The strongest soldier

Chapter 963 Flying Knife to Rescue

Luo Zheng was lying in the water after being rescued. His brain was stimulated by the cold river water and he woke up a lot. His heart was in pain and his body lay motionless. Memories came flooding in. When his consciousness returned, Luo Zheng immediately understood what happened. He looked at the mist in the sky with a livid face, his eyes flashing with overwhelming anger. He didn't expect that he would be attacked by someone. If he hadn't been wearing a bulletproof vest and a tight-fitting suit with better bulletproof effect than the bulletproof vest, he would have died. .

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became even more angry. He fumbled with his hands and quickly found the gun. He found that the gun had been soaked in water. It was unknown whether it would affect shooting. At this time, it was too late for maintenance. Luo Zheng couldn't help but take out the gun. He was carrying a tiger-tooth saber when he suddenly saw a figure appearing in front of him and disappeared in a flash.

"Not good." Luo Zheng was shocked. He was completely awake. Knowing that the enemy was coming to check the situation, he gave up the idea of ​​getting up and continued to lie in the water pretending to be dead. He put the gun aside and secretly held the tiger fang saber in his right hand. , his eyes were slightly closed, his mind was on high alert, and he was waiting sternly.

After a while, a head poked out from behind the boulder in front again, with a fierce light in its eyes and a ferocious expression. It dodged and ran forward for a few meters, then pounced and disappeared behind a rock. Luo Zheng didn't know the mountain. What was the situation of Diao and Lan Xue? The sneak attack came too suddenly. I thought the enemy would come up to check the situation. I'm afraid the situation of the two of them was not ideal, so I couldn't help but feel anxious.

Being impatient is the most taboo thing on the battlefield. Luo Zheng took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and waited patiently. His slightly closed eyes were fixed on the direction in which the enemy appeared. After a while, Luo Zheng found that he was walking up to the opponent very arrogantly. He didn't try to hide his figure at all, and with an expression of victory in hand, he aimed his cold gun at him.

Luo Zheng knew that the other party could see him. The fact that he didn't shoot meant that the other party was sure that he was dead. Luo Zheng didn't want to give up such a good opportunity. He closed his eyes slightly and glanced at the other party inadvertently. His murderous intent was restrained and he was waiting attentively. , being able to shoot without warning and successfully sneak attack without warning is enough to show that the other party is a master, and Luo Zheng does not dare to be careless at all.

The other party did see Luo Zheng and wanted to shoot again, but he found Lan Xue who was doing emergency rescue for the mountain eagle. His expression was anxious, and his professional first aid actions made the other party alert. Seeing that Lan Xue didn't notice him, he was overjoyed and shot. He quickly aimed at Lan Xue, preparing to attack Lan Xue.

Luo Zheng saw the opponent aiming his gun at the position behind him. Thinking that there was a mountain eagle behind him, Luo Zheng did not dare to hesitate at all. He shouted loudly, and suddenly threw the tiger-tooth saber away, drawing a line in the void as fast as lightning. .

The enemy and we were only five meters apart. This distance was not difficult for Luo Zheng, who was familiar with the deadly nail. He only heard a whooshing sound, and a black light snake bit the opponent's throat, until the hilt was gone. He was worried about the mountain eagle. Safe, plus taking action with hatred, how powerful is it?

The other party looked in the direction of Luo Zheng with a face filled with disbelief. The muzzle of the gun drooped weakly. His vicious eyes gradually became blurred. With confusion, confusion and unwillingness, his body fell straight back. He refused to close his eyes. Luo Zheng saw After a successful blow, he let out a long sigh and tried to push himself up, but found that his body strength was completely lost. He was shocked and shouted anxiously: "Xue'er, mountain eagle, how are you doing?"

Lan Xue, who was doing emergency rescue for the mountain eagle, heard Luo Zheng's loud shout when he took action, and immediately became alert. He pressed the heart of the mountain eagle a little louder involuntarily. He quickly turned around and saw the murderer's body. He fell to the ground suddenly, with a military dagger at his throat. He suddenly thought of something. At this time, Luo Zheng's urgent inquiry came, and Lan Xue quickly replied: "I'm okay, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I don't have the strength to get up. I'm relying on you from behind." Luo Zheng was relieved when he heard that Lan Xue was fine. He felt relieved. As long as Lan Xue was around, the remaining two enemies were not enough to pose a threat. At least there was no problem in protecting myself. I just continued to lie still in the water. The water between the rocks was not deep and could only submerge half of my body. I didn’t have to worry about submerging my head and affecting my breathing.

At this time, the mountain eagle's heartbeat was restored by Lan Xue's sudden increase in pressure, and he slowly woke up. Seeing Lan Xue's eager expression, he couldn't help but be startled. Memories came flooding back, and his brain felt a twinge of pain. He couldn't help but cry out. When the sound came, Lan Xue was about to give artificial respiration to the mountain eagle again. When she heard the cry, she was immediately overjoyed and asked, "Are you okay?"

The mountain eagle's brain consciousness has not yet fully recovered, and it was drowsy. She heard Lan Xue's question, but had no strength to answer. Lan Xue quickly checked the mountain eagle's pupils and heartbeat, and found that the mountain eagle was no longer seriously injured. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said The mountain eagle dragged it to the slope of a huge boulder and placed it there. He quickly picked up the mountain eagle's sniper rifle and said, "You have to rest for a while and leave the rest to me. Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you." A cold face appeared on his face. Showing a terrifying murderous aura.

Lan Xue hunched over and crawled to Luo Zheng in twos and twos. Seeing Luo Zheng lying flat in the water without moving, she quickly dragged Luo Zheng to the stone slope next to her and lowered her voice and asked with concern: "Is it okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to die. I can still hold on for a while. The cold is probably getting worse, my limbs are weak, and my head is swollen. It's up to you to contact the outside world as soon as possible." Luo Zheng said with difficulty.

"Understood." Lan Xue agreed, crawled forward for a distance, hid among a pile of rocks, and fired a gun into the sky. When she found that the gun could no longer fire, she was shocked and pulled out her pistol, which was also shot. After soaking in water, I pressed it against the sky a few times, but it didn't make any sound.

Lan Xue's face changed drastically when she knew the gun was malfunctioning. Luo Zheng also had a bitter look on his face when he saw this scene. He yelled with all his strength: "Have a quick inspection and I'll keep an eye on you."

He disassembled the weapon, wiped it quickly, applied gun oil, and reinstalled it. This process only took Lan Xue three minutes, but the enemy was nearby. Lan Xue was not sure whether the enemy would give him three minutes. He hesitated and saw Luo Zheng's face turned pale, and he knew he couldn't delay it any longer, so he decided to take a chance and quickly disassembled the pistol in his hand.

The pistol has fewer parts than the sniper rifle. It is easier to disassemble and maintain, and the time is shorter. While Lan Xue skillfully dismantled the gun, he looked at Luo Zheng with concern. Suddenly, he noticed that Luo Zheng's eyes changed drastically. He couldn't help being shocked, and a dangerous aura enveloped him. , secretly said something bad, and pulled out the tiger fang saber.

"Come out, I know you are hiding here." A voice suddenly shouted coldly.

"Huh?" Lan Xue pricked up her ears in surprise. The other party's shouting was enough to prove that she had not been exposed. It was worth using. Her worried heart immediately calmed down. She glanced at Luo Zheng with concern and found that Luo Zheng was staring at him intently. One direction was right on his side. He immediately understood it and crawled to the other side to take cover. He held the tiger-tooth military dagger backwards. For strong soldiers, the saber was also a weapon for killing enemies.

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