He gritted his teeth, jumped on the boulder, and rushed forward. With endless murderous intent and anger on his face, he shouted: "Cover me."

The near-fatal encounter between Luo Zheng and Shan Diao, the tragic death of the family of mountain residents, the tragic death of more than 30 lives of the reconnaissance platoon, the tragic death of the senior engineer, the tragic death of the Sanhe Guild policeman, etc., all of this makes Lan Xue hold back his stomach. Angry, at this moment, Lan Xue didn't care about anything. There was only one thought in his mind, to catch Ishii Fuji and avenge the people who died.

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