The strongest soldier

Chapter 959 Road closure in Xiagu

An entire reconnaissance platoon and more than thirty hot-blooded men were buried in a mountain like this. This made Luo Zheng furious and hated Ishii Fuji. He secretly swore that he would never give up until Ishii Fuji was killed. His determined attitude also infected Lan. Xing, Lan Xing quickly agreed and made arrangements.

Luo Zheng stared coldly at the direction of the Ten Thousand Waterfalls Valley and said to the mountain eagle: "Brother, if it is really Ishii Teng who did it, and if they really retreated to the Ten Thousand Waterfalls Valley to hide, it means they are still upstream. The water mist in the Ten Thousand Waterfalls Valley is lingering, and it is... It’s dark and the visibility is very low. Even if we search up the canyon, we can’t see anyone. We go down to the canyon and block the river below to make sure they are upstream of us, not downstream, and wait until Niu Gang and Shi Tao arrive.”

"It makes sense. At least we can determine the direction of the search. Unless Ishii Fuji and his friends didn't do it, or they didn't come to Ten Thousand Waterfall Valley. As long as they came here, they must still be upstream, block the river, and wait for everyone to search upstream. See Where are they going?" The mountain eagle agreed with approval.

The two of them hunched over and walked towards the bottom of the cliff. The cliff was as smooth as a mirror and there was no place to climb. The water below was filled with mist and it was bottomless. The two came to the edge of the canyon and took out the special weapons they each carried from their backpacks. Rope, connect the ropes together, tie one end to a huge stone, and throw the other end down.

The mountain eagle got down first, grabbed the rope with both hands, pushed his feet on the ground, with his back facing down, kicked his feet hard, and his body fell down. After falling for about a few meters, he tightened his hands and held the rope, and the force of his body's fall was controlled. A large amount of inertia was generated, which caused the body to hit the cliff. The mountain eagle stepped on the cliff again with its feet, and its body descended again.

This was repeated, and after a while, the mountain eagle disappeared into the mist and disappeared. Luo Zheng was not worried about the safety of the mountain eagle at all. The rope was a special rope, very tough, and the boulders would not loosen. For a well-trained person, For mountain eagles, this kind of cliff rappelling has no pressure at all.

After waiting for a while, the voice of the mountain eagle came from the headset: "The rope is not long enough. It is still about fifty meters from the ground. Brother, please put down the rope for me to use."

"Be careful." Luo Zheng untied the rope without any pretense.

The mountain eagle at the bottom of the cliff pulled the rope down and put it in a stone crevice on the cliff. It was just right to fix it. He grabbed the rope and continued to descend. It didn't take long to reach the bottom of the river. He tried the headset and found that there was no signal. He thought about the bottom of the river. The signal interference was large, so there was no panic. With the help of the night vision device, I quickly discovered that there was a depression under the cliff with a huge boulder next to it. It was an excellent defensive position. I couldn't help but be overjoyed. I walked over. It was well hidden and set up. Sniper rifle, calmly staring upstream, waiting sternly.

Luo Zheng couldn't get down without a rope, and couldn't contact the outside world. He could only tell himself. As a battlefield sniper, the mountain eagle's psychological quality was also very good. Without a trace of panic or worry, he lay quietly behind the boulder. For a moment, it seemed as if it had merged with the boulder. If it weren't for the black and white eyes that occasionally blinked, it would be impossible to tell that it was a human being.

On the cliff, Luo Zheng and Shan Diao tried to contact each other several times, but there was no reply. Blue Star found that Shan Diao's headset had no signal at all, and quickly informed Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng also thought about the problem of signal interference below, so he had to notify Blue Star and let them know. The people who came to support brought enough ropes and waited patiently. There were mountain eagles guarding the bottom of the river. Ishii Fuji would not be able to pass through here. Luo Zheng firmly believed in the mountain eagles.


Time gradually passed, and before I knew it, the sky became brighter, and not a single car could be seen on the highway in the border mountains. All vehicles were told that the mountains were foggy and impassable, and they were blocked at the toll station. On the straight highway, a bunch of people The soldiers and police were looking forward to it and chatting with each other.

After a while, a transport plane suddenly broke through the clouds and roared down like a huge strange bird. Soon, it landed steadily on the highway, slid for a distance, and stopped about ten years in front of the soldiers and police. Meter position, the cabin door opened, and more than twenty strong men jumped out, all wearing the same suit, with short hair and bulging waists, which were obviously weapons.

This group of people quickly dispersed after getting off the transport plane, forming a circle to surround them. They crossed their hands on their lower abdomens and stared vigilantly ahead. Each of them had a cold expression and extraordinary abilities. At this time, two people jumped out of the cabin. The muscular men were Niu Gang and Shi Tao, and right behind them was Lan Xue, who was wearing casual clothes.

Lan Xue was worried after learning that Luo Zheng had called for support. She personally led the team over. She calmly glanced at the soldiers and policemen not far away and walked forward. It was the major who came to greet them. Everyone solemnly saluted and said hello. , Lan Xue went straight to the point and said: "Our actions may be detected by the Sam State spy satellite. If it were not for time, we would never come here like this. Are everything ready?"

"Ready." the major said quickly.

Lan Xue glanced at Niu Gang and Shi Tao. The two nodded knowingly and gestured to the back. The circular guard team immediately formed two teams and followed everyone towards the temporary command base. The major led Everyone came to a tent, pointed to a pile of local clothes and backpacks on the table and said, "That's it."

"Thank you." Lan Xue said, looking at Niu Gang and Shi Tao.

The two nodded knowingly and said, "Change your clothes."

The more than 20 people who followed quickly took action, picked up local clothes, put them on their bodies, tied up their headscarves, and put the backpacks they had brought with them in the backpacks on their backs. After a while, they all looked alike. Looking like a local, Lan Xue also wore local clothes.

The major didn't understand why everyone did this or what they were doing, but he didn't ask any more questions. Lan Xue dressed neatly, and after making sure that everyone had no flaws, he said: "Everyone understands the action plan, let's take action."

"Yes!" Shi Tao and Niu Gang responded in unison, turned to look at their respective teams, and made gestures.

More than twenty people filed in and immediately dispersed after leaving the tent. They left each other. No one knew where they were going or what they were going for. Shi Tao and Niu Gang also left alone. Lan Xue waited for everyone to leave and said to the major: "We Our actions are strictly confidential and will never be leaked. Don’t forget that many pairs of eyes are watching here.”

"Understood, I will issue a gag order immediately." The major said knowingly.

"Thank you." Lan Xue said gratefully, and walked out of the tent with the backpack on his back. He took out the headset and put it on. Under the guidance of Lan Xing, he walked in the direction of Luo Zheng. He strode forward, feeling very anxious in his heart. He was worried that Luo Zheng would suddenly encounter Shi Jing. Vine and the others are in danger.

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