The strongest soldier

Chapter 96 Captain Scholar

"If I were the captain, they would definitely not be convinced. The team's combat effectiveness would not be brought out, and there would definitely be no results in the early stages of the game. I would need to do a lot of work to prove myself. By then, it would have been the middle of the game and the team would have fallen behind. , it is not easy to catch up, the key is in the mid-term, and the team has just trusted me, and the running-in is not enough, and the combat effectiveness has reached 80%, which is good. When we wait until the later stage, we will still fall behind other teams. At this time, even if we try our best , we are only 50% sure." Luo Zheng explained.

"You are only worried about team cooperation. Are you not worried about combat effectiveness at all? After all, the other teams are not weak." The captain asked with interest.

"There must be worries, but the battlefield is changing rapidly and there are many uncontrollable factors. It is useless to talk about it now, but one thing is that it is thanks to you hiding me in the snow. No one understands me. My performance today is mediocre. I believe this information It will soon be passed on to other participating troops. Everyone thinks that I am just a make-up and they are not familiar with my combat methods and styles. I can take things by surprise. This is one of the sources of self-confidence that I dare say is 50% certain. ." Luo Zheng explained.

"Oh, there's one and there's another two. What's your other source?" the captain asked with a smile.

"In today's confrontation, I found a very interesting phenomenon. The four of them have very complementary abilities. Maybe they don't know it themselves. I observed it for a day and felt from the way they attacked me to accumulate points and experience points. The gardener is good at it. When it comes to offense, the monk is good at defense, the farmer is good at attacking, and the scholar is good at attack and defense. If he uses it well, he can exert super strong combat effectiveness." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"It's a bit interesting." The captain recalled today's game. After thinking about it carefully, it was true. He couldn't help but smile: "I didn't realize this at the time. After you said it, it's true. I guess many people didn't either." You have a good eye for discovering this."

"I don't have any vision. I just feel the same way when they beat me up and beat me down." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Well, just beat him up. He won't lose a ounce of meat. In the end, he has to see his true results on the battlefield. What about you, what are you good at?" the captain comforted.

"Me? Good at escaping." Luo Zheng said with a bitter smile.

"You are very good at criticizing yourself, but you are right. I paid special attention to your performance today. There is one thing that others may not have noticed. You can always avoid being beaten. The fatal point is that it takes almost the same amount of time for others to gain the same points from you. Is this something you control intentionally?" The captain looked at Luo Zheng and said with a smile.

"Haha, I was discovered by the captain." Luo Zheng smiled awkwardly.

"You kid, you're really good at pretending. You probably deceived everyone. Don't worry. Everyone was attracted by other players. No one paid attention to you. That's why I paid attention. Plus your performance was mediocre. Even in today's game, Even if the video is used for study, they won't pay too much attention to you because your performance is really bad." The captain said with a smile, without any blame, on the contrary, he was even more happy.

"That's good." Luo Zheng smiled.

"Who do you want to lie to most?" the captain asked curiously.

"Contest Organizing Committee." Luo Zheng's face became serious. Seeing the confused look on the captain's face, he explained: "Do you think that if I perform too eye-catching, wouldn't the organizing committee arrange elite soldiers to chase me down? So, Let others get out of the limelight, and let's just make some money."

"Pfft!" The captain laughed and squirted out a sip of tea, and said, "You kid, you are quite calculating, but I like it, let's just do this, win our own championship, and let others steal the limelight."

"Champion? Captain, are your demands on me too high?" Luo Zheng said.

"It's a bit high, but I believe you. Someone asked me to tell you something. If you can't win the individual championship, just drink the northwest wind." The captain said with a smile.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was startled, Lan Xue's beautiful figure flashed in his mind, and he smiled bitterly: "Captain, someone won't talk to me in this tone. You can't fake the command."

"I changed it, but the meaning is the same. I asked about the reason. Someone didn't want to say it, so he said you know what he said. Anyway, I brought it with you. You can decide what to do yourself." The captain said with a smile.

Luo Zheng nodded, his face became solemn, and he began to think seriously. His eyes were as bright as the stars shining in the dark night, and a firm momentum emerged spontaneously. The captain glanced at Luo Zheng, and went back to his room to rest with satisfaction. went.


The rules of the game on the second day were changed to teaming up for joint external play. The five people took turns to be the captain and obeyed the captain's instructions. Luo Zheng considered that the competition was coming soon, and it would not be appropriate if he performed too poorly. He would be abandoned by his teammates or else be abandoned on the battlefield. He was treated like a burden, dragging the team back, and strictly implemented the orders given by others. Of course, the intensity of the execution was reserved. It was obvious that the target could be hit, but sometimes it was estimated that the target would be missed.

Luo Zheng was the last one to take the captain's position. He obviously felt that everyone's execution was a bit perfunctory. Obviously, he was not very convinced of Luo Zheng's orders. Of course, due to discipline, everyone would still do it. Their enthusiasm and seriousness were a bit lacking. Luo Zheng I didn’t mind, and led everyone to push forward through the obstacles. It took more than twice as long as others. It was very embarrassing, but I finally persevered.

Commander-in-Chief Wang gave the order and announced the results on the spot. The scholar served as the captain and severely criticized Luo Zheng. He hoped that Luo Zheng would not hold back everyone in the real competition. Luo Zheng nodded in agreement honestly. There was no explanation, and it was guaranteed to be able to take bullets for others at critical moments and never hold back. This dispelled everyone's anger. If someone is willing to sacrifice the small self to achieve the greater self, what else can be said?

Returning to the guest room of the guest house, Luo Zheng saw the captain taking some things and leaving. Luo Zheng stayed alone in the room boredly. Someone knocked on the door. It was a scholar and several other team members. Luo Zheng stepped aside in surprise. , after everyone came in, he closed the door and asked with a smile: "You guys came together, do you want to see me for anything?"

"Oh, let me tell you." The scholar sat on the sofa and leaned back comfortably and said, "Luo Zheng, brothers, there is no harm in coming here. I am not here to show off my authority as captain. We will go to the battlefield together tomorrow. I feel the need to have a good communication.”

"Huh? Please give me some advice." Luo Zheng sat on the edge of the bed and said.

"I won't talk about advice. Yesterday, I carefully recalled the details of your confrontation. I always felt that you had reservations. I just communicated with several other brothers and they also felt the same. We want to know the truth. Can you tell me?" The scholar looked at Luo Zheng seriously and asked.

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